Threat modeling is a structured approach of identifying and prioritizing potential threats to a system, and determining the value that potential mitigations would have in reducing or neutralizing those threats. This guide provides an approach to creating a threat model for both existing systems or applications as well as new systems, and then explains how to keep the model current with continuous threat modelling (CTM).1
Practically everyone in your development team has a stake in a threat model. You don't need to be a security expert to apply the techniques covered in this guide. All developers, software and system designers, and architects should strive to include threat modeling in their software development life cycle. Optimally, you will create your threat models and decide which mitigations you need during an early stage of the development of a new system, application, or feature. Assessing potential threats during the design phase of your project can avoid the cost of resources that may be required to refactor the project to include risk mitigations during a later phase of the project.1
Perform threat modelling as a team. Threat modelling creates an opportunity for informative discussion within the team and isn't limited to team members with specific responsibilities. Delegate the responsibility of updating the threat model to an architect or senior developer, the curator. The curator is responsible for keeping the threat model current as it evolves. The curator also owns a queue in the development team’s bug tracking system where tickets are marked with a label such as, potential-tm-update and treated as input events for consideration in the threat model. The curator is responsible for adding the required information to tickets in the bug tracking system and updating or closing them, as appropriate.
The full threat modelling service that a security department typically provides for development teams is a valuable but scarce resource. Furthermore, those security engineers will never have the intimate knowledge of the system that the developers do. The growing pace and volume of new features and systems dictates the need to make threat modelling more available by transferring know-how to development teams. The approach outlined in this guide provides a structure for development teams to translate their product knowledge into security findings, following a guided approach to questioning its security posture. The goal of this approach is to support and strengthen the development team’s security capabilities with repeated practice to the point where the quality of the threat model executed by the development team will require minimal involvement of your security team.
The threat model is a living document that needs to evolve together with the system being developed. Ideally it starts at design time, and evolves together with the system, but most commonly it starts with an effort to model what already exists and then follows the life of the product.
The threat model should be refreshed once a year or when there are major architectural changes. Ideally, threat modelling should become part of the definition of done for every story with a security-notable event (this is covered in more detail in the section, The threat model is a living document.
The following objectives will produce a representative data flow diagram (DFD) of the system. The diagram should tell the story of how the system works. It will be the single source of truth for all following steps of the exercise.
Define the scope : Are you threat modelling a full system or just a small design change. Decide which elements of the system will be part of the threat model.
Identify actors : What users, administrators, and processes, both internal and external, interact with the system?
Identify all important assets : Include all relevant parts of the system in the threat model. If you are worried about too much detail, start with a top-level description of the system and repeat the process for more detailed views of smaller parts.
Draw diagram(s) : Create diagrams of the system, based on the scope. These should include, minimally, the actors who use the system, and the way they interact with the system. You can use a picture of a diagram on a whiteboard, or a diagram created in Visio™, Lucidchart™,, etc. Keeping the diagram up to date will be easier with an open-source tool such as PyTM or Dataflow. What matters is that the team agrees that the diagram represents the pieces of the system.
Draw trust boundaries : Add boxes around components to specify which components operate at the same privilege or trust level.
Draw data flows : Add arrows representing the flow of data between components of the system. Annotate the arrows with details such as protocol and authentication.
Mark where the important data lives, transits and is transformed : This is important, as here you’ll find out which data you are trying to protect and where it appears in the system. Continue to the section Diagram details below to ensure that the final DFD(s) include the required information.
The format of the DFD is important. If all teams follow the same format, it's easier for everyone to locate the same information in distinct threat models, and for members of your security team to absorb this information when working with various development teams.
It may help to use the questions below to highlight extra information that should be added to the diagram. Details such as protocols and the purpose of each request and response between the components, especially those owned by the team or anything else custom or new. If adding all this info to the high-level DFD ("L0") gets too dense for readability, please break up the diagram into separate, more detailed DFDs ("L1").
- How do each of the components communicate? What protocol is in use for each data flow?
- What's exchanged in each data flow? What information does it have? What's the purpose of the request/response? What data is it? (for example, credentials, authentication, HTML)
- Who stores what and where? (for example, what's stored in the DB)
- Show how data flows through the application. How and where are decisions made?
- What are the authentication and authorization checks in place for each data flow? In what order do they occur?
DFDs should contain the following details, even those details captured elsewhere in the threat model document:
- Provide a complete diagram of your system, including deployment.
- Label each component in the system overview DFD (L0).
- Label the direction of each data flow using arrows (to/from/bidirectional).
- Label the main actions that each arrow represents.
- Label the protocol used for each data flow.
- Label the trust boundaries and networks.
- Label the main types of data and how they flow through the application (control flow) in the detailed DFD (L1).
- Describe the personas who use the system (users, administrators, operators, etc.) and show how data flow/access differs for each person.
- Label each part of the authentication process.
- Label each part of the authorization process.
- Label the order of these actions numerically.
- Label the most sensitive data. How's it handled? What's the most critical application functionality?
When the diagram has enough information, the team iterates over it searching for places where it fails to protect confidentiality, integrity, or availability. It may be easiest or most logical to start with external entities, such as the user interacting with your web app, or start with the actor that initiates the activity represented in the DFD. Any orderly strategy will make the task of threat modelling the system feel less daunting, and will provide a sense of progress and conclusion through the exercise.
