diff --git a/.speakeasy/gen.lock b/.speakeasy/gen.lock
index 4c4f41e..5a59081 100755
--- a/.speakeasy/gen.lock
+++ b/.speakeasy/gen.lock
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
lockVersion: 2.0.0
id: 6df5dec4-6d34-4c07-99f4-b36e64bbb781
- docChecksum: 931ee85754666315b98eaa2f7ba29ec3
+ docChecksum: d792a8b25d8ed58499761d7eaf4a6284
docVersion: 1.0.0
- speakeasyVersion: 1.300.1
- generationVersion: 2.339.1
- releaseVersion: 0.3.1
- configChecksum: 25f553ef26e58bdbb7e784ed7bd307a9
+ speakeasyVersion: 1.303.4
+ generationVersion: 2.340.2
+ releaseVersion: 0.3.4
+ configChecksum: f724d8c3d33384cabeccff137d6299da
additionalDependencies: 0.1.0
additionalProperties: 0.1.2
constsAndDefaults: 0.1.4
- core: 3.21.2
+ core: 3.21.3
deprecations: 2.81.1
globalSecurity: 2.81.6
globalServerURLs: 2.82.1
@@ -94,20 +94,6 @@ generatedFiles:
- internal/sdk/models/shared/retryreq.go
- internal/sdk/models/shared/startexecutionrequest.go
- internal/sdk/models/shared/automationflow.go
- - internal/sdk/models/shared/anytrigger.go
- - internal/sdk/models/shared/frontendsubmittrigger.go
- - internal/sdk/models/shared/journeysubmittrigger.go
- - internal/sdk/models/shared/apisubmissiontrigger.go
- - internal/sdk/models/shared/entityoperationtrigger.go
- - internal/sdk/models/shared/equalsignorecasecondition.go
- - internal/sdk/models/shared/anythingbutcondition.go
- - internal/sdk/models/shared/existscondition.go
- - internal/sdk/models/shared/prefixcondition.go
- - internal/sdk/models/shared/suffixcondition.go
- - internal/sdk/models/shared/wildcardcondition.go
- - internal/sdk/models/shared/activitytrigger.go
- - internal/sdk/models/shared/entitymanualtrigger.go
- - internal/sdk/models/shared/receivedemailtrigger.go
- internal/sdk/models/shared/automationflowinput.go
- internal/sdk/models/shared/searchautomationsresp.go
- internal/sdk/models/shared/security.go
@@ -163,34 +149,6 @@ generatedFiles:
- internal/provider/types/source.go
- internal/provider/types/condition.go
- internal/provider/types/action_condition.go
- - internal/provider/types/configuration.go
- - internal/provider/types/activity_trigger.go
- - internal/provider/types/api_submission_trigger_configuration.go
- - internal/provider/types/api_submission_trigger.go
- - internal/provider/types/entity_manual_trigger_configuration.go
- - internal/provider/types/entity_manual_trigger.go
- - internal/provider/types/file_config.go
- - internal/provider/types/ecp_config.go
- - internal/provider/types/anything_but_condition.go
- - internal/provider/types/equals_ignore_case_condition.go
- - internal/provider/types/exists_condition.go
- - internal/provider/types/prefix_condition.go
- - internal/provider/types/suffix_condition.go
- - internal/provider/types/wildcard_condition.go
- - internal/provider/types/entity_operation_trigger_schemas_type.go
- - internal/provider/types/activity.go
- - internal/provider/types/two.go
- - internal/provider/types/diff.go
- - internal/provider/types/entity_operation_trigger_operation.go
- - internal/provider/types/filter_config.go
- - internal/provider/types/entity_operation_trigger_configuration.go
- - internal/provider/types/entity_operation_trigger.go
- - internal/provider/types/frontend_submit_trigger.go
- - internal/provider/types/journey_submit_trigger_configuration.go
- - internal/provider/types/journey_submit_trigger.go
- - internal/provider/types/received_email_trigger_configuration.go
- - internal/provider/types/received_email_trigger.go
- - internal/provider/types/any_trigger.go
- USAGE.md
- internal/provider/provider.go
- examples/provider/provider.tf
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 67e7003..09c355a 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ overlay.yaml:
$(eval TMP := $(shell mktemp -d))
- speakeasy overlay apply -s automation.yaml -o overlay.yaml > $(TMP)/final.yaml
+ curl https://docs.api.epilot.io/automation.yaml > $(TMP)/openapi.yaml
+ speakeasy overlay apply -s $(TMP)/openapi.yaml -o overlay.yaml > $(TMP)/final.yaml
speakeasy generate sdk --lang terraform -o . -s $(TMP)/final.yaml
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 0e55c30..1a1773c 100755
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ terraform {
required_providers {
epilot-automation = {
source = "epilot-dev/epilot-automation"
- version = "0.3.1"
+ version = "0.3.4"
diff --git a/docs/data-sources/flow.md b/docs/data-sources/flow.md
index ba779be..9a6e55b 100644
--- a/docs/data-sources/flow.md
+++ b/docs/data-sources/flow.md
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ data "epilot-automation_flow" "my_flow" {
- `flow_name` (String) A descriptive name for the Automation
- `system_flow` (Boolean) Determines if the flow is a system generated flow
- `trigger_conditions` (List of String)
-- `triggers` (Attributes List) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers))
+- `triggers` (List of String)
- `version` (Number) Version of the flow
@@ -69,412 +69,3 @@ Read-Only:
- `schema` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `triggers`
-- `activity_trigger` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--activity_trigger))
-- `api_submission_trigger` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--api_submission_trigger))
-- `entity_manual_trigger` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_manual_trigger))
-- `entity_operation_trigger` (Attributes) - If provides filter_config, executes an automation based on the filtered configuration when an entity event occurs.
-- The conditions on a filter follows the event bridge patterns - `https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eb-event-patterns.html`
- | Comparison | Example | Rule syntax |
- |------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------|
- | Null | first_name is null | `"first_name": [ null ]` |
- | Empty | last_name is empty | `"last_name": [""]` |
- | Equals | email is "j.doe@email.com" | `"email": [ "j.doe@email.com" ]` |
- | Equals (ignore case) | first_name is "John" | `"first_name": [ { "equals-ignore-case": "john" } ]` |
- | And | fist_name is "John" and last_name is "Doe" | `"first_name": [ "John" ], "last_name": ["Doe"]` |
- | Or | PaymentType is "Invoice" or "SEPA" | `"PaymentType": [ "invoice", "sepa"]` |
- | Or (multiple fields) | first_name is "John", or last_name is "Doe". | `"$or": [ { "first_name": [ "John" ] }, { "last_name": [ "Doe" ] } ]` |
- | Not | status is anything but "cancelled" | `"status": [ { "anything-but": [ "cancelled" ] } ]` |
- | Numeric (equals) | Price is 100 | `"Price": [ { "numeric": [ "=", 100 ] } ]` |
- | Numeric (range) | Price is more than 10, and less than or equal to 20 | `"Price": [ { "numeric": [ ">", 10, "<=", 20 ] } ]` |
- | Exists | ProductName exists | `"ProductName": [ { "exists": true } ]` |
- | Does not exist | ProductName does not exist | `"ProductName": [ { "exists": false } ]` |
- | Begins with | OpportunityNumber starts with OPP- | `"opportunity_number": [ { "prefix": "OPP-" } ]` |
- | Ends with | FileName ends with a .png extension | `"filename": [ { "suffix": ".png" } ]` |
- | Wildcard | search a string using a wildcard | `"email": [ { "wildcard": "*@doe.com" } ]` |
- - To run the execution on all update events
- ```
- {
- "type": "filter_entity_event",
- "configuration": {
- "operation": {
- "operation": ["updateEntity"]
- }
- }
- }
- ```
- - To run the execution only when the updates are from a portal user
- ```
- {
- "type": "filter_entity_event",
- "configuration": {
- "operation": {
- "operation": ["updateEntity"]
- },
- "activity": {
- "type": "EntityUpdatedFromPortal"
- }
- }
- }
- ```
- - To run the execution only when there is an update on a specific attribute
- ```
- Only starts the automation when the email on a contact is changed
- {
- "type": "filter_entity_event",
- "configuration": {
- "operation": {
- "operation": ["updateEntity"],
- "payload": {
- "_schema": ["contact"]
- },
- "diff": {
- "updated": {
- "email": [{ "exists": true }]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ```
- - To run the execution only when a specific attribute is altered(created/updated/deleted)
- ```
- Only starts the automation when a price is altered on a contract
- {
- "type": "filter_entity_event",
- "configuration": {
- "operation": {
- "payload": {
- "_schema": ["contract"]
- },
- "diff": {
- // Whether he first_name has been added, updated, or removed
- $or: [
- {
- 'added.first_name': [{ exists: true }]
- },
- {
- 'updated.first_name': [{ exists: true }]
- },
- {
- 'deleted.first_name': [{ exists: true }]
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ```
- - To run the execution if an attribute is changed from one state to another
- ```
- Only starts the automation when the order status changes from `open_for_acceptance` to `placed`
- {
- "type": "filter_entity_event",
- "configuration": {
- "operation": {
- "operation": ["updateEntity"],
- "payload": {
- "_schema": ["order"],
- "status": ["placed"]
- },
- "diff": {
- "updated": {
- "status": ["open_for_acceptance"]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ``` (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger))
-- `frontend_submit_trigger` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--frontend_submit_trigger))
-- `journey_submit_trigger` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--journey_submit_trigger))
-- `received_email_trigger` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--received_email_trigger))
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.activity_trigger`
-- `configuration` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--activity_trigger--configuration))
-- `id` (String)
-- `type` (String) must be one of ["activity"]
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.activity_trigger.configuration`
-- `schema` (String)
-- `types` (List of String)
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.api_submission_trigger`
-- `configuration` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--api_submission_trigger--configuration))
-- `id` (String)
-- `type` (String) must be one of ["api_submission"]
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.api_submission_trigger.configuration`
-- `source_id` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_manual_trigger`
-- `configuration` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_manual_trigger--configuration))
-- `id` (String)
-- `type` (String) must be one of ["entity_manual"]
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_manual_trigger.configuration`
-- `schema` (String) Which entity type can this automation be triggered from
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger`
-- `configuration` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration))
-- `id` (String)
-- `type` (String) must be one of ["entity_operation"]
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration`
-- `ecp_config` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration--ecp_config))
-- `exclude_activities` (List of String)
-- `filter_config` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration--filter_config))
-- `include_activities` (List of String)
-- `operations` (List of String)
-- `schema` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration.schema`
-- `file_config` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration--schema--file_config))
-- `origin` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration.schema.file_config`
-- `shared_with_end_customer` (Boolean)
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration.schema`
-- `activity` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration--schema--activity))
-- `operation` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration--schema--operation))
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration.schema.activity`
-- `type` (Attributes List) Filter on activity type. If not specified, all activities will be matched on execution.
- 1. Filter the events when an entity is updated from portal
- ```
- {
- "activity":{
- "type": ["EntityUpdatedFromPortal"]
- }
- }
- ```
- 2. Filter the events when either a doc is uploaded/removed on an entity from a portal
- ```
- {
- "activity":{
- "type": ["DocUploadedFromPortal", "DocRemovedFromPortal"]
- }
- }
- ``` (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration--schema--activity--type))
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration.schema.activity.type`
-- `anything_but_condition` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration--schema--activity--type--anything_but_condition))
-- `equals_ignore_case_condition` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration--schema--activity--type--equals_ignore_case_condition))
-- `exists_condition` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration--schema--activity--type--exists_condition))
-- `prefix_condition` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration--schema--activity--type--prefix_condition))
-- `str` (String)
-- `suffix_condition` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration--schema--activity--type--suffix_condition))
-- `wildcard_condition` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration--schema--activity--type--wildcard_condition))
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration.schema.activity.type.wildcard_condition`
-- `anything_but` (List of String)
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration.schema.activity.type.wildcard_condition`
-- `equals_ignore_case` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration.schema.activity.type.wildcard_condition`
-- `exists` (Boolean)
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration.schema.activity.type.wildcard_condition`
-- `prefix` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration.schema.activity.type.wildcard_condition`
-- `suffix` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration.schema.activity.type.wildcard_condition`
-- `wildcard` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration.schema.operation`
-- `diff` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration--schema--operation--diff))
-- `operation` (List of String) Filter on operation type. If not specified, all operations will be matched on execution.
- 1. Filter all the createEntity/updateEntity operations
- ```
- {
- "operation":{
- "operation": ["createEntity", "updateEntity"]
- }
- }
- ```
-- `payload` (String) Parsed as JSON.
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration.schema.operation.payload`
-- `any` (String) Parsed as JSON.
-- `two` (Attributes) Diff to it's prior state when an entity is updated (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration--schema--operation--payload--two))
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration.schema.operation.payload.two`
-- `added` (String) Parsed as JSON.
-- `deleted` (String) Parsed as JSON.
-- `updated` (String) Parsed as JSON.
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.frontend_submit_trigger`
-- `configuration` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--frontend_submit_trigger--configuration))
-- `id` (String)
-- `type` (String) must be one of ["frontend_submission"]
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.frontend_submit_trigger.configuration`
-- `source_id` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.journey_submit_trigger`
-- `configuration` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--journey_submit_trigger--configuration))
-- `id` (String)
-- `type` (String) must be one of ["journey_submission"]
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.journey_submit_trigger.configuration`
-- `source_id` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.received_email_trigger`
-- `configuration` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--received_email_trigger--configuration))
-- `id` (String)
-- `type` (String) must be one of ["received_email"]
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.received_email_trigger.configuration`
-- `message_type` (String) must be one of ["RECEIVED"]
diff --git a/docs/index.md b/docs/index.md
index 82bc947..1fcabb8 100644
--- a/docs/index.md
+++ b/docs/index.md
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ terraform {
required_providers {
epilot-automation = {
source = "epilot-dev/epilot-automation"
- version = "0.3.1"
+ version = "0.3.4"
diff --git a/docs/resources/flow.md b/docs/resources/flow.md
index c7959be..8c7fc87 100644
--- a/docs/resources/flow.md
+++ b/docs/resources/flow.md
@@ -22,18 +22,7 @@ resource "epilot-automation_flow" "my_flow" {
flow_name = "Handle contact form"
system_flow = false
triggers = [
- {
- activity_trigger = {
- configuration = {
- schema = "submission"
- types = [
- "{ \"see\": \"documentation\" }",
- ]
- }
- id = "12d4f45a-1883-4841-a94c-5928cb338a94"
- type = "activity"
- }
- },
+ "{ \"see\": \"documentation\" }",
version = 2
@@ -46,7 +35,7 @@ resource "epilot-automation_flow" "my_flow" {
- `actions` (List of String) The actions (nodes) of the automation flow
- `flow_name` (String) A descriptive name for the Automation
-- `triggers` (Attributes List) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers))
+- `triggers` (List of String)
### Optional
@@ -61,415 +50,6 @@ resource "epilot-automation_flow" "my_flow" {
- `id` (String) Automation Workflow ID
-### Nested Schema for `triggers`
-- `activity_trigger` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--activity_trigger))
-- `api_submission_trigger` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--api_submission_trigger))
-- `entity_manual_trigger` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_manual_trigger))
-- `entity_operation_trigger` (Attributes) - If provides filter_config, executes an automation based on the filtered configuration when an entity event occurs.
