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Really simple example chat webapp built with SvelteKit and sveltekit-sse.

It's a playground to try out Server Sent Events ("SSE") with Publish–subscribe pattern ("pubsub") on the practical use case of a chat application.


This is a technical prototype! There is no security, no authentication, no authorization and no checking. This can easily be misused by bad actors. Don't use this in production!

Running the project

Checkout the git repository, install dependencies (npm i) and run on localhost (npm run dev) or listen on all local IPs (npm run dev -- --host).


Single page SvelteKit webapp using a single +page.svelte with variables name and room.

Using components EnterName, SelectRoom and Chat. Supporting event emitter files /api/rooms/+server.js and /api/chat/+server.js using sveltekit-sse.

Small libraries for in-memory storage (/lib/server/chats.js) and pubsub (lib/servers/pubsub.js).

Component EnterName returns the entered name to the main page via bind.

EnterName screenshot

Component SelectRoom returns the selected or entered room to the main page via bind, it uses the rooms SSE to list existing rooms, updating in real time.

SelectRoom screenshot

Then component Chat will be rendered with parameters name and room. It uses chat SSE with query parameter name and room. This provides multiple events, namely users with the full list of user names of the current room and message which contains the newly POSTed messages.

Chat screenshot