Start with answering the items below to focus and inspire the effort. This isn't an exhaustive list and the questions may or may not be relevant to your system or company. Consider these questions in the context of existing mechanisms, such as widely used company authentication APIs, cloud provider resources and processes, etc.
For each finding, identify: a scenario where an actor exploits the finding (an attack scenario); the impact to the system and company as a whole; and the likelihood of the attack scenario.
Subject | Sample questions under that subject |
Authentication and Authorization |
Access Control |
Trust boundaries |
Auditing |
Cryptography |
Defense of secrets |
Injection |
Data encryption in transit and at rest |
Data retention |
Data minimization and privacy |
Resiliency |
Denial of Service |
Configuration management |
Third Party Libraries and Components |
Hardening |
Cloud Services |
Dev/Stage/Prod practices |
Once the development team has identified some threats and can't come up with any more, rank them by priority.
The security industry often uses the CVSS - Common Vulnerability Scoring System V3 formula, which derives a single number from 0 to 10 based on the characteristics of the flaw, but there are many options. CVSS is an industry standard, but it can be difficult to adapt the metrics to the circumstances. In that case, attaching a value to the likelihood (Unlikely=1 → Highly Likely=4) and to the impact (Low Impact=1 → Critical=4) allows a simple calculation of Risk = Likelihood X Impact. With that said, it's important to be consistent so that measures of risk are comparable within a threat model but also between models.
To help tracking and remediating threat model findings, include the following information in your documentation:
- ID associated with the finding in your bug tracking system. Create a ticket for every finding.
- Attack Scenario: Describe how an attacker would exploit this weakness.
- Impact: Describe the impact to the system and to the company as a whole.
- Likelihood: Describe how likely it's that a threat actor will exploit this weakness.
- Use CVSSv3 or Risk Rating to score the issue.
- Express the result as a priority level for tickets in your bug tracking system: Trivial/Minor/Major/Critical.
- Mitigation: How-to, or Not-mitigated with justification.
List unmitigated findings in the threat model document, including their attack scenarios and CVSSv3/Risk score. Please notice that a threat model containing unmitigated flaws becomes a sensitive document, and its distribution should be restricted accordingly.
Identifying valid findings is the goal of threat modelling, but the process is only complete if these findings are mitigated. Identify the changes to the design that are needed to mitigate the findings, and document them in your bug tracking system. Once these changes have been implemented, update design documents and confirm that the system stands more secure after it. Keep your threat model updated to reflect what the system is, not what it was or could be.
The output, a threat model, is a document (MS Word, HTML, etc.) that should be appropriately stored so that only stakeholders have access. The final threat model document must have a brief description of your product, data flow diagram(s) and the threats identified. A complete threat model will include the following:
- The threat model curator and other stakeholders involved.
- General and detailed data flow diagrams (L0 and L1 DFDs).
- A list of dataflows and the location and nature of sensitive data, assets, and functionality.
- Findings that the development team identified with ticket links (format specified in the section, What are you going to do about it).
- A review request is created, if necessary2.
- Post-review, all bugs are documented in the development team’s bug tracking system.
- The threat model is stored in a central, access-controlled location.
Schedule the threat model review for a period of time when one or more stakeholders have bandwidth to:
- Engage in informal Q&A with a member of your security team
- Make updates to the DFD(s)
- Discuss potential findings
- Seek out information from other teams (who manage infrastructure, provide services/data, etc. for your application), as necessary.
Once the first draft of the threat model is ready, a member of your security team should review them for completeness and support the team if more work is needed.
The main review process involves Q&A with the stakeholder(s) about threat modelling materials provided such as DFDs and guide starter questions. This process takes several rounds and may be conducted through ticket comments, in person or online via a meeting/chat client, etc.
Request support from your security team when needed, whether you are in the process of planning, performing or finishing a threat model.
As the product evolves, so does the threat model. Make sure that the threat model constantly reflects the present situation of the product, or details and important findings may be missed.
Events that may be of interest to the threat model are generated by team members as tickets in your bug tracking system and marked with a label, such as potential-tm-update. Some examples of notable events when a threat modelling must be done:
- Developers and architects make changes to the product architecture: add services, expand the attack surface by adding input vectors, network ports and services, etc.
- Change deployment requirements.
- Team merges, incorporates or inherits code from other teams. In this case the incoming codebase’s threat model needs to be incorporated.
- Addition of new or updated third party components and services.
- Changes to authentication and/or authorization of users and/or services.
To create awareness of notable security events and complement security training, threat model curators should refer developers on their team to the secure development checklist and make sure that using the checklist is part of the definition of done of all stories.
You can learn more about threat modelling methodologies in the short document Tactical Threat Modeling - SAFECode. For teams looking for more detailed guidance on these (and more) items, review Avoiding The Top 10 Software Security Design Flaws by the IEEE Center for Secure Design.
For more formal instruction, SAFECode has an online training module called Threat Modeling 101 that takes a deeper look on questions of diagramming, annotation, and risk rating.
"Threat Modeling Cheat Sheet" by OWASP, used under CC BY-SA 3.0 / Slightly edited to fit with this document. ↩ ↩2
A threat model review from the security team should be requested for a new release, or should be made at least once a year. ↩