-- The conditions on a filter follows the event bridge patterns - `https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eb-event-patterns.html`
- | Comparison | Example | Rule syntax |
- |------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------|
- | Null | first_name is null | `"first_name": [ null ]` |
- | Empty | last_name is empty | `"last_name": [""]` |
- | Equals | email is "j.doe@email.com" | `"email": [ "j.doe@email.com" ]` |
- | Equals (ignore case) | first_name is "John" | `"first_name": [ { "equals-ignore-case": "john" } ]` |
- | And | fist_name is "John" and last_name is "Doe" | `"first_name": [ "John" ], "last_name": ["Doe"]` |
- | Or | PaymentType is "Invoice" or "SEPA" | `"PaymentType": [ "invoice", "sepa"]` |
- | Or (multiple fields) | first_name is "John", or last_name is "Doe". | `"$or": [ { "first_name": [ "John" ] }, { "last_name": [ "Doe" ] } ]` |
- | Not | status is anything but "cancelled" | `"status": [ { "anything-but": [ "cancelled" ] } ]` |
- | Numeric (equals) | Price is 100 | `"Price": [ { "numeric": [ "=", 100 ] } ]` |
- | Numeric (range) | Price is more than 10, and less than or equal to 20 | `"Price": [ { "numeric": [ ">", 10, "<=", 20 ] } ]` |
- | Exists | ProductName exists | `"ProductName": [ { "exists": true } ]` |
- | Does not exist | ProductName does not exist | `"ProductName": [ { "exists": false } ]` |
- | Begins with | OpportunityNumber starts with OPP- | `"opportunity_number": [ { "prefix": "OPP-" } ]` |
- | Ends with | FileName ends with a .png extension | `"filename": [ { "suffix": ".png" } ]` |
- | Wildcard | search a string using a wildcard | `"email": [ { "wildcard": "*@doe.com" } ]` |
- - To run the execution on all update events
- ```
- {
- "type": "filter_entity_event",
- "configuration": {
- "operation": {
- "operation": ["updateEntity"]
- }
- }
- }
- ```
- - To run the execution only when the updates are from a portal user
- ```
- {
- "type": "filter_entity_event",
- "configuration": {
- "operation": {
- "operation": ["updateEntity"]
- },
- "activity": {
- "type": "EntityUpdatedFromPortal"
- }
- }
- }
- ```
- - To run the execution only when there is an update on a specific attribute
- ```
- Only starts the automation when the email on a contact is changed
- {
- "type": "filter_entity_event",
- "configuration": {
- "operation": {
- "operation": ["updateEntity"],
- "payload": {
- "_schema": ["contact"]
- },
- "diff": {
- "updated": {
- "email": [{ "exists": true }]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ```
- - To run the execution only when a specific attribute is altered(created/updated/deleted)
- ```
- Only starts the automation when a price is altered on a contract
- {
- "type": "filter_entity_event",
- "configuration": {
- "operation": {
- "payload": {
- "_schema": ["contract"]
- },
- "diff": {
- // Whether he first_name has been added, updated, or removed
- $or: [
- {
- 'added.first_name': [{ exists: true }]
- },
- {
- 'updated.first_name': [{ exists: true }]
- },
- {
- 'deleted.first_name': [{ exists: true }]
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ```
- - To run the execution if an attribute is changed from one state to another
- ```
- Only starts the automation when the order status changes from `open_for_acceptance` to `placed`
- {
- "type": "filter_entity_event",
- "configuration": {
- "operation": {
- "operation": ["updateEntity"],
- "payload": {
- "_schema": ["order"],
- "status": ["placed"]
- },
- "diff": {
- "updated": {
- "status": ["open_for_acceptance"]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ``` (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger))
-- `frontend_submit_trigger` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--frontend_submit_trigger))
-- `journey_submit_trigger` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--journey_submit_trigger))
-- `received_email_trigger` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--received_email_trigger))
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.activity_trigger`
-- `configuration` (Attributes) Not Null (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--activity_trigger--configuration))
-- `id` (String)
-- `type` (String) Not Null; must be one of ["activity"]
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.activity_trigger.configuration`
-- `schema` (String)
-- `types` (List of String)
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.api_submission_trigger`
-- `configuration` (Attributes) Not Null (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--api_submission_trigger--configuration))
-- `id` (String)
-- `type` (String) Not Null; must be one of ["api_submission"]
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.api_submission_trigger.configuration`
-- `source_id` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_manual_trigger`
-- `configuration` (Attributes) Not Null (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_manual_trigger--configuration))
-- `id` (String)
-- `type` (String) Not Null; must be one of ["entity_manual"]
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_manual_trigger.configuration`
-- `schema` (String) Which entity type can this automation be triggered from
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger`
-- `configuration` (Attributes) Not Null (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration))
-- `id` (String)
-- `type` (String) Not Null; must be one of ["entity_operation"]
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration`
-- `ecp_config` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration--ecp_config))
-- `exclude_activities` (List of String)
-- `filter_config` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration--filter_config))
-- `include_activities` (List of String)
-- `operations` (List of String)
-- `schema` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration.schema`
-- `file_config` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration--schema--file_config))
-- `origin` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration.schema.file_config`
-- `shared_with_end_customer` (Boolean)
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration.schema`
-- `activity` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration--schema--activity))
-- `operation` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration--schema--operation))
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration.schema.activity`
-- `type` (Attributes List) Filter on activity type. If not specified, all activities will be matched on execution.
- 1. Filter the events when an entity is updated from portal
- ```
- {
- "activity":{
- "type": ["EntityUpdatedFromPortal"]
- }
- }
- ```
- 2. Filter the events when either a doc is uploaded/removed on an entity from a portal
- ```
- {
- "activity":{
- "type": ["DocUploadedFromPortal", "DocRemovedFromPortal"]
- }
- }
- ``` (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration--schema--activity--type))
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration.schema.activity.type`
-- `anything_but_condition` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration--schema--activity--type--anything_but_condition))
-- `equals_ignore_case_condition` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration--schema--activity--type--equals_ignore_case_condition))
-- `exists_condition` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration--schema--activity--type--exists_condition))
-- `prefix_condition` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration--schema--activity--type--prefix_condition))
-- `str` (String)
-- `suffix_condition` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration--schema--activity--type--suffix_condition))
-- `wildcard_condition` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration--schema--activity--type--wildcard_condition))
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration.schema.activity.type.wildcard_condition`
-- `anything_but` (List of String)
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration.schema.activity.type.wildcard_condition`
-- `equals_ignore_case` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration.schema.activity.type.wildcard_condition`
-- `exists` (Boolean)
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration.schema.activity.type.wildcard_condition`
-- `prefix` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration.schema.activity.type.wildcard_condition`
-- `suffix` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration.schema.activity.type.wildcard_condition`
-- `wildcard` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration.schema.operation`
-- `diff` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration--schema--operation--diff))
-- `operation` (List of String) Filter on operation type. If not specified, all operations will be matched on execution.
- 1. Filter all the createEntity/updateEntity operations
- ```
- {
- "operation":{
- "operation": ["createEntity", "updateEntity"]
- }
- }
- ```
-- `payload` (String) Parsed as JSON.
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration.schema.operation.payload`
-- `any` (String) Parsed as JSON.
-- `two` (Attributes) Diff to it's prior state when an entity is updated (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--entity_operation_trigger--configuration--schema--operation--payload--two))
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.entity_operation_trigger.configuration.schema.operation.payload.two`
-- `added` (String) Parsed as JSON.
-- `deleted` (String) Parsed as JSON.
-- `updated` (String) Parsed as JSON.
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.frontend_submit_trigger`
-- `configuration` (Attributes) Not Null (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--frontend_submit_trigger--configuration))
-- `id` (String)
-- `type` (String) Not Null; must be one of ["frontend_submission"]
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.frontend_submit_trigger.configuration`
-- `source_id` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.journey_submit_trigger`
-- `configuration` (Attributes) Not Null (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--journey_submit_trigger--configuration))
-- `id` (String)
-- `type` (String) Not Null; must be one of ["journey_submission"]
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.journey_submit_trigger.configuration`
-- `source_id` (String) Not Null
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.received_email_trigger`
-- `configuration` (Attributes) Not Null (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--triggers--received_email_trigger--configuration))
-- `id` (String)
-- `type` (String) Not Null; must be one of ["received_email"]
-### Nested Schema for `triggers.received_email_trigger.configuration`
-- `message_type` (String) must be one of ["RECEIVED"]
### Nested Schema for `conditions`
diff --git a/examples/provider/provider.tf b/examples/provider/provider.tf
index 560a36f..2ac3c45 100644
--- a/examples/provider/provider.tf
+++ b/examples/provider/provider.tf
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ terraform {
required_providers {
epilot-automation = {
source = "epilot-dev/epilot-automation"
- version = "0.3.1"
+ version = "0.3.4"
diff --git a/examples/resources/epilot-automation_flow/resource.tf b/examples/resources/epilot-automation_flow/resource.tf
index b87535b..bab6bdd 100644
--- a/examples/resources/epilot-automation_flow/resource.tf
+++ b/examples/resources/epilot-automation_flow/resource.tf
@@ -7,18 +7,7 @@ resource "epilot-automation_flow" "my_flow" {
flow_name = "Handle contact form"
system_flow = false
triggers = [
- {
- activity_trigger = {
- configuration = {
- schema = "submission"
- types = [
- "{ \"see\": \"documentation\" }",
- ]
- }
- id = "12d4f45a-1883-4841-a94c-5928cb338a94"
- type = "activity"
- }
- },
+ "{ \"see\": \"documentation\" }",
version = 2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gen.yaml b/gen.yaml
index f17b668..d883ca4 100755
--- a/gen.yaml
+++ b/gen.yaml
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ generation:
sdkFlattening: true
telemetryEnabled: false
- version: 0.3.1
+ version: 0.3.4
additionalDataSources: []
additionalDependencies: {}
additionalResources: []
diff --git a/internal/provider/flow_data_source.go b/internal/provider/flow_data_source.go
index 62c9cdf..513fa2d 100644
--- a/internal/provider/flow_data_source.go
+++ b/internal/provider/flow_data_source.go
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ type FlowDataSourceModel struct {
ID types.String `tfsdk:"id"`
SystemFlow types.Bool `tfsdk:"system_flow"`
TriggerConditions []types.String `tfsdk:"trigger_conditions"`
- Triggers []tfTypes.AnyTrigger `tfsdk:"triggers"`
+ Triggers []types.String `tfsdk:"triggers"`
Version types.Number `tfsdk:"version"`
@@ -139,439 +139,9 @@ func (r *FlowDataSource) Schema(ctx context.Context, req datasource.SchemaReques
Computed: true,
ElementType: types.StringType,
- "triggers": schema.ListNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- NestedObject: schema.NestedAttributeObject{
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "activity_trigger": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "configuration": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "schema": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- },
- "types": schema.ListAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- ElementType: types.StringType,
- },
- },
- },
- "id": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- },
- "type": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `must be one of ["activity"]`,
- },
- },
- },
- "api_submission_trigger": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "configuration": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "source_id": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- },
- },
- },
- "id": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- },
- "type": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `must be one of ["api_submission"]`,
- },
- },
- },
- "entity_manual_trigger": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "configuration": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "schema": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `Which entity type can this automation be triggered from`,
- },
- },
- },
- "id": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- },
- "type": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `must be one of ["entity_manual"]`,
- },
- },
- },
- "entity_operation_trigger": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "configuration": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "ecp_config": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "file_config": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "shared_with_end_customer": schema.BoolAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- },
- },
- },
- "origin": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- },
- },
- },
- "exclude_activities": schema.ListAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- ElementType: types.StringType,
- },
- "filter_config": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "activity": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "type": schema.ListNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- NestedObject: schema.NestedAttributeObject{
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "str": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- },
- "anything_but_condition": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "anything_but": schema.ListAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- ElementType: types.StringType,
- },
- },
- },
- "equals_ignore_case_condition": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "equals_ignore_case": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- },
- },
- },
- "exists_condition": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "exists": schema.BoolAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- },
- },
- },
- "prefix_condition": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "prefix": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- },
- },
- },
- "suffix_condition": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "suffix": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- },
- },
- },
- "wildcard_condition": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "wildcard": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- MarkdownDescription: `Filter on activity type. If not specified, all activities will be matched on execution.` + "\n" +
- `Example:` + "\n" +
- ` 1. Filter the events when an entity is updated from portal` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ` {` + "\n" +
- ` "activity":{` + "\n" +
- ` "type": ["EntityUpdatedFromPortal"]` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ` 2. Filter the events when either a doc is uploaded/removed on an entity from a portal` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ` {` + "\n" +
- ` "activity":{` + "\n" +
- ` "type": ["DocUploadedFromPortal", "DocRemovedFromPortal"]` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ``,
- },
- },
- },
- "operation": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "diff": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "any": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `Parsed as JSON.`,
- },
- "two": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "added": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `Parsed as JSON.`,
- },
- "deleted": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `Parsed as JSON.`,
- },
- "updated": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `Parsed as JSON.`,
- },
- },
- Description: `Diff to it's prior state when an entity is updated`,
- },
- },
- },
- "operation": schema.ListAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- ElementType: types.StringType,
- MarkdownDescription: `Filter on operation type. If not specified, all operations will be matched on execution.` + "\n" +
- `Example:` + "\n" +
- ` 1. Filter all the createEntity/updateEntity operations` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ` {` + "\n" +
- ` "operation":{` + "\n" +
- ` "operation": ["createEntity", "updateEntity"]` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ``,
- },
- "payload": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `Parsed as JSON.`,
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- "include_activities": schema.ListAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- ElementType: types.StringType,
- },
- "operations": schema.ListAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- ElementType: types.StringType,
- },
- "schema": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- },
- },
- },
- "id": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- },
- "type": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `must be one of ["entity_operation"]`,
- },
- },
- MarkdownDescription: `- If provides filter_config, executes an automation based on the filtered configuration when an entity event occurs.` + "\n" +
- `- The conditions on a filter follows the event bridge patterns - ` + "`" + `https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eb-event-patterns.html` + "`" + `` + "\n" +
- ` | Comparison | Example | Rule syntax |` + "\n" +
- ` |------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------|` + "\n" +
- ` | Null | first_name is null | ` + "`" + `"first_name": [ null ]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` | Empty | last_name is empty | ` + "`" + `"last_name": [""]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` | Equals | email is "j.doe@email.com" | ` + "`" + `"email": [ "j.doe@email.com" ]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` | Equals (ignore case) | first_name is "John" | ` + "`" + `"first_name": [ { "equals-ignore-case": "john" } ]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` | And | fist_name is "John" and last_name is "Doe" | ` + "`" + `"first_name": [ "John" ], "last_name": ["Doe"]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` | Or | PaymentType is "Invoice" or "SEPA" | ` + "`" + `"PaymentType": [ "invoice", "sepa"]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` | Or (multiple fields) | first_name is "John", or last_name is "Doe". | ` + "`" + `"$or": [ { "first_name": [ "John" ] }, { "last_name": [ "Doe" ] } ]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` | Not | status is anything but "cancelled" | ` + "`" + `"status": [ { "anything-but": [ "cancelled" ] } ]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` | Numeric (equals) | Price is 100 | ` + "`" + `"Price": [ { "numeric": [ "=", 100 ] } ]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` | Numeric (range) | Price is more than 10, and less than or equal to 20 | ` + "`" + `"Price": [ { "numeric": [ ">", 10, "<=", 20 ] } ]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` | Exists | ProductName exists | ` + "`" + `"ProductName": [ { "exists": true } ]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` | Does not exist | ProductName does not exist | ` + "`" + `"ProductName": [ { "exists": false } ]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` | Begins with | OpportunityNumber starts with OPP- | ` + "`" + `"opportunity_number": [ { "prefix": "OPP-" } ]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` | Ends with | FileName ends with a .png extension | ` + "`" + `"filename": [ { "suffix": ".png" } ]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` | Wildcard | search a string using a wildcard | ` + "`" + `"email": [ { "wildcard": "*@doe.com" } ]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` - To run the execution on all update events` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ` {` + "\n" +
