A Library Management System made using the concepts of Object Oriented Analysis and Design. Minimal Code is written in the GUI and the entities are decoupled as well. The interface is console based. This project was designed during the course "Object Oriented Analysis and Design CS309".
The Class Diagram of the project is also provided along with the Database Schema file. The class diagram file can be opened using Star UML.
The actors include the following:
- Librarian
- Checkout Clerk
- Borrower
- Administrator
After determining the actors, the second step in use case analysis is to determine the tasks that each actor will need to do with the system. Each task is called a use case because it represents one particular way the system will be used.
In other words, only those use cases are listed that actors will need to do when they are using the system to solve the customer’s problem.
- ❏ Search for items by title.
- ❏ ... by author.
- ❏ ... by subject.
- ❏ Place a book on hold if it is on loan to somebody else.
- ❏ Check the borrower’s personal information and list of books currently borrowed.
- ❏ All the Borrower use cases, plus
- ❏ Check out an item for a borrower.
- ❏ Check in an item that has been returned.
- ❏ Renew an item.
- ❏ Record that a fine has been paid.
- ❏ Add a new borrower.
- ❏ Update a borrower’s personal information (address, telephone number etc.).
- ❏ All of the Borrower and Checkout Clerk use cases, plus
- ❏ Add a new item to the collection.
- ❏ Delete an item from the collection.
- ❏ Change the information the system has recorded about an item.
- ❏ Add Clerk.
- ❏ Add Librarian.
- ❏ View Issued Books History.
- ❏ View All Books in Library.
1- Install these:
- Java SE Development Kit 8 (JDK 8)
- After installing JDK 8, install NetBeans IDE
2- Open NetBeans IDE. Click on File -> Open Project and browse to the downloaded folder named "Project" and select it. It will load the NetBeans project.
3- Now everything is setup except the Java DB (Derby) Database of NetBeans. So, follow these steps to setup the database:
Step 1: In the Netbeans Window, there is a tab named "Services" on the left. Select it. Then right click on JavaDB > Properties and change database location to "Database" folder downloaded with this repository (its placed besides the "Project" folder).
Step 2: After that a database named LMS will show up under JavaDB tab. Now Right Click Databases > New Connection and select Java DB Network and click Next.
Step 3: Provide the following database crendentials in the next popup and click Next.
Host: localhost
Port: 1527
Database: LMS
User Name: haris
Password: 123
Step 4: Now just click Next for the rest of the windows. After all this the database connection is made. Make sure that you connect with the database before running the project by right clicking on the connection and selecting connect. Now you are ready to run the project!
The password for Administrative Functions is lib. The admin adds new clerks and librarian, then they both do the rest of the functions.
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Copyright (c) 2018-present, harismuneer, MahamAmjad