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Feature: Systemd timers

Harish Anand edited this page May 9, 2016 · 23 revisions

Create, inspect and modify systemd timers using Cockpit.

Feature Request in systemd to have timer properties set via D-Bus

Currently timer properties like TimersMonotonic, TimersCalendar cannot be set via dbus. Current method for setting timer involves creating a .timer file with all the required properties mentioned in it. Instead it would be better to have some properties like TimersCalendar and TimersMonotonic take values via D-Bus after connecting to that timer's DBus interface.

An example case for TimersCalendar Property :

The function SetCalendar() takes 1st parameter as "OnCalendar" and 2nd parameter like "daily", "weekly" and like wise to set Timer's calendar property.

An example case for TimersMonotonic Property :

The function SetBootUsec() takes an integer input (in usec) like for example 900000000 for 15mins.

The function SetUnitActiveUSec() takes an integer input (in usec) like for example 900000000 for 15mins.

Having some timer properties (esp calendar, OnBootUsec and OnUnitActiveUsec) to be set via dbus through a method would help both developers and users.

Use Case: The current approach is to create .timer files with hard coded parameter values. It would be nice to have few methods in D-Bus that sets possibly calendar, monotonic timer (OnBootUsec, OnUnitActiveUSec) values.

Some other example use cases are :

  • Alfred works as a system administrator. He makes a backup of the file servers data every night. He now wants backup only on a weekly basis. He could change/set timer from daily to weekly by using SetCalendar().
  • Jon wants to run application which is not really crucial for his work so he doesn't want it to slow down boot process. He wants to run existing unit one hour after system start. SetBootUsec() could help him set that time.

Note: This additional functionality was not found in the TODO list.

Mock up for timer development in Cockpit : First design mockup

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