- ` "type": "filter_entity_event",` + "\n" +
- ` "configuration": {` + "\n" +
- ` "operation": {` + "\n" +
- ` "operation": ["updateEntity"]` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ` - To run the execution only when the updates are from a portal user` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ` {` + "\n" +
- ` "type": "filter_entity_event",` + "\n" +
- ` "configuration": {` + "\n" +
- ` "operation": {` + "\n" +
- ` "operation": ["updateEntity"]` + "\n" +
- ` },` + "\n" +
- ` "activity": {` + "\n" +
- ` "type": "EntityUpdatedFromPortal"` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ` - To run the execution only when there is an update on a specific attribute` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ` Only starts the automation when the email on a contact is changed` + "\n" +
- ` {` + "\n" +
- ` "type": "filter_entity_event",` + "\n" +
- ` "configuration": {` + "\n" +
- ` "operation": {` + "\n" +
- ` "operation": ["updateEntity"],` + "\n" +
- ` "payload": {` + "\n" +
- ` "_schema": ["contact"]` + "\n" +
- ` },` + "\n" +
- ` "diff": {` + "\n" +
- ` "updated": {` + "\n" +
- ` "email": [{ "exists": true }]` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ` - To run the execution only when a specific attribute is altered(created/updated/deleted)` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ` Only starts the automation when a price is altered on a contract` + "\n" +
- ` {` + "\n" +
- ` "type": "filter_entity_event",` + "\n" +
- ` "configuration": {` + "\n" +
- ` "operation": {` + "\n" +
- ` "payload": {` + "\n" +
- ` "_schema": ["contract"]` + "\n" +
- ` },` + "\n" +
- ` "diff": {` + "\n" +
- ` // Whether he first_name has been added, updated, or removed` + "\n" +
- ` $or: [` + "\n" +
- ` {` + "\n" +
- ` 'added.first_name': [{ exists: true }]` + "\n" +
- ` },` + "\n" +
- ` {` + "\n" +
- ` 'updated.first_name': [{ exists: true }]` + "\n" +
- ` },` + "\n" +
- ` {` + "\n" +
- ` 'deleted.first_name': [{ exists: true }]` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` ]` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ` - To run the execution if an attribute is changed from one state to another` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ` Only starts the automation when the order status changes from ` + "`" + `open_for_acceptance` + "`" + ` to ` + "`" + `placed` + "`" + `` + "\n" +
- ` {` + "\n" +
- ` "type": "filter_entity_event",` + "\n" +
- ` "configuration": {` + "\n" +
- ` "operation": {` + "\n" +
- ` "operation": ["updateEntity"],` + "\n" +
- ` "payload": {` + "\n" +
- ` "_schema": ["order"],` + "\n" +
- ` "status": ["placed"]` + "\n" +
- ` },` + "\n" +
- ` "diff": {` + "\n" +
- ` "updated": {` + "\n" +
- ` "status": ["open_for_acceptance"]` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ``,
- },
- "frontend_submit_trigger": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "configuration": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "source_id": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- },
- },
- },
- "id": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- },
- "type": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `must be one of ["frontend_submission"]`,
- },
- },
- },
- "journey_submit_trigger": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "configuration": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "source_id": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- },
- },
- },
- "id": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- },
- "type": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `must be one of ["journey_submission"]`,
- },
- },
- },
- "received_email_trigger": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "configuration": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "message_type": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `must be one of ["RECEIVED"]`,
- },
- },
- },
- "id": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- },
- "type": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `must be one of ["received_email"]`,
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
+ "triggers": schema.ListAttribute{
+ Computed: true,
+ ElementType: types.StringType,
"version": schema.NumberAttribute{
Computed: true,
@@ -643,8 +213,8 @@ func (r *FlowDataSource) Read(ctx context.Context, req datasource.ReadRequest, r
resp.Diagnostics.AddError(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected response from API. Got an unexpected response code %v", res.StatusCode), debugResponse(res.RawResponse))
- if res.AutomationFlow == nil {
- resp.Diagnostics.AddError("unexpected response from API. No response body", debugResponse(res.RawResponse))
+ if !(res.AutomationFlow != nil) {
+ resp.Diagnostics.AddError("unexpected response from API. Got an unexpected response body", debugResponse(res.RawResponse))
diff --git a/internal/provider/flow_data_source_sdk.go b/internal/provider/flow_data_source_sdk.go
index d8414c7..df7d396 100644
--- a/internal/provider/flow_data_source_sdk.go
+++ b/internal/provider/flow_data_source_sdk.go
@@ -92,200 +92,12 @@ func (r *FlowDataSourceModel) RefreshFromSharedAutomationFlow(resp *shared.Autom
triggerConditions1 = types.StringValue(string(triggerConditions1Result))
r.TriggerConditions = append(r.TriggerConditions, triggerConditions1)
- r.Triggers = []tfTypes.AnyTrigger{}
- if len(r.Triggers) > len(resp.Triggers) {
- r.Triggers = r.Triggers[:len(resp.Triggers)]
- }
- for triggersCount, triggersItem := range resp.Triggers {
- var triggers1 tfTypes.AnyTrigger
- if triggersItem.ActivityTrigger != nil {
- triggers1.ActivityTrigger = &tfTypes.ActivityTrigger{}
- triggers1.ActivityTrigger.Configuration.Schema = types.StringPointerValue(triggersItem.ActivityTrigger.Configuration.Schema)
- triggers1.ActivityTrigger.Configuration.Types = nil
- for _, typesItem := range triggersItem.ActivityTrigger.Configuration.Types {
- var types1 types.String
- types1Result, _ := json.Marshal(typesItem)
- types1 = types.StringValue(string(types1Result))
- triggers1.ActivityTrigger.Configuration.Types = append(triggers1.ActivityTrigger.Configuration.Types, types1)
- }
- triggers1.ActivityTrigger.ID = types.StringPointerValue(triggersItem.ActivityTrigger.ID)
- triggers1.ActivityTrigger.Type = types.StringValue(string(triggersItem.ActivityTrigger.Type))
- }
- if triggersItem.APISubmissionTrigger != nil {
- triggers1.APISubmissionTrigger = &tfTypes.APISubmissionTrigger{}
- triggers1.APISubmissionTrigger.Configuration.SourceID = types.StringPointerValue(triggersItem.APISubmissionTrigger.Configuration.SourceID)
- triggers1.APISubmissionTrigger.ID = types.StringPointerValue(triggersItem.APISubmissionTrigger.ID)
- triggers1.APISubmissionTrigger.Type = types.StringValue(string(triggersItem.APISubmissionTrigger.Type))
- }
- if triggersItem.EntityManualTrigger != nil {
- triggers1.EntityManualTrigger = &tfTypes.EntityManualTrigger{}
- triggers1.EntityManualTrigger.Configuration.Schema = types.StringPointerValue(triggersItem.EntityManualTrigger.Configuration.Schema)
- triggers1.EntityManualTrigger.ID = types.StringPointerValue(triggersItem.EntityManualTrigger.ID)
- triggers1.EntityManualTrigger.Type = types.StringValue(string(triggersItem.EntityManualTrigger.Type))
- }
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger != nil {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger = &tfTypes.EntityOperationTrigger{}
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.EcpConfig == nil {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.EcpConfig = nil
- } else {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.EcpConfig = &tfTypes.EcpConfig{}
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.EcpConfig.FileConfig == nil {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.EcpConfig.FileConfig = nil
- } else {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.EcpConfig.FileConfig = &tfTypes.FileConfig{}
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.EcpConfig.FileConfig.SharedWithEndCustomer = types.BoolPointerValue(triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.EcpConfig.FileConfig.SharedWithEndCustomer)
- }
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.EcpConfig.Origin = types.StringPointerValue(triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.EcpConfig.Origin)
- }
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.ExcludeActivities = []types.String{}
- for _, v := range triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.ExcludeActivities {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.ExcludeActivities = append(triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.ExcludeActivities, types.StringValue(v))
- }
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig == nil {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig = nil
- } else {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig = &tfTypes.FilterConfig{}
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity == nil {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity = nil
- } else {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity = &tfTypes.Activity{}
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity.Type = []tfTypes.EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType{}
- for typeVarCount, typeVarItem := range triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity.Type {
- var typeVar1 tfTypes.EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType
- if typeVarItem.Str != nil {
- typeVar1.Str = types.StringPointerValue(typeVarItem.Str)
- }
- if typeVarItem.AnythingButCondition != nil {
- typeVar1.AnythingButCondition = &tfTypes.AnythingButCondition{}
- typeVar1.AnythingButCondition.AnythingBut = []types.String{}
- for _, v := range typeVarItem.AnythingButCondition.AnythingBut {
- typeVar1.AnythingButCondition.AnythingBut = append(typeVar1.AnythingButCondition.AnythingBut, types.StringValue(v))
- }
- }
- if typeVarItem.EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition != nil {
- typeVar1.EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition = &tfTypes.EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition{}
- typeVar1.EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition.EqualsIgnoreCase = types.StringPointerValue(typeVarItem.EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition.EqualsIgnoreCase)
- }
- if typeVarItem.ExistsCondition != nil {
- typeVar1.ExistsCondition = &tfTypes.ExistsCondition{}
- typeVar1.ExistsCondition.Exists = types.BoolPointerValue(typeVarItem.ExistsCondition.Exists)
- }
- if typeVarItem.PrefixCondition != nil {
- typeVar1.PrefixCondition = &tfTypes.PrefixCondition{}
- typeVar1.PrefixCondition.Prefix = types.StringPointerValue(typeVarItem.PrefixCondition.Prefix)
- }
- if typeVarItem.SuffixCondition != nil {
- typeVar1.SuffixCondition = &tfTypes.SuffixCondition{}
- typeVar1.SuffixCondition.Suffix = types.StringPointerValue(typeVarItem.SuffixCondition.Suffix)
- }
- if typeVarItem.WildcardCondition != nil {
- typeVar1.WildcardCondition = &tfTypes.WildcardCondition{}
- typeVar1.WildcardCondition.Wildcard = types.StringPointerValue(typeVarItem.WildcardCondition.Wildcard)
- }
- if typeVarCount+1 > len(triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity.Type) {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity.Type = append(triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity.Type, typeVar1)
- } else {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity.Type[typeVarCount].Str = typeVar1.Str
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity.Type[typeVarCount].AnythingButCondition = typeVar1.AnythingButCondition
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity.Type[typeVarCount].EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition = typeVar1.EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity.Type[typeVarCount].ExistsCondition = typeVar1.ExistsCondition
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity.Type[typeVarCount].PrefixCondition = typeVar1.PrefixCondition
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity.Type[typeVarCount].SuffixCondition = typeVar1.SuffixCondition
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity.Type[typeVarCount].WildcardCondition = typeVar1.WildcardCondition
- }
- }
- }
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation == nil {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation = nil
- } else {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation = &tfTypes.EntityOperationTriggerOperation{}
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff == nil {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff = nil
- } else {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff = &tfTypes.Diff{}
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Any != nil {
- anyResult, _ := json.Marshal(triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Any)
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Any = types.StringValue(string(anyResult))
- }
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two != nil {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two = &tfTypes.Two{}
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Added == nil {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Added = types.StringNull()
- } else {
- addedResult, _ := json.Marshal(triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Added)
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Added = types.StringValue(string(addedResult))
- }
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Deleted == nil {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Deleted = types.StringNull()
- } else {
- deletedResult, _ := json.Marshal(triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Deleted)
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Deleted = types.StringValue(string(deletedResult))
- }
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Updated == nil {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Updated = types.StringNull()
- } else {
- updatedResult, _ := json.Marshal(triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Updated)
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Updated = types.StringValue(string(updatedResult))
- }
- }
- }
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Operation = []types.String{}
- for _, v := range triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Operation {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Operation = append(triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Operation, types.StringValue(string(v)))
- }
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Payload == nil {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Payload = types.StringNull()
- } else {
- payloadResult, _ := json.Marshal(triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Payload)
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Payload = types.StringValue(string(payloadResult))
- }
- }
- }
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.IncludeActivities = []types.String{}
- for _, v := range triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.IncludeActivities {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.IncludeActivities = append(triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.IncludeActivities, types.StringValue(v))
- }
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.Operations = []types.String{}
- for _, v := range triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.Operations {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.Operations = append(triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.Operations, types.StringValue(string(v)))
- }
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.Schema = types.StringPointerValue(triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.Schema)
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.ID = types.StringPointerValue(triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.ID)
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Type = types.StringValue(string(triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Type))
- }
- if triggersItem.FrontendSubmitTrigger != nil {
- triggers1.FrontendSubmitTrigger = &tfTypes.FrontendSubmitTrigger{}
- triggers1.FrontendSubmitTrigger.Configuration.SourceID = types.StringPointerValue(triggersItem.FrontendSubmitTrigger.Configuration.SourceID)
- triggers1.FrontendSubmitTrigger.ID = types.StringPointerValue(triggersItem.FrontendSubmitTrigger.ID)
- triggers1.FrontendSubmitTrigger.Type = types.StringValue(string(triggersItem.FrontendSubmitTrigger.Type))
- }
- if triggersItem.JourneySubmitTrigger != nil {
- triggers1.JourneySubmitTrigger = &tfTypes.JourneySubmitTrigger{}
- triggers1.JourneySubmitTrigger.Configuration.SourceID = types.StringValue(triggersItem.JourneySubmitTrigger.Configuration.SourceID)
- triggers1.JourneySubmitTrigger.ID = types.StringPointerValue(triggersItem.JourneySubmitTrigger.ID)
- triggers1.JourneySubmitTrigger.Type = types.StringValue(string(triggersItem.JourneySubmitTrigger.Type))
- }
- if triggersItem.ReceivedEmailTrigger != nil {
- triggers1.ReceivedEmailTrigger = &tfTypes.ReceivedEmailTrigger{}
- if triggersItem.ReceivedEmailTrigger.Configuration.MessageType != nil {
- triggers1.ReceivedEmailTrigger.Configuration.MessageType = types.StringValue(string(*triggersItem.ReceivedEmailTrigger.Configuration.MessageType))
- } else {
- triggers1.ReceivedEmailTrigger.Configuration.MessageType = types.StringNull()
- }
- triggers1.ReceivedEmailTrigger.ID = types.StringPointerValue(triggersItem.ReceivedEmailTrigger.ID)
- triggers1.ReceivedEmailTrigger.Type = types.StringValue(string(triggersItem.ReceivedEmailTrigger.Type))
- }
- if triggersCount+1 > len(r.Triggers) {
- r.Triggers = append(r.Triggers, triggers1)
- } else {
- r.Triggers[triggersCount].ActivityTrigger = triggers1.ActivityTrigger
- r.Triggers[triggersCount].APISubmissionTrigger = triggers1.APISubmissionTrigger
- r.Triggers[triggersCount].EntityManualTrigger = triggers1.EntityManualTrigger
- r.Triggers[triggersCount].EntityOperationTrigger = triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger
- r.Triggers[triggersCount].FrontendSubmitTrigger = triggers1.FrontendSubmitTrigger
- r.Triggers[triggersCount].JourneySubmitTrigger = triggers1.JourneySubmitTrigger
- r.Triggers[triggersCount].ReceivedEmailTrigger = triggers1.ReceivedEmailTrigger
- }
+ r.Triggers = nil
+ for _, triggersItem := range resp.Triggers {
+ var triggers1 types.String
+ triggers1Result, _ := json.Marshal(triggersItem)
+ triggers1 = types.StringValue(string(triggers1Result))
+ r.Triggers = append(r.Triggers, triggers1)
if resp.Version != nil {
r.Version = types.NumberValue(big.NewFloat(float64(*resp.Version)))
diff --git a/internal/provider/flow_resource.go b/internal/provider/flow_resource.go
index 36edfba..40bc5de 100644
--- a/internal/provider/flow_resource.go
+++ b/internal/provider/flow_resource.go
@@ -9,10 +9,7 @@ import (
- speakeasy_objectvalidators "github.com/epilot-dev/terraform-provider-epilot-automation/internal/validators/objectvalidators"
- speakeasy_stringvalidators "github.com/epilot-dev/terraform-provider-epilot-automation/internal/validators/stringvalidators"
- "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework-validators/objectvalidator"
@@ -46,7 +43,7 @@ type FlowResourceModel struct {
ID types.String `tfsdk:"id"`
SystemFlow types.Bool `tfsdk:"system_flow"`
TriggerConditions []types.String `tfsdk:"trigger_conditions"`
- Triggers []tfTypes.AnyTrigger `tfsdk:"triggers"`
+ Triggers []types.String `tfsdk:"triggers"`
Version types.Number `tfsdk:"version"`
@@ -223,763 +220,11 @@ func (r *FlowResource) Schema(ctx context.Context, req resource.SchemaRequest, r
- "triggers": schema.ListNestedAttribute{
- Required: true,
- NestedObject: schema.NestedAttributeObject{
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "activity_trigger": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "configuration": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "schema": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- },
- "types": schema.ListAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- ElementType: types.StringType,
- Validators: []validator.List{
- listvalidator.ValueStringsAre(validators.IsValidJSON()),
- },
- },
- },
- Description: `Not Null`,
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- speakeasy_objectvalidators.NotNull(),
- },
- },
- "id": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- },
- "type": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Not Null; must be one of ["activity"]`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- speakeasy_stringvalidators.NotNull(),
- stringvalidator.OneOf(
- "activity",
- ),
- },
- },
- },
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- objectvalidator.ConflictsWith(path.Expressions{
