This little 50-liner mostly only exists & lives here since I try to keep some
core library packages like cligen
, adix, and
nio` hard-dependency-free.1
niom [optional-params] [paths: 1|more paths to NIO files]
Print selected statistics over all columns of all paths.
-f=, --fmt= string ".4g" Nim floating point output format
-s=, --stats= set(MomKind) min,max n min max sum avg sdev skew kurt histo
-q=, --qs= floats {} desired quantiles
-a=, --a= float 1e-16 min absolute value histo-bin edge
-b=, --b= float 1e+20 max absolute value histo-bin edge
-n=, --n= int 8300 number of lg-spaced histo bins
$ zipf -n10_000_000 -fbg 1..3 | niom -s,= -sh .Nl
.Nl:0 n: 8300 a: 1e-16 b: 1e+20
aLn: -36.841361487904734 h: 0.00998831947798357 hInv: 100.11694181430796
[ -1e-16 , 1e-16 ): 6467866
[ 0.9955705858181852 , 1.0055644909629682 ): 2287419
[ 1.9832854562249305 , 2.003194407942553 ): 1244715
totalCount: 10000000 nonZeroBins: 3
Note that (2287419/6467866)**-(2./3) = 1.999601833743278, thus also a spot check of zipf with a default alpha=3/2.
If someone is living life with a few git clone's per year they are still cool to try out my packages even if
fails them. ↩