Basic and computed information about the Project.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
obj_free_cols | Dict[str, str] | Object free columns. | [optional] |
sample_free_cols | Dict[str, str] | Sample free columns. | [optional] |
acquisition_free_cols | Dict[str, str] | Acquisition free columns. | [optional] |
process_free_cols | Dict[str, str] | Process free columns. | [optional] |
bodc_variables | Dict[str, str] | BODC quantities from columns. Only the 3 keys listed in example are valid. | [optional] |
init_classif_list | List[int] | Favorite taxa used in classification. | [optional] [default to []] |
managers | List[MinUserModel] | Managers of this project. | [optional] [default to []] |
annotators | List[MinUserModel] | Annotators of this project, if not manager. | [optional] [default to []] |
viewers | List[MinUserModel] | Viewers of this project, if not manager nor annotator. | [optional] [default to []] |
instrument | str | This project's instrument code. | [optional] |
instrument_url | str | This project's instrument BODC definition. | [optional] |
contact | MinUserModel | The contact person is a manager who serves as the contact person for other users and EcoTaxa's managers. | [optional] |
highest_right | str | The highest right for requester on this project. One of 'Manage', 'Annotate', 'View'. | [optional] [default to ''] |
license | LicenseEnum | Data licence. | [optional] |
projid | int | The project Id. | |
title | str | The project title. | |
visible | bool | The project visibility. | [optional] |
status | str | The project status. | [optional] |
objcount | float | The number of objects. | [optional] |
pctvalidated | float | Percentage of validated images. | [optional] |
pctclassified | float | Percentage of classified images. | [optional] |
classifsettings | str | [optional] | |
classiffieldlist | str | [optional] | |
popoverfieldlist | str | [optional] | |
comments | str | The project comments. | [optional] |
description | str | The project description, i.e. main traits. | [optional] |
rf_models_used | str | [optional] | |
cnn_network_id | str | [optional] |
from ecotaxa_py_client.models.project_model import ProjectModel
# TODO update the JSON string below
json = "{}"
# create an instance of ProjectModel from a JSON string
project_model_instance = ProjectModel.from_json(json)
# print the JSON string representation of the object
# convert the object into a dict
project_model_dict = project_model_instance.to_dict()
# create an instance of ProjectModel from a dict
project_model_form_dict = project_model.from_dict(project_model_dict)