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("api_submission_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("entity_manual_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("entity_operation_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("frontend_submit_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("journey_submit_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("received_email_trigger"),
- }...),
- },
- },
- "api_submission_trigger": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "configuration": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "source_id": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- },
- },
- Description: `Not Null`,
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- speakeasy_objectvalidators.NotNull(),
- },
- },
- "id": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- },
- "type": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Not Null; must be one of ["api_submission"]`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- speakeasy_stringvalidators.NotNull(),
- stringvalidator.OneOf(
- "api_submission",
- ),
- },
- },
- },
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- objectvalidator.ConflictsWith(path.Expressions{
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("activity_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("entity_manual_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("entity_operation_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("frontend_submit_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("journey_submit_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("received_email_trigger"),
- }...),
- },
- },
- "entity_manual_trigger": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "configuration": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "schema": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Which entity type can this automation be triggered from`,
- },
- },
- Description: `Not Null`,
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- speakeasy_objectvalidators.NotNull(),
- },
- },
- "id": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- },
- "type": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Not Null; must be one of ["entity_manual"]`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- speakeasy_stringvalidators.NotNull(),
- stringvalidator.OneOf(
- "entity_manual",
- ),
- },
- },
- },
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- objectvalidator.ConflictsWith(path.Expressions{
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("activity_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("api_submission_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("entity_operation_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("frontend_submit_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("journey_submit_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("received_email_trigger"),
- }...),
- },
- },
- "entity_operation_trigger": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "configuration": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "ecp_config": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "file_config": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "shared_with_end_customer": schema.BoolAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- },
- },
- },
- "origin": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- },
- },
- },
- "exclude_activities": schema.ListAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- ElementType: types.StringType,
- },
- "filter_config": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "activity": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "type": schema.ListNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- NestedObject: schema.NestedAttributeObject{
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "str": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- stringvalidator.ConflictsWith(path.Expressions{
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("anything_but_condition"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("equals_ignore_case_condition"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("exists_condition"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("prefix_condition"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("suffix_condition"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("wildcard_condition"),
- }...),
- },
- },
- "anything_but_condition": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "anything_but": schema.ListAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- ElementType: types.StringType,
- },
- },
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- objectvalidator.ConflictsWith(path.Expressions{
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("str"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("equals_ignore_case_condition"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("exists_condition"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("prefix_condition"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("suffix_condition"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("wildcard_condition"),
- }...),
- },
- },
- "equals_ignore_case_condition": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "equals_ignore_case": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- },
- },
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- objectvalidator.ConflictsWith(path.Expressions{
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("str"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("anything_but_condition"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("exists_condition"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("prefix_condition"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("suffix_condition"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("wildcard_condition"),
- }...),
- },
- },
- "exists_condition": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "exists": schema.BoolAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- },
- },
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- objectvalidator.ConflictsWith(path.Expressions{
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("str"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("anything_but_condition"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("equals_ignore_case_condition"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("prefix_condition"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("suffix_condition"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("wildcard_condition"),
- }...),
- },
- },
- "prefix_condition": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "prefix": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- },
- },
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- objectvalidator.ConflictsWith(path.Expressions{
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("str"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("anything_but_condition"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("equals_ignore_case_condition"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("exists_condition"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("suffix_condition"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("wildcard_condition"),
- }...),
- },
- },
- "suffix_condition": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "suffix": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- },
- },
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- objectvalidator.ConflictsWith(path.Expressions{
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("str"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("anything_but_condition"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("equals_ignore_case_condition"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("exists_condition"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("prefix_condition"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("wildcard_condition"),
- }...),
- },
- },
- "wildcard_condition": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "wildcard": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- },
- },
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- objectvalidator.ConflictsWith(path.Expressions{
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("str"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("anything_but_condition"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("equals_ignore_case_condition"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("exists_condition"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("prefix_condition"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("suffix_condition"),
- }...),
- },
- },
- },
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- validators.ExactlyOneChild(),
- },
- },
- MarkdownDescription: `Filter on activity type. If not specified, all activities will be matched on execution.` + "\n" +
- `Example:` + "\n" +
- ` 1. Filter the events when an entity is updated from portal` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ` {` + "\n" +
- ` "activity":{` + "\n" +
- ` "type": ["EntityUpdatedFromPortal"]` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ` 2. Filter the events when either a doc is uploaded/removed on an entity from a portal` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ` {` + "\n" +
- ` "activity":{` + "\n" +
- ` "type": ["DocUploadedFromPortal", "DocRemovedFromPortal"]` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ``,
- },
- },
- },
- "operation": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "diff": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "any": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Parsed as JSON.`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- stringvalidator.ConflictsWith(path.Expressions{
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("two"),
- }...),
- validators.IsValidJSON(),
- },
- },
- "two": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "added": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Parsed as JSON.`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- validators.IsValidJSON(),
- },
- },
- "deleted": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Parsed as JSON.`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- validators.IsValidJSON(),
- },
- },
- "updated": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Parsed as JSON.`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- validators.IsValidJSON(),
- },
- },
- },
- Description: `Diff to it's prior state when an entity is updated`,
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- objectvalidator.ConflictsWith(path.Expressions{
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("any"),
- }...),
- },
- },
- },
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- validators.ExactlyOneChild(),
- },
- },
- "operation": schema.ListAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- ElementType: types.StringType,
- MarkdownDescription: `Filter on operation type. If not specified, all operations will be matched on execution.` + "\n" +
- `Example:` + "\n" +
- ` 1. Filter all the createEntity/updateEntity operations` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ` {` + "\n" +
- ` "operation":{` + "\n" +
- ` "operation": ["createEntity", "updateEntity"]` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ``,
- },
- "payload": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Parsed as JSON.`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- validators.IsValidJSON(),
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- "include_activities": schema.ListAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- ElementType: types.StringType,
- },
- "operations": schema.ListAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- ElementType: types.StringType,
- Validators: []validator.List{
- listvalidator.SizeAtLeast(1),
- },
- },
- "schema": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- },
- },
- Description: `Not Null`,
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- speakeasy_objectvalidators.NotNull(),
- },
- },
- "id": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- },
- "type": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Not Null; must be one of ["entity_operation"]`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- speakeasy_stringvalidators.NotNull(),
- stringvalidator.OneOf(
- "entity_operation",
- ),
- },
- },
- },
- MarkdownDescription: `- If provides filter_config, executes an automation based on the filtered configuration when an entity event occurs.` + "\n" +
- `- The conditions on a filter follows the event bridge patterns - ` + "`" + `https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eb-event-patterns.html` + "`" + `` + "\n" +
- ` | Comparison | Example | Rule syntax |` + "\n" +
- ` |------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------|` + "\n" +
- ` | Null | first_name is null | ` + "`" + `"first_name": [ null ]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` | Empty | last_name is empty | ` + "`" + `"last_name": [""]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` | Equals | email is "j.doe@email.com" | ` + "`" + `"email": [ "j.doe@email.com" ]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` | Equals (ignore case) | first_name is "John" | ` + "`" + `"first_name": [ { "equals-ignore-case": "john" } ]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` | And | fist_name is "John" and last_name is "Doe" | ` + "`" + `"first_name": [ "John" ], "last_name": ["Doe"]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` | Or | PaymentType is "Invoice" or "SEPA" | ` + "`" + `"PaymentType": [ "invoice", "sepa"]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` | Or (multiple fields) | first_name is "John", or last_name is "Doe". | ` + "`" + `"$or": [ { "first_name": [ "John" ] }, { "last_name": [ "Doe" ] } ]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` | Not | status is anything but "cancelled" | ` + "`" + `"status": [ { "anything-but": [ "cancelled" ] } ]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` | Numeric (equals) | Price is 100 | ` + "`" + `"Price": [ { "numeric": [ "=", 100 ] } ]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` | Numeric (range) | Price is more than 10, and less than or equal to 20 | ` + "`" + `"Price": [ { "numeric": [ ">", 10, "<=", 20 ] } ]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` | Exists | ProductName exists | ` + "`" + `"ProductName": [ { "exists": true } ]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` | Does not exist | ProductName does not exist | ` + "`" + `"ProductName": [ { "exists": false } ]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` | Begins with | OpportunityNumber starts with OPP- | ` + "`" + `"opportunity_number": [ { "prefix": "OPP-" } ]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` | Ends with | FileName ends with a .png extension | ` + "`" + `"filename": [ { "suffix": ".png" } ]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` | Wildcard | search a string using a wildcard | ` + "`" + `"email": [ { "wildcard": "*@doe.com" } ]` + "`" + ` |` + "\n" +
- ` - To run the execution on all update events` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ` {` + "\n" +
- ` "type": "filter_entity_event",` + "\n" +
- ` "configuration": {` + "\n" +
- ` "operation": {` + "\n" +
- ` "operation": ["updateEntity"]` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ` - To run the execution only when the updates are from a portal user` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ` {` + "\n" +
- ` "type": "filter_entity_event",` + "\n" +
- ` "configuration": {` + "\n" +
- ` "operation": {` + "\n" +
- ` "operation": ["updateEntity"]` + "\n" +
- ` },` + "\n" +
- ` "activity": {` + "\n" +
- ` "type": "EntityUpdatedFromPortal"` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ` - To run the execution only when there is an update on a specific attribute` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ` Only starts the automation when the email on a contact is changed` + "\n" +
- ` {` + "\n" +
- ` "type": "filter_entity_event",` + "\n" +
- ` "configuration": {` + "\n" +
- ` "operation": {` + "\n" +
- ` "operation": ["updateEntity"],` + "\n" +
- ` "payload": {` + "\n" +
- ` "_schema": ["contact"]` + "\n" +
- ` },` + "\n" +
- ` "diff": {` + "\n" +
- ` "updated": {` + "\n" +
- ` "email": [{ "exists": true }]` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ` - To run the execution only when a specific attribute is altered(created/updated/deleted)` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ` Only starts the automation when a price is altered on a contract` + "\n" +
- ` {` + "\n" +
- ` "type": "filter_entity_event",` + "\n" +
- ` "configuration": {` + "\n" +
- ` "operation": {` + "\n" +
- ` "payload": {` + "\n" +
- ` "_schema": ["contract"]` + "\n" +
- ` },` + "\n" +
- ` "diff": {` + "\n" +
- ` // Whether he first_name has been added, updated, or removed` + "\n" +
- ` $or: [` + "\n" +
- ` {` + "\n" +
- ` 'added.first_name': [{ exists: true }]` + "\n" +
- ` },` + "\n" +
- ` {` + "\n" +
- ` 'updated.first_name': [{ exists: true }]` + "\n" +
- ` },` + "\n" +
- ` {` + "\n" +
- ` 'deleted.first_name': [{ exists: true }]` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` ]` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ` - To run the execution if an attribute is changed from one state to another` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ` Only starts the automation when the order status changes from ` + "`" + `open_for_acceptance` + "`" + ` to ` + "`" + `placed` + "`" + `` + "\n" +
- ` {` + "\n" +
- ` "type": "filter_entity_event",` + "\n" +
- ` "configuration": {` + "\n" +
- ` "operation": {` + "\n" +
- ` "operation": ["updateEntity"],` + "\n" +
- ` "payload": {` + "\n" +
- ` "_schema": ["order"],` + "\n" +
- ` "status": ["placed"]` + "\n" +
- ` },` + "\n" +
- ` "diff": {` + "\n" +
- ` "updated": {` + "\n" +
- ` "status": ["open_for_acceptance"]` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` }` + "\n" +
- ` ` + "```" + `` + "\n" +
- ``,
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- objectvalidator.ConflictsWith(path.Expressions{
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("activity_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("api_submission_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("entity_manual_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("frontend_submit_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("journey_submit_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("received_email_trigger"),
- }...),
- },
- },
- "frontend_submit_trigger": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "configuration": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "source_id": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- },
- },
- Description: `Not Null`,
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- speakeasy_objectvalidators.NotNull(),
- },
- },
- "id": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- },
- "type": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Not Null; must be one of ["frontend_submission"]`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- speakeasy_stringvalidators.NotNull(),
- stringvalidator.OneOf(
- "frontend_submission",
- ),
- },
- },
- },
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- objectvalidator.ConflictsWith(path.Expressions{
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("activity_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("api_submission_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("entity_manual_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("entity_operation_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("journey_submit_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("received_email_trigger"),
- }...),
- },
- },
- "journey_submit_trigger": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "configuration": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "source_id": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Not Null`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- speakeasy_stringvalidators.NotNull(),
- },
- },
- },
- Description: `Not Null`,
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- speakeasy_objectvalidators.NotNull(),
- },
- },
- "id": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- },
- "type": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Not Null; must be one of ["journey_submission"]`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- speakeasy_stringvalidators.NotNull(),
- stringvalidator.OneOf(
- "journey_submission",
- ),
- },
- },
- },
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- objectvalidator.ConflictsWith(path.Expressions{
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("activity_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("api_submission_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("entity_manual_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("entity_operation_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("frontend_submit_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("received_email_trigger"),
- }...),
- },
- },
- "received_email_trigger": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "configuration": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "message_type": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Description: `must be one of ["RECEIVED"]`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- stringvalidator.OneOf(
