is a module intended for CSRF protection. It generates an initial token from initial token url and later expects token to be present in each request either as an HTTP
parameter or HTTP header. If token is present it validates and refreshes token. If token is not present or the token is invalid, CsrfTokenException
is thrown.
It works in both Spring Web MVC and Spring WebFlux environments.
@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
public class ApplicationConfiguration {
public CsrfTokenManagerService tokenManagerService() {
return new AesCsrfTokenManagerService(Duration.ofMinutes(35), Duration.ofMinutes(1), 128);
public CsrfPingController csrfPingController() {
return new CsrfPingController();
// when in servlet environment (Spring Web MVC)
public CsrfInterceptor csrfInterceptor(CsrfTokenManagerService csrfTokenManagerService) {
CsrfExcludeConfig csrfExcludeConfig = new CsrfExcludeConfig();
return new CsrfInterceptor(csrfTokenManagerService, "X-CSRF-Token", "app/app", "/nrich/csrf/ping", Collections.singletonList(csrfExcludeConfig));
public WebMvcConfigurer csrfInterceptorWebMvcConfigurer(CsrfInterceptor csrfInterceptor) {
return new WebMvcConfigurer() {
public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
// when in reactive environment (Spring WebFlux)
public CsrfWebFilter webFilter(CsrfTokenManagerService csrfTokenManagerService) {
CsrfExcludeConfig csrfExcludeConfig = new CsrfExcludeConfig();
return new CsrfWebFilter(csrfTokenManagerService, "X-CSRF-Token", "app/app", "/nrich/csrf/ping", Collections.singletonList(csrfExcludeConfig));
is a service responsible for generating initial token and validating and refreshing existing tokens. Default implementation AesCsrfTokenManagerService
uses AES
algorithm for encryption with key length passed in as argument (in the former configuration it is 128). It also accepts token expiration interval, token future threshold (allows tokes to be
in the future because of unsynchronized time between the client and server).
is a controller that will be used for a ping call for Csrf token.
is used when in Spring Web MVC environment. It is an implementation of HandlerInterceptorAdapter
which intercepts every request and verifies token for every request
except excluded list. It also adds generated token for initial token url. Besides CsrfTokenManagerService
it accepts the token name, initial token url, ping url and a list of CsrfExcludeConfig
that contains either urls or regex that matches urls that will be skipped for CSRF token verification.
is used when in Spring WebFlux environment. It is an implementation of WebFilter
and has the same behaviour and arguments as CsrfInterceptor
with a difference it operates in
reactive environment.
Clients should configure initial token url. This is entry point in application i.e. controller action that is executed on a successful login. After that response from initial token action will contain
CSRF token in the parameter named csrfInitialToken
. Every call from client to url that is not in the list of excluded urls should contain CSRF token or the call will fail. Tokens will periodically
be refreshed so users should refresh token value sent from client from received response header X-CSRF-Token
(or other name that was specified in the configuration).