Name | Type | Description | Notes |
shipment_id | string | The shipment identifier submitted in the request. | [optional] |
shipment_name | string | The name for the inbound shipment. | [optional] |
ship_from_address | \CrazyFactory\SpapiClient\Model\Address | The return address. | |
destination_fulfillment_center_id | string | An Amazon fulfillment center identifier created by Amazon. | [optional] |
shipment_status | \CrazyFactory\SpapiClient\Model\ShipmentStatus | [optional] | |
label_prep_type | \CrazyFactory\SpapiClient\Model\LabelPrepType | [optional] | |
are_cases_required | bool | Indicates whether or not an inbound shipment contains case-packed boxes. When AreCasesRequired = true for an inbound shipment, all items in the inbound shipment must be case packed. | |
confirmed_need_by_date | \CrazyFactory\SpapiClient\Model\DateStringType | Date by which the shipment must arrive at the Amazon fulfillment center to avoid delivery promise breaks for pre-ordered items. | [optional] |
box_contents_source | \CrazyFactory\SpapiClient\Model\BoxContentsSource | [optional] | |
estimated_box_contents_fee | \CrazyFactory\SpapiClient\Model\BoxContentsFeeDetails | An estimate of the manual processing fee charged by Amazon for boxes without box content information. This is only returned when BoxContentsSource is NONE. | [optional] |