nvidia-470.94_3 nvidia-libs-470.94_3 nvidia-gtklibs-470.94_3 nvidia-dkms-470.94_3
ask about: radix sort MSB and LSB stability Fast 4-way parallel radix sorting on GPUs: https://vgc.poly.edu/~csilva/papers/cgf.pdf#figure.2 Linh Ha, Jens Krüger, Cláudio T. Silva† University of Utah
todo in order of importance: * [x] investigate KEYS_COUNT * [ ] better prefix sum * [x] try parallelizing move step: tried and failed, need implementation from Fast 4-way... * [ ] benchmarking code and results * [x] bitonic sort :^) * [ ] comments
shift instead of pow(2, *) uint and unsigned int int sizes 32vs64 in gpu
counting negative
radix more info