- ),
- },
- },
- },
- Description: `Not Null`,
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- speakeasy_objectvalidators.NotNull(),
- },
- },
- "id": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- },
- "type": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Not Null; must be one of ["received_email"]`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- speakeasy_stringvalidators.NotNull(),
- stringvalidator.OneOf(
- "received_email",
- ),
- },
- },
- },
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- objectvalidator.ConflictsWith(path.Expressions{
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("activity_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("api_submission_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("entity_manual_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("entity_operation_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("frontend_submit_trigger"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("journey_submit_trigger"),
- }...),
- },
- },
- },
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- validators.ExactlyOneChild(),
- },
+ "triggers": schema.ListAttribute{
+ Required: true,
+ ElementType: types.StringType,
+ Validators: []validator.List{
+ listvalidator.ValueStringsAre(validators.IsValidJSON()),
"version": schema.NumberAttribute{
@@ -1046,8 +291,8 @@ func (r *FlowResource) Create(ctx context.Context, req resource.CreateRequest, r
resp.Diagnostics.AddError(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected response from API. Got an unexpected response code %v", res.StatusCode), debugResponse(res.RawResponse))
- if res.AutomationFlow == nil {
- resp.Diagnostics.AddError("unexpected response from API. No response body", debugResponse(res.RawResponse))
+ if !(res.AutomationFlow != nil) {
+ resp.Diagnostics.AddError("unexpected response from API. Got an unexpected response body", debugResponse(res.RawResponse))
@@ -1099,8 +344,8 @@ func (r *FlowResource) Read(ctx context.Context, req resource.ReadRequest, resp
resp.Diagnostics.AddError(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected response from API. Got an unexpected response code %v", res.StatusCode), debugResponse(res.RawResponse))
- if res.AutomationFlow == nil {
- resp.Diagnostics.AddError("unexpected response from API. No response body", debugResponse(res.RawResponse))
+ if !(res.AutomationFlow != nil) {
+ resp.Diagnostics.AddError("unexpected response from API. Got an unexpected response body", debugResponse(res.RawResponse))
@@ -1145,8 +390,8 @@ func (r *FlowResource) Update(ctx context.Context, req resource.UpdateRequest, r
resp.Diagnostics.AddError(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected response from API. Got an unexpected response code %v", res.StatusCode), debugResponse(res.RawResponse))
- if res.AutomationFlow == nil {
- resp.Diagnostics.AddError("unexpected response from API. No response body", debugResponse(res.RawResponse))
+ if !(res.AutomationFlow != nil) {
+ resp.Diagnostics.AddError("unexpected response from API. Got an unexpected response body", debugResponse(res.RawResponse))
diff --git a/internal/provider/flow_resource_sdk.go b/internal/provider/flow_resource_sdk.go
index cde1f7a..165c309 100644
--- a/internal/provider/flow_resource_sdk.go
+++ b/internal/provider/flow_resource_sdk.go
@@ -134,391 +134,11 @@ func (r *FlowResourceModel) ToSharedAutomationFlowInput() *shared.AutomationFlow
_ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(triggerConditionsItem.ValueString()), &triggerConditionsTmp)
triggerConditions = append(triggerConditions, triggerConditionsTmp)
- var triggers []shared.AnyTrigger = []shared.AnyTrigger{}
+ var triggers []interface{} = []interface{}{}
for _, triggersItem := range r.Triggers {
- if triggersItem.FrontendSubmitTrigger != nil {
- sourceID := new(string)
- if !triggersItem.FrontendSubmitTrigger.Configuration.SourceID.IsUnknown() && !triggersItem.FrontendSubmitTrigger.Configuration.SourceID.IsNull() {
- *sourceID = triggersItem.FrontendSubmitTrigger.Configuration.SourceID.ValueString()
- } else {
- sourceID = nil
- }
- configuration := shared.FrontendSubmitTriggerConfiguration{
- SourceID: sourceID,
- }
- id3 := new(string)
- if !triggersItem.FrontendSubmitTrigger.ID.IsUnknown() && !triggersItem.FrontendSubmitTrigger.ID.IsNull() {
- *id3 = triggersItem.FrontendSubmitTrigger.ID.ValueString()
- } else {
- id3 = nil
- }
- typeVar := shared.FrontendSubmitTriggerType(triggersItem.FrontendSubmitTrigger.Type.ValueString())
- frontendSubmitTrigger := shared.FrontendSubmitTrigger{
- Configuration: configuration,
- ID: id3,
- Type: typeVar,
- }
- triggers = append(triggers, shared.AnyTrigger{
- FrontendSubmitTrigger: &frontendSubmitTrigger,
- })
- }
- if triggersItem.JourneySubmitTrigger != nil {
- sourceId1 := triggersItem.JourneySubmitTrigger.Configuration.SourceID.ValueString()
- configuration1 := shared.JourneySubmitTriggerConfiguration{
- SourceID: sourceId1,
- }
- id4 := new(string)
- if !triggersItem.JourneySubmitTrigger.ID.IsUnknown() && !triggersItem.JourneySubmitTrigger.ID.IsNull() {
- *id4 = triggersItem.JourneySubmitTrigger.ID.ValueString()
- } else {
- id4 = nil
- }
- typeVar1 := shared.JourneySubmitTriggerType(triggersItem.JourneySubmitTrigger.Type.ValueString())
- journeySubmitTrigger := shared.JourneySubmitTrigger{
- Configuration: configuration1,
- ID: id4,
- Type: typeVar1,
- }
- triggers = append(triggers, shared.AnyTrigger{
- JourneySubmitTrigger: &journeySubmitTrigger,
- })
- }
- if triggersItem.APISubmissionTrigger != nil {
- sourceId2 := new(string)
- if !triggersItem.APISubmissionTrigger.Configuration.SourceID.IsUnknown() && !triggersItem.APISubmissionTrigger.Configuration.SourceID.IsNull() {
- *sourceId2 = triggersItem.APISubmissionTrigger.Configuration.SourceID.ValueString()
- } else {
- sourceId2 = nil
- }
- configuration2 := shared.APISubmissionTriggerConfiguration{
- SourceID: sourceId2,
- }
- id5 := new(string)
- if !triggersItem.APISubmissionTrigger.ID.IsUnknown() && !triggersItem.APISubmissionTrigger.ID.IsNull() {
- *id5 = triggersItem.APISubmissionTrigger.ID.ValueString()
- } else {
- id5 = nil
- }
- typeVar2 := shared.APISubmissionTriggerType(triggersItem.APISubmissionTrigger.Type.ValueString())
- apiSubmissionTrigger := shared.APISubmissionTrigger{
- Configuration: configuration2,
- ID: id5,
- Type: typeVar2,
- }
- triggers = append(triggers, shared.AnyTrigger{
- APISubmissionTrigger: &apiSubmissionTrigger,
- })
- }
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger != nil {
- var ecpConfig *shared.EcpConfig
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.EcpConfig != nil {
- var fileConfig *shared.FileConfig
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.EcpConfig.FileConfig != nil {
- sharedWithEndCustomer := new(bool)
- if !triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.EcpConfig.FileConfig.SharedWithEndCustomer.IsUnknown() && !triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.EcpConfig.FileConfig.SharedWithEndCustomer.IsNull() {
- *sharedWithEndCustomer = triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.EcpConfig.FileConfig.SharedWithEndCustomer.ValueBool()
- } else {
- sharedWithEndCustomer = nil
- }
- fileConfig = &shared.FileConfig{
- SharedWithEndCustomer: sharedWithEndCustomer,
- }
- }
- origin1 := new(string)
- if !triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.EcpConfig.Origin.IsUnknown() && !triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.EcpConfig.Origin.IsNull() {
- *origin1 = triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.EcpConfig.Origin.ValueString()
- } else {
- origin1 = nil
- }
- ecpConfig = &shared.EcpConfig{
- FileConfig: fileConfig,
- Origin: origin1,
- }
- }
- var excludeActivities []string = []string{}
- for _, excludeActivitiesItem := range triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.ExcludeActivities {
- excludeActivities = append(excludeActivities, excludeActivitiesItem.ValueString())
- }
- var filterConfig *shared.FilterConfig
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig != nil {
- var activity *shared.Activity
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity != nil {
- var typeVar3 []shared.EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType = []shared.EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType{}
- for _, typeItem := range triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity.Type {
- if !typeItem.Str.IsUnknown() && !typeItem.Str.IsNull() {
- str := typeItem.Str.ValueString()
- typeVar3 = append(typeVar3, shared.EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType{
- Str: &str,
- })
- }
- if typeItem.EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition != nil {
- equalsIgnoreCase := new(string)
- if !typeItem.EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition.EqualsIgnoreCase.IsUnknown() && !typeItem.EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition.EqualsIgnoreCase.IsNull() {
- *equalsIgnoreCase = typeItem.EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition.EqualsIgnoreCase.ValueString()
- } else {
- equalsIgnoreCase = nil
- }
- equalsIgnoreCaseCondition := shared.EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition{
- EqualsIgnoreCase: equalsIgnoreCase,
- }
- typeVar3 = append(typeVar3, shared.EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType{
- EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition: &equalsIgnoreCaseCondition,
- })
- }
- if typeItem.AnythingButCondition != nil {
- var anythingBut []string = []string{}
- for _, anythingButItem := range typeItem.AnythingButCondition.AnythingBut {
- anythingBut = append(anythingBut, anythingButItem.ValueString())
- }
- anythingButCondition := shared.AnythingButCondition{
- AnythingBut: anythingBut,
- }
- typeVar3 = append(typeVar3, shared.EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType{
- AnythingButCondition: &anythingButCondition,
- })
- }
- if typeItem.ExistsCondition != nil {
- exists := new(bool)
- if !typeItem.ExistsCondition.Exists.IsUnknown() && !typeItem.ExistsCondition.Exists.IsNull() {
- *exists = typeItem.ExistsCondition.Exists.ValueBool()
- } else {
- exists = nil
- }
- existsCondition := shared.ExistsCondition{
- Exists: exists,
- }
- typeVar3 = append(typeVar3, shared.EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType{
- ExistsCondition: &existsCondition,
- })
- }
- if typeItem.PrefixCondition != nil {
- prefix := new(string)
- if !typeItem.PrefixCondition.Prefix.IsUnknown() && !typeItem.PrefixCondition.Prefix.IsNull() {
- *prefix = typeItem.PrefixCondition.Prefix.ValueString()
- } else {
- prefix = nil
- }
- prefixCondition := shared.PrefixCondition{
- Prefix: prefix,
- }
- typeVar3 = append(typeVar3, shared.EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType{
- PrefixCondition: &prefixCondition,
- })
- }
- if typeItem.SuffixCondition != nil {
- suffix := new(string)
- if !typeItem.SuffixCondition.Suffix.IsUnknown() && !typeItem.SuffixCondition.Suffix.IsNull() {
- *suffix = typeItem.SuffixCondition.Suffix.ValueString()
- } else {
- suffix = nil
- }
- suffixCondition := shared.SuffixCondition{
- Suffix: suffix,
- }
- typeVar3 = append(typeVar3, shared.EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType{
- SuffixCondition: &suffixCondition,
- })
- }
- if typeItem.WildcardCondition != nil {
- wildcard := new(string)
- if !typeItem.WildcardCondition.Wildcard.IsUnknown() && !typeItem.WildcardCondition.Wildcard.IsNull() {
- *wildcard = typeItem.WildcardCondition.Wildcard.ValueString()
- } else {
- wildcard = nil
- }
- wildcardCondition := shared.WildcardCondition{
- Wildcard: wildcard,
- }
- typeVar3 = append(typeVar3, shared.EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType{
- WildcardCondition: &wildcardCondition,
- })
- }
- }
- activity = &shared.Activity{
- Type: typeVar3,
- }
- }
- var operation1 *shared.EntityOperationTriggerOperation
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation != nil {
- var diff *shared.Diff
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff != nil {
- var anyVar interface{}
- if !triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Any.IsUnknown() && !triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Any.IsNull() {
- _ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Any.ValueString()), &anyVar)
- }
- if anyVar != nil {
- diff = &shared.Diff{
- Any: anyVar,
- }
- }
- var two *shared.Two
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two != nil {
- var added interface{}
- if !triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Added.IsUnknown() && !triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Added.IsNull() {
- _ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Added.ValueString()), &added)
- }
- var deleted interface{}
- if !triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Deleted.IsUnknown() && !triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Deleted.IsNull() {
- _ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Deleted.ValueString()), &deleted)
- }
- var updated interface{}
- if !triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Updated.IsUnknown() && !triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Updated.IsNull() {
- _ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Updated.ValueString()), &updated)
- }
- two = &shared.Two{
- Added: added,
- Deleted: deleted,
- Updated: updated,
- }
- }
- if two != nil {
- diff = &shared.Diff{
- Two: two,
- }
- }
- }
- var operation2 []shared.EntityOperation = []shared.EntityOperation{}
- for _, operationItem := range triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Operation {
- operation2 = append(operation2, shared.EntityOperation(operationItem.ValueString()))
- }
- var payload interface{}
- if !triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Payload.IsUnknown() && !triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Payload.IsNull() {
- _ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Payload.ValueString()), &payload)
- }
- operation1 = &shared.EntityOperationTriggerOperation{
- Diff: diff,
- Operation: operation2,
- Payload: payload,
- }
- }
- filterConfig = &shared.FilterConfig{
- Activity: activity,
- Operation: operation1,
- }
- }
- var includeActivities []string = []string{}
- for _, includeActivitiesItem := range triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.IncludeActivities {
- includeActivities = append(includeActivities, includeActivitiesItem.ValueString())
- }
- var operationsVar []shared.EntityOperation = []shared.EntityOperation{}
- for _, operationsItem := range triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.Operations {
- operationsVar = append(operationsVar, shared.EntityOperation(operationsItem.ValueString()))
- }
- schema1 := new(string)
- if !triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.Schema.IsUnknown() && !triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.Schema.IsNull() {
- *schema1 = triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.Schema.ValueString()
- } else {
- schema1 = nil
- }
- configuration3 := shared.EntityOperationTriggerConfiguration{
- EcpConfig: ecpConfig,
- ExcludeActivities: excludeActivities,
- FilterConfig: filterConfig,
- IncludeActivities: includeActivities,
- Operations: operationsVar,
- Schema: schema1,
- }
- id6 := new(string)
- if !triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.ID.IsUnknown() && !triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.ID.IsNull() {
- *id6 = triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.ID.ValueString()
- } else {
- id6 = nil
- }
- typeVar4 := shared.EntityOperationTriggerType(triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Type.ValueString())
- entityOperationTrigger := shared.EntityOperationTrigger{
- Configuration: configuration3,
- ID: id6,
- Type: typeVar4,
- }
- triggers = append(triggers, shared.AnyTrigger{
- EntityOperationTrigger: &entityOperationTrigger,
- })
- }
- if triggersItem.ActivityTrigger != nil {
- schema2 := new(string)
- if !triggersItem.ActivityTrigger.Configuration.Schema.IsUnknown() && !triggersItem.ActivityTrigger.Configuration.Schema.IsNull() {
- *schema2 = triggersItem.ActivityTrigger.Configuration.Schema.ValueString()
- } else {
- schema2 = nil
- }
- var types []interface{} = []interface{}{}
- for _, typesItem := range triggersItem.ActivityTrigger.Configuration.Types {
- var typesTmp interface{}
- _ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(typesItem.ValueString()), &typesTmp)
- types = append(types, typesTmp)
- }
- configuration4 := shared.Configuration{
- Schema: schema2,
- Types: types,
- }
- id7 := new(string)
- if !triggersItem.ActivityTrigger.ID.IsUnknown() && !triggersItem.ActivityTrigger.ID.IsNull() {
- *id7 = triggersItem.ActivityTrigger.ID.ValueString()
- } else {
- id7 = nil
- }
- typeVar5 := shared.Type(triggersItem.ActivityTrigger.Type.ValueString())
- activityTrigger := shared.ActivityTrigger{
- Configuration: configuration4,
- ID: id7,
- Type: typeVar5,
- }
- triggers = append(triggers, shared.AnyTrigger{
- ActivityTrigger: &activityTrigger,
- })
- }
- if triggersItem.EntityManualTrigger != nil {
- schema3 := new(string)
- if !triggersItem.EntityManualTrigger.Configuration.Schema.IsUnknown() && !triggersItem.EntityManualTrigger.Configuration.Schema.IsNull() {
- *schema3 = triggersItem.EntityManualTrigger.Configuration.Schema.ValueString()
- } else {
- schema3 = nil
- }
- configuration5 := shared.EntityManualTriggerConfiguration{
- Schema: schema3,
- }
- id8 := new(string)
- if !triggersItem.EntityManualTrigger.ID.IsUnknown() && !triggersItem.EntityManualTrigger.ID.IsNull() {
- *id8 = triggersItem.EntityManualTrigger.ID.ValueString()
- } else {
- id8 = nil
- }
- typeVar6 := shared.EntityManualTriggerType(triggersItem.EntityManualTrigger.Type.ValueString())
- entityManualTrigger := shared.EntityManualTrigger{
- Configuration: configuration5,
- ID: id8,
- Type: typeVar6,
- }
- triggers = append(triggers, shared.AnyTrigger{
- EntityManualTrigger: &entityManualTrigger,
- })
- }
- if triggersItem.ReceivedEmailTrigger != nil {
- messageType := new(shared.MessageType)
- if !triggersItem.ReceivedEmailTrigger.Configuration.MessageType.IsUnknown() && !triggersItem.ReceivedEmailTrigger.Configuration.MessageType.IsNull() {
- *messageType = shared.MessageType(triggersItem.ReceivedEmailTrigger.Configuration.MessageType.ValueString())
- } else {
- messageType = nil
- }
- configuration6 := shared.ReceivedEmailTriggerConfiguration{
- MessageType: messageType,
- }
- id9 := new(string)
- if !triggersItem.ReceivedEmailTrigger.ID.IsUnknown() && !triggersItem.ReceivedEmailTrigger.ID.IsNull() {
- *id9 = triggersItem.ReceivedEmailTrigger.ID.ValueString()
- } else {
- id9 = nil
- }
- typeVar7 := shared.ReceivedEmailTriggerType(triggersItem.ReceivedEmailTrigger.Type.ValueString())
- receivedEmailTrigger := shared.ReceivedEmailTrigger{
- Configuration: configuration6,
- ID: id9,
- Type: typeVar7,
- }
- triggers = append(triggers, shared.AnyTrigger{
- ReceivedEmailTrigger: &receivedEmailTrigger,
- })
- }
+ var triggersTmp interface{}
+ _ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(triggersItem.ValueString()), &triggersTmp)
+ triggers = append(triggers, triggersTmp)
version := new(float64)
if !r.Version.IsUnknown() && !r.Version.IsNull() {
@@ -622,200 +242,12 @@ func (r *FlowResourceModel) RefreshFromSharedAutomationFlow(resp *shared.Automat
triggerConditions1 = types.StringValue(string(triggerConditions1Result))
r.TriggerConditions = append(r.TriggerConditions, triggerConditions1)
- r.Triggers = []tfTypes.AnyTrigger{}
- if len(r.Triggers) > len(resp.Triggers) {
- r.Triggers = r.Triggers[:len(resp.Triggers)]
- }
- for triggersCount, triggersItem := range resp.Triggers {
- var triggers1 tfTypes.AnyTrigger
- if triggersItem.ActivityTrigger != nil {
- triggers1.ActivityTrigger = &tfTypes.ActivityTrigger{}
- triggers1.ActivityTrigger.Configuration.Schema = types.StringPointerValue(triggersItem.ActivityTrigger.Configuration.Schema)
- triggers1.ActivityTrigger.Configuration.Types = nil
- for _, typesItem := range triggersItem.ActivityTrigger.Configuration.Types {
- var types1 types.String
- types1Result, _ := json.Marshal(typesItem)
- types1 = types.StringValue(string(types1Result))
- triggers1.ActivityTrigger.Configuration.Types = append(triggers1.ActivityTrigger.Configuration.Types, types1)
- }
- triggers1.ActivityTrigger.ID = types.StringPointerValue(triggersItem.ActivityTrigger.ID)
- triggers1.ActivityTrigger.Type = types.StringValue(string(triggersItem.ActivityTrigger.Type))
- }
- if triggersItem.APISubmissionTrigger != nil {
- triggers1.APISubmissionTrigger = &tfTypes.APISubmissionTrigger{}
- triggers1.APISubmissionTrigger.Configuration.SourceID = types.StringPointerValue(triggersItem.APISubmissionTrigger.Configuration.SourceID)
- triggers1.APISubmissionTrigger.ID = types.StringPointerValue(triggersItem.APISubmissionTrigger.ID)
- triggers1.APISubmissionTrigger.Type = types.StringValue(string(triggersItem.APISubmissionTrigger.Type))
- }
- if triggersItem.EntityManualTrigger != nil {
- triggers1.EntityManualTrigger = &tfTypes.EntityManualTrigger{}
- triggers1.EntityManualTrigger.Configuration.Schema = types.StringPointerValue(triggersItem.EntityManualTrigger.Configuration.Schema)
- triggers1.EntityManualTrigger.ID = types.StringPointerValue(triggersItem.EntityManualTrigger.ID)
- triggers1.EntityManualTrigger.Type = types.StringValue(string(triggersItem.EntityManualTrigger.Type))
