- Organizers: @rondagdag, @electronhacks, @haroldpulcher
- Home Page: https://www.meetup.com/Hackster-DFW/events/240970751/
- Ticket Link: https://www.meetup.com/Hackster-DFW/events/240970751/
- Location: Improving - 5445 Legacy Dr Suite 100, Plano, TX
- Date: July 29, 2017
- Hours: 10am - 4pm
- Expected # of attendees: 65 - 100
- Sponsors: Microsoft, Hackster, Improving
- Recruit Sponsors
- Figure out how you're feeding your attendees if you're feeding them
- Setup Ticketing Presales (eg, Tito)
- Order Parts
- Secure a location
- Determine a Time
- Determine a Max # of attendees
- Recruit Volunteers (1 for every 10 works if you've done this before)
- Determine Curriculum and Projects
- Recruit Attendees