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nrich-excel is a module intended to simplify excel report generation for simple reports (i.e. exporting search results). It uses Apache POI library for excel creation. Excel reports are generated from templates (standard Excel files) and module also supports template variable resolving. The data is written to a provided OutputStream (users are expected to close it, module doesn't close it).

Setting up Spring beans

To be able to use this module following configuration is required:

@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
public class ApplicationConfiguration {

    public CellValueConverter defaultCellValueConverter(MessageSource messageSource) {
        return new DefaultCellValueConverter(messageSource);

    public ExcelReportGeneratorFactory excelReportGeneratorFactory(ResourceLoader resourceLoader, List<CellValueConverter> cellValueConverterList) {
        List<TypeDataFormat> typeDataFormatList = TypeDataFormatUtil.resolveTypeDataFormatList("dd.MM.yyyy.", "dd.MM.yyyy. HH:mm", "#,##0", "#,##0.00", true, Collections.singletonList(new TypeDataFormat(Date.clas, "dd-MM-yyyy"));

        return new PoiExcelReportGeneratorFactory(resourceLoader, cellValueConverterList, typeDataFormatList);

    public ExcelReportService excelReportService(ExcelReportGeneratorFactory excelReportGeneratorFactory) {
        return new DefaultExcelReportService(excelReportGeneratorFactory);

CellValueConverter is responsible for converting objects to values to be written in excel. Users can provided their own implementations and/or use DefaultCellValueConverter. DefaultCellValueConverter supports writing of dates, numbers and enums to excel (for other types toString() method is called before writing to excel). Enum value to be written to excel can be provided through file in the form fullyQualifiedClassName.enumValue.description and if present will be written to excel instead of value.

TypeDataFormatUtil is responsible for resolving a list of TypeDataFormat instances that decide with what format a specific class will be written to excel. It accepts a list of formats for value conversion (dateFormat, dateTimeFormat, integerNumberFormat, decimalNumberFormat), option should dates be written with time component or not (writeDateWithTime) and a list of formats that will override defaults for specific class (for example if Instant should be written in different format than Date)

ExcelReportGeneratorFactory is responsible for creating and writing data to actual reports. Default implementation is PoiExcelReportGeneratorFactory that uses Apache POI library for writing data.

ExcelReportService is the interface for users to use when creating reports.


To be able to create reports users should inject ExcelReportService and call void createExcelReport(CreateExcelReportRequest request) method.

Method accepts argument of type CreateExcelReportRequest when processing report ExcelReportService will then call Object[][] resolveMultiRowData(int start, int limit) method from MultiRowDataProvider until it returns and empty result starting from zero and incrementing start by batch size.

MultiRowDataProvider is responsible for resolving data. It can do so by for example invoking directly repository methods. So for example a method that resolves data from a repository named ExampleRepository for class Example:

public class Example {

    private String name;

    private Date date;

would look like this:

public class ExampleRepositoryMultiRowDataProvider implements MultiRowDataProvider {

    private final ExampleRepository exampleRepository;

    public Object[][] resolveMultiRowData(int start, int limit) {
        Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(start / limit, limit,"id"));
        Page<Example> exampleList = excelDemoRepository.findAll(pageable);

        return exampleList.getContent().stream()
            .map(value -> new Object[] { value.getName(), value.getDate() })

Example usage of ExcelReportService is given bellow:

public class ExampleReportService {

    private final ExcelReportService excelReportService;

    public File exportToExcel() {
        // file where data will be written
        File file = new File("directory/excel-report.xlsx");
        // rows in excel
        Object[][] rowData = new Object[][] { { 1.1, "value 1", new Date(), new Date() }, { 2.2, "value 2", new Date(), new Date() } };

        // template variable defined in template with value ${templateVariable} will be replaced with resolvedValue
        List<TemplateVariable> templateVariableList = Collections.singletonList(new TemplateVariable("templateVariable", "resolvedValue"));

        // data format for columns 2 and 3 is overridden. One date is written with dd-MM-yyyy format and another with dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm format
        List<ColumnDataFormat> columnDataFormatList = Arrays.asList(new ColumnDataFormat(2, "dd-MM-yyyy"), new ColumnDataFormat(3, "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm"));

        try (FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file)) {
            // first row index is 3 since first two rows contain column headers
            CreateExcelReportRequest request = CreateExcelReportRequest.fromFlatData(rowData)
