A companion module for model railway control using DCC.
This module will allow you to control a DCC-EX CommandStation using a StreamDeck. This combination makes it very easy to make a dynamic and fully customisable push-button DCC controller. It is similar in concept to web/app throttles but uses a relatively cheap hardware interface. Any button can send one or more commands to the CommandStation-EX. Buttons can be arranged in multiple pages, allowing for example one page for each loco.
This is the setup I use, many other combinations of hardware will work.
- CommandStation-EX (version 5) running with a network connection
- Network connection between CommandStation-EX and Companion (both on same LAN)
- An instance of the DCC-EX module running in Companion
- Enter the IP address of the Arduino running CommandStation
- StreamDeck controller connected by USB to computer running Companion
- Track power control for main, prog, and join
- Loco throttle control with direction
- Loco rotary throttle control
- Loco direction control
- Loco decoder functions 0-68 control
- Accessory control (both types of addressing)
- Emergency stop
- Reset command station
- Custom command
- Set variable (A, B, C, D) for selected loco DCC address
- Control a turnout/point
Feedback can be used to update the button colours and styles. Changes made by any other throttles will be reflected in Companion.
- Track power and join status
- Loco decoder function states
- Selected loco DCC address variable
- Turnout/Point is closed/thrown
Variables can be used for button labels
- Command station type and version information
- Track power status
- Selected DCC address
- Loco throttle data (speed and direction) for each loco controlled
- Main and prog power control (on/off/feedback)
- Function 0-68 control (on/off/feedback)
- Emergency stop, Direction, Rotary throttle
- Turnouts/Points (throw/close/feedback)
- First Release
- Updated for Companion 3
- Add selected loco variable
- Add loco throttle variables
- Add power, join and selected address feedback
- Add function presets
- Added feedback for enabled loco functions
- Added change direction action and preset
- Added rotary throttle control action
- Added variable to hold last loco data broadcast message received
- Added control and feedback for turnouts/points
- Added regional labels
- Fix upgrade script
- Update companion-module/base to 1.11.3
- Small fixes and improvements
- Added a step value to the throttle action and preset
- Added additional variables (4 in total) for loco addresses