- }
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger != nil {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger = &tfTypes.EntityOperationTrigger{}
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.EcpConfig == nil {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.EcpConfig = nil
- } else {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.EcpConfig = &tfTypes.EcpConfig{}
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.EcpConfig.FileConfig == nil {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.EcpConfig.FileConfig = nil
- } else {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.EcpConfig.FileConfig = &tfTypes.FileConfig{}
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.EcpConfig.FileConfig.SharedWithEndCustomer = types.BoolPointerValue(triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.EcpConfig.FileConfig.SharedWithEndCustomer)
- }
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.EcpConfig.Origin = types.StringPointerValue(triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.EcpConfig.Origin)
- }
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.ExcludeActivities = []types.String{}
- for _, v := range triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.ExcludeActivities {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.ExcludeActivities = append(triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.ExcludeActivities, types.StringValue(v))
- }
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig == nil {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig = nil
- } else {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig = &tfTypes.FilterConfig{}
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity == nil {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity = nil
- } else {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity = &tfTypes.Activity{}
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity.Type = []tfTypes.EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType{}
- for typeVarCount, typeVarItem := range triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity.Type {
- var typeVar1 tfTypes.EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType
- if typeVarItem.Str != nil {
- typeVar1.Str = types.StringPointerValue(typeVarItem.Str)
- }
- if typeVarItem.AnythingButCondition != nil {
- typeVar1.AnythingButCondition = &tfTypes.AnythingButCondition{}
- typeVar1.AnythingButCondition.AnythingBut = []types.String{}
- for _, v := range typeVarItem.AnythingButCondition.AnythingBut {
- typeVar1.AnythingButCondition.AnythingBut = append(typeVar1.AnythingButCondition.AnythingBut, types.StringValue(v))
- }
- }
- if typeVarItem.EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition != nil {
- typeVar1.EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition = &tfTypes.EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition{}
- typeVar1.EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition.EqualsIgnoreCase = types.StringPointerValue(typeVarItem.EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition.EqualsIgnoreCase)
- }
- if typeVarItem.ExistsCondition != nil {
- typeVar1.ExistsCondition = &tfTypes.ExistsCondition{}
- typeVar1.ExistsCondition.Exists = types.BoolPointerValue(typeVarItem.ExistsCondition.Exists)
- }
- if typeVarItem.PrefixCondition != nil {
- typeVar1.PrefixCondition = &tfTypes.PrefixCondition{}
- typeVar1.PrefixCondition.Prefix = types.StringPointerValue(typeVarItem.PrefixCondition.Prefix)
- }
- if typeVarItem.SuffixCondition != nil {
- typeVar1.SuffixCondition = &tfTypes.SuffixCondition{}
- typeVar1.SuffixCondition.Suffix = types.StringPointerValue(typeVarItem.SuffixCondition.Suffix)
- }
- if typeVarItem.WildcardCondition != nil {
- typeVar1.WildcardCondition = &tfTypes.WildcardCondition{}
- typeVar1.WildcardCondition.Wildcard = types.StringPointerValue(typeVarItem.WildcardCondition.Wildcard)
- }
- if typeVarCount+1 > len(triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity.Type) {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity.Type = append(triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity.Type, typeVar1)
- } else {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity.Type[typeVarCount].Str = typeVar1.Str
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity.Type[typeVarCount].AnythingButCondition = typeVar1.AnythingButCondition
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity.Type[typeVarCount].EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition = typeVar1.EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity.Type[typeVarCount].ExistsCondition = typeVar1.ExistsCondition
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity.Type[typeVarCount].PrefixCondition = typeVar1.PrefixCondition
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity.Type[typeVarCount].SuffixCondition = typeVar1.SuffixCondition
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Activity.Type[typeVarCount].WildcardCondition = typeVar1.WildcardCondition
- }
- }
- }
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation == nil {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation = nil
- } else {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation = &tfTypes.EntityOperationTriggerOperation{}
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff == nil {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff = nil
- } else {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff = &tfTypes.Diff{}
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Any != nil {
- anyResult, _ := json.Marshal(triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Any)
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Any = types.StringValue(string(anyResult))
- }
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two != nil {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two = &tfTypes.Two{}
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Added == nil {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Added = types.StringNull()
- } else {
- addedResult, _ := json.Marshal(triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Added)
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Added = types.StringValue(string(addedResult))
- }
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Deleted == nil {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Deleted = types.StringNull()
- } else {
- deletedResult, _ := json.Marshal(triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Deleted)
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Deleted = types.StringValue(string(deletedResult))
- }
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Updated == nil {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Updated = types.StringNull()
- } else {
- updatedResult, _ := json.Marshal(triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Updated)
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Diff.Two.Updated = types.StringValue(string(updatedResult))
- }
- }
- }
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Operation = []types.String{}
- for _, v := range triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Operation {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Operation = append(triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Operation, types.StringValue(string(v)))
- }
- if triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Payload == nil {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Payload = types.StringNull()
- } else {
- payloadResult, _ := json.Marshal(triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Payload)
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.FilterConfig.Operation.Payload = types.StringValue(string(payloadResult))
- }
- }
- }
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.IncludeActivities = []types.String{}
- for _, v := range triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.IncludeActivities {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.IncludeActivities = append(triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.IncludeActivities, types.StringValue(v))
- }
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.Operations = []types.String{}
- for _, v := range triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.Operations {
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.Operations = append(triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.Operations, types.StringValue(string(v)))
- }
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.Schema = types.StringPointerValue(triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Configuration.Schema)
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.ID = types.StringPointerValue(triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.ID)
- triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger.Type = types.StringValue(string(triggersItem.EntityOperationTrigger.Type))
- }
- if triggersItem.FrontendSubmitTrigger != nil {
- triggers1.FrontendSubmitTrigger = &tfTypes.FrontendSubmitTrigger{}
- triggers1.FrontendSubmitTrigger.Configuration.SourceID = types.StringPointerValue(triggersItem.FrontendSubmitTrigger.Configuration.SourceID)
- triggers1.FrontendSubmitTrigger.ID = types.StringPointerValue(triggersItem.FrontendSubmitTrigger.ID)
- triggers1.FrontendSubmitTrigger.Type = types.StringValue(string(triggersItem.FrontendSubmitTrigger.Type))
- }
- if triggersItem.JourneySubmitTrigger != nil {
- triggers1.JourneySubmitTrigger = &tfTypes.JourneySubmitTrigger{}
- triggers1.JourneySubmitTrigger.Configuration.SourceID = types.StringValue(triggersItem.JourneySubmitTrigger.Configuration.SourceID)
- triggers1.JourneySubmitTrigger.ID = types.StringPointerValue(triggersItem.JourneySubmitTrigger.ID)
- triggers1.JourneySubmitTrigger.Type = types.StringValue(string(triggersItem.JourneySubmitTrigger.Type))
- }
- if triggersItem.ReceivedEmailTrigger != nil {
- triggers1.ReceivedEmailTrigger = &tfTypes.ReceivedEmailTrigger{}
- if triggersItem.ReceivedEmailTrigger.Configuration.MessageType != nil {
- triggers1.ReceivedEmailTrigger.Configuration.MessageType = types.StringValue(string(*triggersItem.ReceivedEmailTrigger.Configuration.MessageType))
- } else {
- triggers1.ReceivedEmailTrigger.Configuration.MessageType = types.StringNull()
- }
- triggers1.ReceivedEmailTrigger.ID = types.StringPointerValue(triggersItem.ReceivedEmailTrigger.ID)
- triggers1.ReceivedEmailTrigger.Type = types.StringValue(string(triggersItem.ReceivedEmailTrigger.Type))
- }
- if triggersCount+1 > len(r.Triggers) {
- r.Triggers = append(r.Triggers, triggers1)
- } else {
- r.Triggers[triggersCount].ActivityTrigger = triggers1.ActivityTrigger
- r.Triggers[triggersCount].APISubmissionTrigger = triggers1.APISubmissionTrigger
- r.Triggers[triggersCount].EntityManualTrigger = triggers1.EntityManualTrigger
- r.Triggers[triggersCount].EntityOperationTrigger = triggers1.EntityOperationTrigger
- r.Triggers[triggersCount].FrontendSubmitTrigger = triggers1.FrontendSubmitTrigger
- r.Triggers[triggersCount].JourneySubmitTrigger = triggers1.JourneySubmitTrigger
- r.Triggers[triggersCount].ReceivedEmailTrigger = triggers1.ReceivedEmailTrigger
- }
+ r.Triggers = nil
+ for _, triggersItem := range resp.Triggers {
+ var triggers1 types.String
+ triggers1Result, _ := json.Marshal(triggersItem)
+ triggers1 = types.StringValue(string(triggers1Result))
+ r.Triggers = append(r.Triggers, triggers1)
if resp.Version != nil {
r.Version = types.NumberValue(big.NewFloat(float64(*resp.Version)))
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/activity.go b/internal/provider/types/activity.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ec03d2..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/activity.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-type Activity struct {
- Type []EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType `tfsdk:"type"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/activity_trigger.go b/internal/provider/types/activity_trigger.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 8612e72..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/activity_trigger.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type ActivityTrigger struct {
- Configuration Configuration `tfsdk:"configuration"`
- ID types.String `tfsdk:"id"`
- Type types.String `tfsdk:"type"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/any_trigger.go b/internal/provider/types/any_trigger.go
deleted file mode 100644
index bb82767..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/any_trigger.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-type AnyTrigger struct {
- ActivityTrigger *ActivityTrigger `tfsdk:"activity_trigger" tfPlanOnly:"true"`
- APISubmissionTrigger *APISubmissionTrigger `tfsdk:"api_submission_trigger" tfPlanOnly:"true"`
- EntityManualTrigger *EntityManualTrigger `tfsdk:"entity_manual_trigger" tfPlanOnly:"true"`
- EntityOperationTrigger *EntityOperationTrigger `tfsdk:"entity_operation_trigger" tfPlanOnly:"true"`
- FrontendSubmitTrigger *FrontendSubmitTrigger `tfsdk:"frontend_submit_trigger" tfPlanOnly:"true"`
- JourneySubmitTrigger *JourneySubmitTrigger `tfsdk:"journey_submit_trigger" tfPlanOnly:"true"`
- ReceivedEmailTrigger *ReceivedEmailTrigger `tfsdk:"received_email_trigger" tfPlanOnly:"true"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/anything_but_condition.go b/internal/provider/types/anything_but_condition.go
deleted file mode 100644
index a2d2e3d..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/anything_but_condition.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type AnythingButCondition struct {
- AnythingBut []types.String `tfsdk:"anything_but"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/api_submission_trigger.go b/internal/provider/types/api_submission_trigger.go
deleted file mode 100644
index f79420c..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/api_submission_trigger.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type APISubmissionTrigger struct {
- Configuration APISubmissionTriggerConfiguration `tfsdk:"configuration"`
- ID types.String `tfsdk:"id"`
- Type types.String `tfsdk:"type"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/api_submission_trigger_configuration.go b/internal/provider/types/api_submission_trigger_configuration.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c557cb..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/api_submission_trigger_configuration.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type APISubmissionTriggerConfiguration struct {
- SourceID types.String `tfsdk:"source_id"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/configuration.go b/internal/provider/types/configuration.go
deleted file mode 100644
index dc250e1..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/configuration.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type Configuration struct {
- Schema types.String `tfsdk:"schema"`
- Types []types.String `tfsdk:"types"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/diff.go b/internal/provider/types/diff.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 44823f3..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/diff.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type Diff struct {
- Any types.String `tfsdk:"any" tfPlanOnly:"true"`
- Two *Two `tfsdk:"two" tfPlanOnly:"true"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/ecp_config.go b/internal/provider/types/ecp_config.go
deleted file mode 100644
index e66c176..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/ecp_config.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type EcpConfig struct {
- FileConfig *FileConfig `tfsdk:"file_config"`
- Origin types.String `tfsdk:"origin"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/entity_manual_trigger.go b/internal/provider/types/entity_manual_trigger.go
deleted file mode 100644
index ae06c4a..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/entity_manual_trigger.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type EntityManualTrigger struct {
- Configuration EntityManualTriggerConfiguration `tfsdk:"configuration"`
- ID types.String `tfsdk:"id"`
- Type types.String `tfsdk:"type"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/entity_manual_trigger_configuration.go b/internal/provider/types/entity_manual_trigger_configuration.go
deleted file mode 100644
index d1f6f4e..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/entity_manual_trigger_configuration.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type EntityManualTriggerConfiguration struct {
- Schema types.String `tfsdk:"schema"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/entity_operation_trigger.go b/internal/provider/types/entity_operation_trigger.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 32fa12c..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/entity_operation_trigger.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type EntityOperationTrigger struct {
- Configuration EntityOperationTriggerConfiguration `tfsdk:"configuration"`
- ID types.String `tfsdk:"id"`
- Type types.String `tfsdk:"type"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/entity_operation_trigger_configuration.go b/internal/provider/types/entity_operation_trigger_configuration.go
deleted file mode 100644
index d39ac05..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/entity_operation_trigger_configuration.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type EntityOperationTriggerConfiguration struct {
- EcpConfig *EcpConfig `tfsdk:"ecp_config"`
- ExcludeActivities []types.String `tfsdk:"exclude_activities"`
- FilterConfig *FilterConfig `tfsdk:"filter_config"`
- IncludeActivities []types.String `tfsdk:"include_activities"`
- Operations []types.String `tfsdk:"operations"`
- Schema types.String `tfsdk:"schema"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/entity_operation_trigger_operation.go b/internal/provider/types/entity_operation_trigger_operation.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 787d08f..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/entity_operation_trigger_operation.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type EntityOperationTriggerOperation struct {
- Diff *Diff `tfsdk:"diff"`
- Operation []types.String `tfsdk:"operation"`
- Payload types.String `tfsdk:"payload"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/entity_operation_trigger_schemas_type.go b/internal/provider/types/entity_operation_trigger_schemas_type.go
deleted file mode 100644
index adb8b10..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/entity_operation_trigger_schemas_type.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType struct {
- Str types.String `tfsdk:"str" tfPlanOnly:"true"`
- AnythingButCondition *AnythingButCondition `tfsdk:"anything_but_condition" tfPlanOnly:"true"`
- EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition *EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition `tfsdk:"equals_ignore_case_condition" tfPlanOnly:"true"`
- ExistsCondition *ExistsCondition `tfsdk:"exists_condition" tfPlanOnly:"true"`
- PrefixCondition *PrefixCondition `tfsdk:"prefix_condition" tfPlanOnly:"true"`
- SuffixCondition *SuffixCondition `tfsdk:"suffix_condition" tfPlanOnly:"true"`
- WildcardCondition *WildcardCondition `tfsdk:"wildcard_condition" tfPlanOnly:"true"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/equals_ignore_case_condition.go b/internal/provider/types/equals_ignore_case_condition.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fffddf..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/equals_ignore_case_condition.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition struct {
- EqualsIgnoreCase types.String `tfsdk:"equals_ignore_case"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/exists_condition.go b/internal/provider/types/exists_condition.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 8267d56..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/exists_condition.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type ExistsCondition struct {
- Exists types.Bool `tfsdk:"exists"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/file_config.go b/internal/provider/types/file_config.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 84c243a..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/file_config.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type FileConfig struct {
- SharedWithEndCustomer types.Bool `tfsdk:"shared_with_end_customer"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/filter_config.go b/internal/provider/types/filter_config.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 04c580a..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/filter_config.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-type FilterConfig struct {
- Activity *Activity `tfsdk:"activity"`
- Operation *EntityOperationTriggerOperation `tfsdk:"operation"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/frontend_submit_trigger.go b/internal/provider/types/frontend_submit_trigger.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b06a07..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/frontend_submit_trigger.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type FrontendSubmitTrigger struct {
- Configuration APISubmissionTriggerConfiguration `tfsdk:"configuration"`
- ID types.String `tfsdk:"id"`
