- SSL certificate support
- More doc
- Fixed on_load schema validation
- Gevent, monkey patcjing breaks python's multi=processing. Removed grequests as the default, back to requests.
- Removed grequests and gevent as hard dependencies. Added explicit error messages, to prompt users can install them if needed.
- Jwauth is not in it's own file
- Generic rest call to database support (action) for connection, database.
- Foxx support
- Tasks create, delete, fetch support
- Validation bug fixes
- New Numeric, Int, Bool, String, Enumeration, Range validators
- Fields can have default values
- When creationg a new document, Collection will serve one populated with defaults
- stastd support thx to: @dothebart
- properties definition in schema
- AQL errors now come with prints and line numbers for everyone's convenience
- Bulk save for Document objects and dicts
- Will die gracefully if server response is empty
- getStore and getPatches shorthands added to Document
- Fixed nested store patch update
- REFACT: New DocumentStore class for taking care of storing document in a hierarchy of stores (nested objects) and validate them
- Minor bug fixes
- Added bulk import to connection
- Added binvars to explain
- BugFix: recursive field validation
- BugFix: fullCount option now works
- Length validator will raise a ValidationError if value has no length
- users can now specify custon json encoders
- Fixed connection reuse
- Fixed Cache
- Cache now exposes document store and attributes transparently
- Added getter for users
- Edges back compatibility with 2.8 solved "_from" "_to" are no longer foreign fields, ._from ._to work again
- Calls to json() now print the request's content upon failure.
- missing import in collections.py added
- Some more meaningful error messages
- Cross python support for iterators
- Cross python support for metclasses
- Support for python 3, does not support python 2.7 yet.
- Test root password and username can be defined in environement variables.
- Support for ArangoDB 3.X, pyArango no longer supports 2.X versions
- Support for authentication
- User support added
- Adedd AikidoSession to seemlessly manage request sessions
- AikidoSession stores basic stats about the requests
- AikidoSession detects 401 errors and notifies the user that authentication is required
- AikidoSession detects connection errors and notifies the user that arango is probably not running
- save() and patch() functions now empty _patchStore is succesfull
- Added free key word arguments for the creation of AQL Queries