#GNFC GNFC is an OpenSource GUI NFC tool, it is based on QT and several nfc libraries(libnfc/libfreefare/libllcp/libndef). GNFC aims at showing how to NFC devices/modules to read card, write card, even exchange data with Android 4.0+ device.
ELECHOUSE USB NFC Device is based on PN532, with an MCU and a beeper inside, the beeper can be controlled by sending command(in PN532 frame format) to it, the command value to control beeper is 0xA0, after receive the BEEP
command ELECHOUSE USB NFC Device won't send ack package.
It is an OpenWrt based device, with a pn532 module in it. It is supported by pn532_net driver, pn532_net driver is at JiapengLi/libnfc
There is a pre-build binary file. Download
Some tools is needed to compile libnfc and libfreefare.
Install all of these tools.
Install QT5.1.1 or high.
To build libnfc and libfreefare, we use the MinGW tool chain of QT, so add
to environment variable PATH
A detailed instruction to compile libnfc under Windows
Use cmake to configure libfreefare, then generate Makefile for it.
Download the libllcp source code. switch to origin/socket branch. Then use cmake to generate MinGW Makefiles just like libfreefare, by addition, specify the libws2_32.lib.a for it.
Install programs by default and set parameter like pictures above may save some time.
sudo chmod +x qt-linux-opensource-5.1.1-x86-offline.run
(Optional) Fix startup error. See Reference
sudo -s chmod o+w /home/yourname/.config/QtProject/qtcreator/*.x sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /home/lich/.config/QtProject/
so far, pn532_net driver is not included by libnfc, checkout JiapengLi/libnfc instead, by which net driver is included. To use net driver specify a device name like "pn532_net:".
autoreconf -vis
./configure --with-drivers=pn532_uart,pn532_net --sysconfdir=/etc --prefix=/usr
sudo make install all
autoreconf -vis
./configure --prefix=/usr
sudo make install
autoreconf -vis
./configure --prefix=/usr
sudo make install
lib files locate at libndef/libndef/release/, named libndef1.a and ndef1.dll, libndef/include/*.h is also needed.
After all are prepared done. Download the GNFC source code, open the gnfc.pro
with QT Creator, compile and run it.
For windows, the dll files below may be needed. Different QT may be different here.