- Type types.String `tfsdk:"type"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/journey_submit_trigger.go b/internal/provider/types/journey_submit_trigger.go
deleted file mode 100644
index db8716d..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/journey_submit_trigger.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type JourneySubmitTrigger struct {
- Configuration JourneySubmitTriggerConfiguration `tfsdk:"configuration"`
- ID types.String `tfsdk:"id"`
- Type types.String `tfsdk:"type"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/journey_submit_trigger_configuration.go b/internal/provider/types/journey_submit_trigger_configuration.go
deleted file mode 100644
index aaafa83..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/journey_submit_trigger_configuration.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type JourneySubmitTriggerConfiguration struct {
- SourceID types.String `tfsdk:"source_id"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/prefix_condition.go b/internal/provider/types/prefix_condition.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 37a93af..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/prefix_condition.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type PrefixCondition struct {
- Prefix types.String `tfsdk:"prefix"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/received_email_trigger.go b/internal/provider/types/received_email_trigger.go
deleted file mode 100644
index b4a8a35..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/received_email_trigger.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type ReceivedEmailTrigger struct {
- Configuration ReceivedEmailTriggerConfiguration `tfsdk:"configuration"`
- ID types.String `tfsdk:"id"`
- Type types.String `tfsdk:"type"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/received_email_trigger_configuration.go b/internal/provider/types/received_email_trigger_configuration.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bbff2f..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/received_email_trigger_configuration.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type ReceivedEmailTriggerConfiguration struct {
- MessageType types.String `tfsdk:"message_type"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/suffix_condition.go b/internal/provider/types/suffix_condition.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a51bb7..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/suffix_condition.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type SuffixCondition struct {
- Suffix types.String `tfsdk:"suffix"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/two.go b/internal/provider/types/two.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 7af77f6..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/two.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type Two struct {
- Added types.String `tfsdk:"added"`
- Deleted types.String `tfsdk:"deleted"`
- Updated types.String `tfsdk:"updated"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/wildcard_condition.go b/internal/provider/types/wildcard_condition.go
deleted file mode 100644
index a910347..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/wildcard_condition.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type WildcardCondition struct {
- Wildcard types.String `tfsdk:"wildcard"`
diff --git a/internal/sdk/models/shared/activitytrigger.go b/internal/sdk/models/shared/activitytrigger.go
deleted file mode 100644
index cd8fab0..0000000
--- a/internal/sdk/models/shared/activitytrigger.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package shared
-import (
- "encoding/json"
- "fmt"
-type Configuration struct {
- Schema *string `json:"schema,omitempty"`
- Types []any `json:"types,omitempty"`
-func (o *Configuration) GetSchema() *string {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.Schema
-func (o *Configuration) GetTypes() []any {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.Types
-type Type string
-const (
- TypeActivity Type = "activity"
-func (e Type) ToPointer() *Type {
- return &e
-func (e *Type) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
- var v string
- if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &v); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- switch v {
- case "activity":
- *e = Type(v)
- return nil
- default:
- return fmt.Errorf("invalid value for Type: %v", v)
- }
-type ActivityTrigger struct {
- Configuration Configuration `json:"configuration"`
- ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
- Type Type `json:"type"`
-func (o *ActivityTrigger) GetConfiguration() Configuration {
- if o == nil {
- return Configuration{}
- }
- return o.Configuration
-func (o *ActivityTrigger) GetID() *string {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.ID
-func (o *ActivityTrigger) GetType() Type {
- if o == nil {
- return Type("")
- }
- return o.Type
diff --git a/internal/sdk/models/shared/anyaction.go b/internal/sdk/models/shared/anyaction.go
index 18deafd..0bcf7e4 100644
--- a/internal/sdk/models/shared/anyaction.go
+++ b/internal/sdk/models/shared/anyaction.go
@@ -98,49 +98,49 @@ func CreateAnyActionAutomationAction(automationAction AutomationAction) AnyActio
func (u *AnyAction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
var mapEntityAction MapEntityAction = MapEntityAction{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &mapEntityAction, "", true, true); err == nil {
+ if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &mapEntityAction, "", true, false); err == nil {
u.MapEntityAction = &mapEntityAction
u.Type = AnyActionTypeMapEntityAction
return nil
var triggerWorkflowAction TriggerWorkflowAction = TriggerWorkflowAction{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &triggerWorkflowAction, "", true, true); err == nil {
+ if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &triggerWorkflowAction, "", true, false); err == nil {
u.TriggerWorkflowAction = &triggerWorkflowAction
u.Type = AnyActionTypeTriggerWorkflowAction
return nil
var triggerWebhookAction TriggerWebhookAction = TriggerWebhookAction{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &triggerWebhookAction, "", true, true); err == nil {
+ if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &triggerWebhookAction, "", true, false); err == nil {
u.TriggerWebhookAction = &triggerWebhookAction
u.Type = AnyActionTypeTriggerWebhookAction
return nil
var createDocumentAction CreateDocumentAction = CreateDocumentAction{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &createDocumentAction, "", true, true); err == nil {
+ if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &createDocumentAction, "", true, false); err == nil {
u.CreateDocumentAction = &createDocumentAction
u.Type = AnyActionTypeCreateDocumentAction
return nil
var sendEmailAction SendEmailAction = SendEmailAction{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &sendEmailAction, "", true, true); err == nil {
+ if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &sendEmailAction, "", true, false); err == nil {
u.SendEmailAction = &sendEmailAction
u.Type = AnyActionTypeSendEmailAction
return nil
var cartCheckoutAction CartCheckoutAction = CartCheckoutAction{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &cartCheckoutAction, "", true, true); err == nil {
+ if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &cartCheckoutAction, "", true, false); err == nil {
u.CartCheckoutAction = &cartCheckoutAction
u.Type = AnyActionTypeCartCheckoutAction
return nil
var automationAction AutomationAction = AutomationAction{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &automationAction, "", true, true); err == nil {
+ if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &automationAction, "", true, false); err == nil {
u.AutomationAction = &automationAction
u.Type = AnyActionTypeAutomationAction
return nil
diff --git a/internal/sdk/models/shared/anythingbutcondition.go b/internal/sdk/models/shared/anythingbutcondition.go
deleted file mode 100644
index a44792e..0000000
--- a/internal/sdk/models/shared/anythingbutcondition.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package shared
-type AnythingButCondition struct {
- AnythingBut []string `json:"anything-but,omitempty"`
-func (o *AnythingButCondition) GetAnythingBut() []string {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.AnythingBut
diff --git a/internal/sdk/models/shared/anytrigger.go b/internal/sdk/models/shared/anytrigger.go
deleted file mode 100644
index c90379d..0000000
--- a/internal/sdk/models/shared/anytrigger.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package shared
-import (
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "github.com/epilot-dev/terraform-provider-epilot-automation/internal/sdk/internal/utils"
-type AnyTriggerType string
-const (
- AnyTriggerTypeFrontendSubmitTrigger AnyTriggerType = "FrontendSubmitTrigger"
- AnyTriggerTypeJourneySubmitTrigger AnyTriggerType = "JourneySubmitTrigger"
- AnyTriggerTypeAPISubmissionTrigger AnyTriggerType = "ApiSubmissionTrigger"
- AnyTriggerTypeEntityOperationTrigger AnyTriggerType = "EntityOperationTrigger"
- AnyTriggerTypeActivityTrigger AnyTriggerType = "ActivityTrigger"
- AnyTriggerTypeEntityManualTrigger AnyTriggerType = "EntityManualTrigger"
- AnyTriggerTypeReceivedEmailTrigger AnyTriggerType = "ReceivedEmailTrigger"
-type AnyTrigger struct {
- FrontendSubmitTrigger *FrontendSubmitTrigger
- JourneySubmitTrigger *JourneySubmitTrigger
- APISubmissionTrigger *APISubmissionTrigger
- EntityOperationTrigger *EntityOperationTrigger
- ActivityTrigger *ActivityTrigger
- EntityManualTrigger *EntityManualTrigger
- ReceivedEmailTrigger *ReceivedEmailTrigger
- Type AnyTriggerType
-func CreateAnyTriggerFrontendSubmitTrigger(frontendSubmitTrigger FrontendSubmitTrigger) AnyTrigger {
- typ := AnyTriggerTypeFrontendSubmitTrigger
- return AnyTrigger{
- FrontendSubmitTrigger: &frontendSubmitTrigger,
- Type: typ,
- }
-func CreateAnyTriggerJourneySubmitTrigger(journeySubmitTrigger JourneySubmitTrigger) AnyTrigger {
- typ := AnyTriggerTypeJourneySubmitTrigger
- return AnyTrigger{
- JourneySubmitTrigger: &journeySubmitTrigger,
- Type: typ,
- }
-func CreateAnyTriggerAPISubmissionTrigger(apiSubmissionTrigger APISubmissionTrigger) AnyTrigger {
- typ := AnyTriggerTypeAPISubmissionTrigger
- return AnyTrigger{
- APISubmissionTrigger: &apiSubmissionTrigger,
- Type: typ,
- }
-func CreateAnyTriggerEntityOperationTrigger(entityOperationTrigger EntityOperationTrigger) AnyTrigger {
- typ := AnyTriggerTypeEntityOperationTrigger
- return AnyTrigger{
- EntityOperationTrigger: &entityOperationTrigger,
- Type: typ,
- }
-func CreateAnyTriggerActivityTrigger(activityTrigger ActivityTrigger) AnyTrigger {
- typ := AnyTriggerTypeActivityTrigger
- return AnyTrigger{
- ActivityTrigger: &activityTrigger,
- Type: typ,
- }
-func CreateAnyTriggerEntityManualTrigger(entityManualTrigger EntityManualTrigger) AnyTrigger {
- typ := AnyTriggerTypeEntityManualTrigger
- return AnyTrigger{
- EntityManualTrigger: &entityManualTrigger,
- Type: typ,
- }
-func CreateAnyTriggerReceivedEmailTrigger(receivedEmailTrigger ReceivedEmailTrigger) AnyTrigger {
- typ := AnyTriggerTypeReceivedEmailTrigger
- return AnyTrigger{
- ReceivedEmailTrigger: &receivedEmailTrigger,
- Type: typ,
- }
-func (u *AnyTrigger) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
- var frontendSubmitTrigger FrontendSubmitTrigger = FrontendSubmitTrigger{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &frontendSubmitTrigger, "", true, true); err == nil {
- u.FrontendSubmitTrigger = &frontendSubmitTrigger
- u.Type = AnyTriggerTypeFrontendSubmitTrigger
- return nil
- }
- var journeySubmitTrigger JourneySubmitTrigger = JourneySubmitTrigger{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &journeySubmitTrigger, "", true, true); err == nil {
- u.JourneySubmitTrigger = &journeySubmitTrigger
- u.Type = AnyTriggerTypeJourneySubmitTrigger
- return nil
- }
- var apiSubmissionTrigger APISubmissionTrigger = APISubmissionTrigger{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &apiSubmissionTrigger, "", true, true); err == nil {
- u.APISubmissionTrigger = &apiSubmissionTrigger
- u.Type = AnyTriggerTypeAPISubmissionTrigger
- return nil
- }
- var entityOperationTrigger EntityOperationTrigger = EntityOperationTrigger{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &entityOperationTrigger, "", true, true); err == nil {
- u.EntityOperationTrigger = &entityOperationTrigger
- u.Type = AnyTriggerTypeEntityOperationTrigger
- return nil
- }
- var activityTrigger ActivityTrigger = ActivityTrigger{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &activityTrigger, "", true, true); err == nil {
- u.ActivityTrigger = &activityTrigger
- u.Type = AnyTriggerTypeActivityTrigger
- return nil
- }
- var entityManualTrigger EntityManualTrigger = EntityManualTrigger{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &entityManualTrigger, "", true, true); err == nil {
- u.EntityManualTrigger = &entityManualTrigger
- u.Type = AnyTriggerTypeEntityManualTrigger
- return nil
- }
- var receivedEmailTrigger ReceivedEmailTrigger = ReceivedEmailTrigger{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &receivedEmailTrigger, "", true, true); err == nil {
- u.ReceivedEmailTrigger = &receivedEmailTrigger
- u.Type = AnyTriggerTypeReceivedEmailTrigger
- return nil
- }
- return fmt.Errorf("could not unmarshal `%s` into any supported union types for AnyTrigger", string(data))
-func (u AnyTrigger) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
- if u.FrontendSubmitTrigger != nil {
- return utils.MarshalJSON(u.FrontendSubmitTrigger, "", true)
- }
- if u.JourneySubmitTrigger != nil {
- return utils.MarshalJSON(u.JourneySubmitTrigger, "", true)
- }
- if u.APISubmissionTrigger != nil {
- return utils.MarshalJSON(u.APISubmissionTrigger, "", true)
- }
- if u.EntityOperationTrigger != nil {
- return utils.MarshalJSON(u.EntityOperationTrigger, "", true)
- }
- if u.ActivityTrigger != nil {
- return utils.MarshalJSON(u.ActivityTrigger, "", true)
- }
- if u.EntityManualTrigger != nil {
- return utils.MarshalJSON(u.EntityManualTrigger, "", true)
- }
- if u.ReceivedEmailTrigger != nil {
- return utils.MarshalJSON(u.ReceivedEmailTrigger, "", true)
- }
- return nil, errors.New("could not marshal union type AnyTrigger: all fields are null")
diff --git a/internal/sdk/models/shared/apisubmissiontrigger.go b/internal/sdk/models/shared/apisubmissiontrigger.go
deleted file mode 100644
index a761bb4..0000000
--- a/internal/sdk/models/shared/apisubmissiontrigger.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package shared
-import (
- "encoding/json"
- "fmt"
-type APISubmissionTriggerConfiguration struct {
- SourceID *string `json:"source_id,omitempty"`
-func (o *APISubmissionTriggerConfiguration) GetSourceID() *string {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.SourceID
-type APISubmissionTriggerType string
-const (
- APISubmissionTriggerTypeAPISubmission APISubmissionTriggerType = "api_submission"
-func (e APISubmissionTriggerType) ToPointer() *APISubmissionTriggerType {
- return &e
-func (e *APISubmissionTriggerType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
- var v string
- if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &v); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- switch v {
- case "api_submission":
- *e = APISubmissionTriggerType(v)
- return nil
- default:
- return fmt.Errorf("invalid value for APISubmissionTriggerType: %v", v)
- }
-type APISubmissionTrigger struct {
- Configuration APISubmissionTriggerConfiguration `json:"configuration"`
- ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
- Type APISubmissionTriggerType `json:"type"`
-func (o *APISubmissionTrigger) GetConfiguration() APISubmissionTriggerConfiguration {
- if o == nil {
- return APISubmissionTriggerConfiguration{}
- }
- return o.Configuration
-func (o *APISubmissionTrigger) GetID() *string {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.ID
-func (o *APISubmissionTrigger) GetType() APISubmissionTriggerType {
- if o == nil {
- return APISubmissionTriggerType("")
- }
- return o.Type
diff --git a/internal/sdk/models/shared/automationexecution.go b/internal/sdk/models/shared/automationexecution.go
index 09aba7f..0b83de5 100644
--- a/internal/sdk/models/shared/automationexecution.go
+++ b/internal/sdk/models/shared/automationexecution.go
@@ -55,21 +55,21 @@ func CreateTriggerEventTriggerEventEntityOperation(triggerEventEntityOperation T
func (u *TriggerEvent) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
var triggerEventManual TriggerEventManual = TriggerEventManual{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &triggerEventManual, "", true, true); err == nil {
+ if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &triggerEventManual, "", true, false); err == nil {
u.TriggerEventManual = &triggerEventManual
u.Type = TriggerEventTypeTriggerEventManual
return nil
var triggerEventEntityActivity TriggerEventEntityActivity = TriggerEventEntityActivity{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &triggerEventEntityActivity, "", true, true); err == nil {
+ if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &triggerEventEntityActivity, "", true, false); err == nil {
u.TriggerEventEntityActivity = &triggerEventEntityActivity
u.Type = TriggerEventTypeTriggerEventEntityActivity
return nil
var triggerEventEntityOperation TriggerEventEntityOperation = TriggerEventEntityOperation{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &triggerEventEntityOperation, "", true, true); err == nil {
+ if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &triggerEventEntityOperation, "", true, false); err == nil {
u.TriggerEventEntityOperation = &triggerEventEntityOperation
u.Type = TriggerEventTypeTriggerEventEntityOperation
return nil
diff --git a/internal/sdk/models/shared/automationflow.go b/internal/sdk/models/shared/automationflow.go
index fa34979..66f37cd 100644
--- a/internal/sdk/models/shared/automationflow.go
+++ b/internal/sdk/models/shared/automationflow.go
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ type AutomationFlow struct {
FlowName string `json:"flow_name"`
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
// Determines if the flow is a system generated flow
- SystemFlow *bool `json:"system_flow,omitempty"`
- TriggerConditions []any `json:"trigger_conditions,omitempty"`
- Triggers []AnyTrigger `json:"triggers"`
+ SystemFlow *bool `json:"system_flow,omitempty"`
+ TriggerConditions []any `json:"trigger_conditions,omitempty"`
+ Triggers []any `json:"triggers"`
// Version of the flow
Version *float64 `json:"version,omitempty"`
@@ -92,9 +92,9 @@ func (o *AutomationFlow) GetTriggerConditions() []any {
return o.TriggerConditions
-func (o *AutomationFlow) GetTriggers() []AnyTrigger {
+func (o *AutomationFlow) GetTriggers() []any {
if o == nil {
- return []AnyTrigger{}
+ return []any{}
return o.Triggers
diff --git a/internal/sdk/models/shared/automationflowinput.go b/internal/sdk/models/shared/automationflowinput.go
index 01ae4d9..e49e1c5 100644
--- a/internal/sdk/models/shared/automationflowinput.go
+++ b/internal/sdk/models/shared/automationflowinput.go
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ type AutomationFlowInput struct {
// A descriptive name for the Automation
FlowName string `json:"flow_name"`
// Determines if the flow is a system generated flow
- SystemFlow *bool `json:"system_flow,omitempty"`
- TriggerConditions []any `json:"trigger_conditions,omitempty"`
- Triggers []AnyTrigger `json:"triggers"`
+ SystemFlow *bool `json:"system_flow,omitempty"`
+ TriggerConditions []any `json:"trigger_conditions,omitempty"`
+ Triggers []any `json:"triggers"`
// Version of the flow
Version *float64 `json:"version,omitempty"`
@@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ func (o *AutomationFlowInput) GetTriggerConditions() []any {
return o.TriggerConditions
-func (o *AutomationFlowInput) GetTriggers() []AnyTrigger {
+func (o *AutomationFlowInput) GetTriggers() []any {
if o == nil {
- return []AnyTrigger{}
+ return []any{}
return o.Triggers
diff --git a/internal/sdk/models/shared/cartcheckoutaction.go b/internal/sdk/models/shared/cartcheckoutaction.go
index 7e1a166..b676bcd 100644
--- a/internal/sdk/models/shared/cartcheckoutaction.go
+++ b/internal/sdk/models/shared/cartcheckoutaction.go
@@ -28,26 +28,26 @@ func (o *CartCheckoutActionReason) GetPayload() map[string]any {
return o.Payload
-type CartCheckoutActionType string
+type Type string
const (
- CartCheckoutActionTypeCartCheckout CartCheckoutActionType = "cart-checkout"
+ TypeCartCheckout Type = "cart-checkout"
-func (e CartCheckoutActionType) ToPointer() *CartCheckoutActionType {
+func (e Type) ToPointer() *Type {
return &e
-func (e *CartCheckoutActionType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
+func (e *Type) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
var v string
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &v); err != nil {
return err
switch v {
case "cart-checkout":
- *e = CartCheckoutActionType(v)
+ *e = Type(v)
return nil
- return fmt.Errorf("invalid value for CartCheckoutActionType: %v", v)
+ return fmt.Errorf("invalid value for Type: %v", v)
@@ -70,10 +70,10 @@ type CartCheckoutAction struct {
Outputs map[string]any `json:"outputs,omitempty"`
Reason *CartCheckoutActionReason `json:"reason,omitempty"`
// different behaviors for retrying failed execution actions.
