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123 lines (123 loc) · 5.04 KB

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123 lines (123 loc) · 5.04 KB


  • Debug menu to test functionalities
  • Make sure money gets deducted for new engine
    • Also for new train
    • Also for station, upgrade etc
  • What happens when we delete a station and a train is heading there?
  • Check computation of wait time
  • F10 survey
  • Bug:
    • Create a train with no station: msgbox to build a station first
    • Selling stock doesn't lower stock price
    • New train doesn't pick up stuff from starting station
    • Clicking on map during train creation crashes
    • First engines use one-chimney img. Check in code.
    • Where does smoke originate? Check in code.
    • Smoke seems to go in different direction from game
    • After load, trains are stuck
    • joining a track from another track either refuses or crashes
  • From manual:
    • build first station, pay for engine shop
    • difficulty factor
    • turbo speed doesn't stop for messages or end of year
    • at end of year, charged interest on bonds and short term loans
    • end of dec in odd number year is end of fiscal period
    • displays: area, region, local, detail
    • stations cannot overlap in area
    • metal bridge not available before tech is done
    • doubling: not wood but all other bridges
    • double rates: new station until end of fiscal period, fiscal period after winning rate war
    • maintenance shop reduces maintenance in fiscal period by 75%
    • shipping report money emptied at end of fiscal period
    • build train: shows options where we have an engine shop
    • train report: money in this period on left, previous on right
    • keyboard shortcuts often only appear when no mouse
      • tab to train roster
    • named train: 24 letters.
      • passenger revenue increased by 25%
    • higher classed trains move first
    • train report: right click clears consist change
    • west us: higher fares for east-west routes than north-south
    • train wreck: all cargos of same type disappear from all trains and supplies
    • mail cars are heaviest empty, fastest to load, lightest when full
    • priority shipment is cancelled below $20k
    • station stocks priority shipment if stopped there
    • build industry: within 3 squares of construction box
    • no collision: lower class stops
    • bonds:
      • reach 9%: no more
      • interest rates
      • bonds outstanding: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
      • boom: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, x
      • moderation: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, x, x
      • normal: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, x, x, x
      • recession: 5, 6, 7, 8, x, x, x, x
      • panic: 6, 7, 8, x, x, x, x, x
      • bond rates lower in west us due to govt subsidies
    • build train into new city: new stock may be issued
      • 10k new shares
    • when buying/selling stock: 10% higher/lower
      • due to high volume
      • 12% interest on short term loans
    • stock split 2:1 at $100
    • stockholders happy when stock goes up
    • happiness measured at end of fiscal period
    • compute roi over last 5 years
    • if own 50%+ can't be thrown out
    • start with 4% bond of $500k
    • end of december: pay interest
    • declare bankruptcy:
      • all bonds from cash paid off
      • half of bonds eliminated (rounded down)
      • treasury stock eliminated
      • stock held by competitors eliminated
      • public left with 100k shares
      • may not lay more track until positive cash balance and bonds repaid
    • balance sheet:
      • lifetime on left, year to date on right
      • operating funds: cash on hand
      • stock assets: treasury stock + other railroads
        • price if you tried to sell it (including lower price)
      • facilities: stations, signal towers, station improvements
      • real estate: right of way
      • track: if laid during normal climate
      • rolling stock: trains and cars
        • negative if you removed cars or engines
    • income statement
      • YTD on left (year to date)
      • total column doesn't include ytd
    • train income report
    • climate:
      • affects track, double track, right of way, supply of cargo, interest rate on bonds
    • accomplishments: stuff in news
      • service to new city etc
    • efficiency report
      • total number of available carloads of cargo
      • this fisal period compared to previous
      • how many you picked up. percentage
      • ton-miles travels
      • utillization efficiency: ton-miles travelled / ton-miles delivered
      • revenue efficiency: money you make vs number of ton-miles carried
    • history: year by year
    • rate war:
      • 66% vote majority in town council
      • competing RR: all tack leading to station torn up
      • any isolated station: also eliminated
      • can't build facilities
    • competing RR
      • Can't build station within 5 squares
    • Takeover
      • Once public has no more, can make offer for rest of stock
      • 2x current market pricej:w
      • only need >50% to control
      • Operate RR menu
        • Take $100k, give $100k
        • Can move at $250k if have that (changes in menu)
        • Buy back bond option
        • Build track
          • Text window from to cities
          • If can't, message appears
          • Only way company builds now
      • build tracks into controlled ai station: union station
      • charged 100k for terminal (normally $200k)
    • Holding is before we enter the station! (records and such come later)