All objects in Bonfire are GameComponent, he is the basis of everything.
This section is intended to list some Objects already implemented and that can be reused to meet a similar need.
Are they:
This is a GameComponent
Object that renders a Sprite
This is a GameComponent
Object that renders a SpriteAnimation
This is a AnimatedObject
To run an animation once before it destroys itself
required Vector2 position,
required Vector2 size,
Future<SpriteAnimation>? animation,
VoidCallback? onFinish,
VoidCallback? onStartAnimation,
double? rotateRadAngle,
LightingConfig? lightingConfig,
This is a GameComponent
Like the previous one, this can play an animation once before it destroys itself and can also can can keep playing in a loop. But the most important feature is that this component follows another element on the map, like a player, enemy or decoration.
required Future<SpriteAnimation> animation,
required GameComponent target,
required Vector2 size,
Vector2? positionFromTarget,
bool loopAnimation = false,
This is a FollowerObject
The same FollowerObject
with animation.
This is a FollowerObject and use ObjectCollision, Lighting
Component that is in a certain direction set at a certain speed also configurable and only to hit an enemy or player inflicting damage, or it can be destroyed when hitting a component that has a collision (Tiles, Decorations).
required Vector2 position,
required Future<SpriteAnimation> flyAnimation,
required this.direction,
required Vector2 size,
dynamic id,
Future<SpriteAnimation>? destroyAnimation,
double speed = 150,
double damage = 1,
AttackFromEnum attackFrom = AttackFromEnum.ENEMY,
bool withDecorationCollision = true,
VoidCallback? onDestroyedObject,
LightingConfig? lightingConfig,
CollisionConfig? collision,
This is a FollowerObject and use ObjectCollision, Lighting
The same FlyingAttackObject
with movement by angle.