The concept of a data structure with mapped keys to values changes drastically across output languages. All support some form of creating a dictionary and getting or setting values in it.
Create a new dictionary with dictionary new
, which takes in the key and value types of the dictionary.
Accessing members is done with dictionary get
and setting is done with with dictionary set
variable : counts { dictionary type : string int } { dictionary new : string int }
dictionary set : counts "apple" 3
variable : apple string { dictionary get : counts "apple" }
In C#:
Dictionary<string, int> counts = new Dictionary<string, int>();
counts["apple"] = 3;
string apple = counts["apple"];
In Python:
counts = {}
counts["apple"] = 3
apple = counts["apple"]
Alternately, create a multi-line initialization with dictionary new start
, which is otherwise identical, and dictionary new end
Describe each pair of initial values inside with dictionary pair
, which takes in the key type, value type, and a ,
if it isn't the last pair of initialization.
variable start : counts { dictionary type : string int } { dictionary new start : string int }
dictionary pair : "apple" 3 ,
dictionary pair : "banana" 2
dictionary new end
In C#:
Dictionary<string, int> counts = new Dictionary<string, int>
{ "apple", 3 },
{ "banana", 2 }
In Python:
counts = {
"apple": 3,
"banana": 2