- RetryStrategy *RetryStrategy `json:"retry_strategy,omitempty"`
- StartedAt *string `json:"started_at,omitempty"`
- Type *CartCheckoutActionType `json:"type,omitempty"`
- UpdatedAt *string `json:"updated_at,omitempty"`
+ RetryStrategy *RetryStrategy `json:"retry_strategy,omitempty"`
+ StartedAt *string `json:"started_at,omitempty"`
+ Type *Type `json:"type,omitempty"`
+ UpdatedAt *string `json:"updated_at,omitempty"`
func (o *CartCheckoutAction) GetAllowFailure() *bool {
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ func (o *CartCheckoutAction) GetStartedAt() *string {
return o.StartedAt
-func (o *CartCheckoutAction) GetType() *CartCheckoutActionType {
+func (o *CartCheckoutAction) GetType() *Type {
if o == nil {
return nil
diff --git a/internal/sdk/models/shared/cartcheckoutconfig.go b/internal/sdk/models/shared/cartcheckoutconfig.go
index 116bceb..ad77840 100644
--- a/internal/sdk/models/shared/cartcheckoutconfig.go
+++ b/internal/sdk/models/shared/cartcheckoutconfig.go
@@ -43,14 +43,14 @@ func CreateMappingAttributesMappingAttribute(mappingAttribute MappingAttribute)
func (u *MappingAttributes) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
var mappingAttributeV2 MappingAttributeV2 = MappingAttributeV2{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &mappingAttributeV2, "", true, true); err == nil {
+ if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &mappingAttributeV2, "", true, false); err == nil {
u.MappingAttributeV2 = &mappingAttributeV2
u.Type = MappingAttributesTypeMappingAttributeV2
return nil
var mappingAttribute MappingAttribute = MappingAttribute{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &mappingAttribute, "", true, true); err == nil {
+ if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &mappingAttribute, "", true, false); err == nil {
u.MappingAttribute = &mappingAttribute
u.Type = MappingAttributesTypeMappingAttribute
return nil
diff --git a/internal/sdk/models/shared/entitymanualtrigger.go b/internal/sdk/models/shared/entitymanualtrigger.go
deleted file mode 100644
index bba09a3..0000000
--- a/internal/sdk/models/shared/entitymanualtrigger.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package shared
-import (
- "encoding/json"
- "fmt"
-type EntityManualTriggerConfiguration struct {
- // Which entity type can this automation be triggered from
- Schema *string `json:"schema,omitempty"`
-func (o *EntityManualTriggerConfiguration) GetSchema() *string {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.Schema
-type EntityManualTriggerType string
-const (
- EntityManualTriggerTypeEntityManual EntityManualTriggerType = "entity_manual"
-func (e EntityManualTriggerType) ToPointer() *EntityManualTriggerType {
- return &e
-func (e *EntityManualTriggerType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
- var v string
- if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &v); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- switch v {
- case "entity_manual":
- *e = EntityManualTriggerType(v)
- return nil
- default:
- return fmt.Errorf("invalid value for EntityManualTriggerType: %v", v)
- }
-type EntityManualTrigger struct {
- Configuration EntityManualTriggerConfiguration `json:"configuration"`
- ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
- Type EntityManualTriggerType `json:"type"`
-func (o *EntityManualTrigger) GetConfiguration() EntityManualTriggerConfiguration {
- if o == nil {
- return EntityManualTriggerConfiguration{}
- }
- return o.Configuration
-func (o *EntityManualTrigger) GetID() *string {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.ID
-func (o *EntityManualTrigger) GetType() EntityManualTriggerType {
- if o == nil {
- return EntityManualTriggerType("")
- }
- return o.Type
diff --git a/internal/sdk/models/shared/entityoperationtrigger.go b/internal/sdk/models/shared/entityoperationtrigger.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 05b1be0..0000000
--- a/internal/sdk/models/shared/entityoperationtrigger.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,605 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package shared
-import (
- "encoding/json"
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "github.com/epilot-dev/terraform-provider-epilot-automation/internal/sdk/internal/utils"
-type FileConfig struct {
- SharedWithEndCustomer *bool `json:"shared_with_end_customer,omitempty"`
-func (o *FileConfig) GetSharedWithEndCustomer() *bool {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.SharedWithEndCustomer
-type EcpConfig struct {
- FileConfig *FileConfig `json:"file_config,omitempty"`
- Origin *string `json:"origin,omitempty"`
-func (o *EcpConfig) GetFileConfig() *FileConfig {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.FileConfig
-func (o *EcpConfig) GetOrigin() *string {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.Origin
-type EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeType string
-const (
- EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeTypeStr EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeType = "str"
- EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeTypeEqualsIgnoreCaseCondition EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeType = "EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition"
- EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeTypeAnythingButCondition EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeType = "AnythingButCondition"
- EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeTypeExistsCondition EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeType = "ExistsCondition"
- EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeTypePrefixCondition EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeType = "PrefixCondition"
- EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeTypeSuffixCondition EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeType = "SuffixCondition"
- EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeTypeWildcardCondition EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeType = "WildcardCondition"
-type EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType struct {
- Str *string
- EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition *EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition
- AnythingButCondition *AnythingButCondition
- ExistsCondition *ExistsCondition
- PrefixCondition *PrefixCondition
- SuffixCondition *SuffixCondition
- WildcardCondition *WildcardCondition
- Type EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeType
-func CreateEntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeStr(str string) EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType {
- typ := EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeTypeStr
- return EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType{
- Str: &str,
- Type: typ,
- }
-func CreateEntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeEqualsIgnoreCaseCondition(equalsIgnoreCaseCondition EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition) EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType {
- typ := EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeTypeEqualsIgnoreCaseCondition
- return EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType{
- EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition: &equalsIgnoreCaseCondition,
- Type: typ,
- }
-func CreateEntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeAnythingButCondition(anythingButCondition AnythingButCondition) EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType {
- typ := EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeTypeAnythingButCondition
- return EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType{
- AnythingButCondition: &anythingButCondition,
- Type: typ,
- }
-func CreateEntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeExistsCondition(existsCondition ExistsCondition) EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType {
- typ := EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeTypeExistsCondition
- return EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType{
- ExistsCondition: &existsCondition,
- Type: typ,
- }
-func CreateEntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypePrefixCondition(prefixCondition PrefixCondition) EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType {
- typ := EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeTypePrefixCondition
- return EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType{
- PrefixCondition: &prefixCondition,
- Type: typ,
- }
-func CreateEntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeSuffixCondition(suffixCondition SuffixCondition) EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType {
- typ := EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeTypeSuffixCondition
- return EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType{
- SuffixCondition: &suffixCondition,
- Type: typ,
- }
-func CreateEntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeWildcardCondition(wildcardCondition WildcardCondition) EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType {
- typ := EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeTypeWildcardCondition
- return EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType{
- WildcardCondition: &wildcardCondition,
- Type: typ,
- }
-func (u *EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
- var equalsIgnoreCaseCondition EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition = EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &equalsIgnoreCaseCondition, "", true, true); err == nil {
- u.EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition = &equalsIgnoreCaseCondition
- u.Type = EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeTypeEqualsIgnoreCaseCondition
- return nil
- }
- var anythingButCondition AnythingButCondition = AnythingButCondition{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &anythingButCondition, "", true, true); err == nil {
- u.AnythingButCondition = &anythingButCondition
- u.Type = EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeTypeAnythingButCondition
- return nil
- }
- var existsCondition ExistsCondition = ExistsCondition{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &existsCondition, "", true, true); err == nil {
- u.ExistsCondition = &existsCondition
- u.Type = EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeTypeExistsCondition
- return nil
- }
- var prefixCondition PrefixCondition = PrefixCondition{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &prefixCondition, "", true, true); err == nil {
- u.PrefixCondition = &prefixCondition
- u.Type = EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeTypePrefixCondition
- return nil
- }
- var suffixCondition SuffixCondition = SuffixCondition{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &suffixCondition, "", true, true); err == nil {
- u.SuffixCondition = &suffixCondition
- u.Type = EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeTypeSuffixCondition
- return nil
- }
- var wildcardCondition WildcardCondition = WildcardCondition{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &wildcardCondition, "", true, true); err == nil {
- u.WildcardCondition = &wildcardCondition
- u.Type = EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeTypeWildcardCondition
- return nil
- }
- var str string = ""
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &str, "", true, true); err == nil {
- u.Str = &str
- u.Type = EntityOperationTriggerSchemasTypeTypeStr
- return nil
- }
- return fmt.Errorf("could not unmarshal `%s` into any supported union types for EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType", string(data))
-func (u EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
- if u.Str != nil {
- return utils.MarshalJSON(u.Str, "", true)
- }
- if u.EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition != nil {
- return utils.MarshalJSON(u.EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition, "", true)
- }
- if u.AnythingButCondition != nil {
- return utils.MarshalJSON(u.AnythingButCondition, "", true)
- }
- if u.ExistsCondition != nil {
- return utils.MarshalJSON(u.ExistsCondition, "", true)
- }
- if u.PrefixCondition != nil {
- return utils.MarshalJSON(u.PrefixCondition, "", true)
- }
- if u.SuffixCondition != nil {
- return utils.MarshalJSON(u.SuffixCondition, "", true)
- }
- if u.WildcardCondition != nil {
- return utils.MarshalJSON(u.WildcardCondition, "", true)
- }
- return nil, errors.New("could not marshal union type EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType: all fields are null")
-type Activity struct {
- // Filter on activity type. If not specified, all activities will be matched on execution.
- // Example:
- // 1. Filter the events when an entity is updated from portal
- // ```
- // {
- // "activity":{
- // "type": ["EntityUpdatedFromPortal"]
- // }
- // }
- // ```
- // 2. Filter the events when either a doc is uploaded/removed on an entity from a portal
- // ```
- // {
- // "activity":{
- // "type": ["DocUploadedFromPortal", "DocRemovedFromPortal"]
- // }
- // }
- // ```
- //
- Type []EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType `json:"type,omitempty"`
-func (o *Activity) GetType() []EntityOperationTriggerSchemasType {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.Type
-// Two - Diff to it's prior state when an entity is updated
-type Two struct {
- Added any `json:"added,omitempty"`
- Deleted any `json:"deleted,omitempty"`
- Updated any `json:"updated,omitempty"`
-func (o *Two) GetAdded() any {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.Added
-func (o *Two) GetDeleted() any {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.Deleted
-func (o *Two) GetUpdated() any {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.Updated
-type DiffType string
-const (
- DiffTypeAny DiffType = "any"
- DiffTypeTwo DiffType = "2"
-type Diff struct {
- Any any
- Two *Two
- Type DiffType
-func CreateDiffAny(any any) Diff {
- typ := DiffTypeAny
- return Diff{
- Any: any,
- Type: typ,
- }
-func CreateDiffTwo(two Two) Diff {
- typ := DiffTypeTwo
- return Diff{
- Two: &two,
- Type: typ,
- }
-func (u *Diff) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
- var two Two = Two{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &two, "", true, true); err == nil {
- u.Two = &two
- u.Type = DiffTypeTwo
- return nil
- }
- var any any = nil
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &any, "", true, true); err == nil {
- u.Any = any
- u.Type = DiffTypeAny
- return nil
- }
- return fmt.Errorf("could not unmarshal `%s` into any supported union types for Diff", string(data))
-func (u Diff) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
- if u.Any != nil {
- return utils.MarshalJSON(u.Any, "", true)
- }
- if u.Two != nil {
- return utils.MarshalJSON(u.Two, "", true)
- }
- return nil, errors.New("could not marshal union type Diff: all fields are null")
-type EntityOperationTriggerOperation struct {
- Diff *Diff `json:"diff,omitempty"`
- // Filter on operation type. If not specified, all operations will be matched on execution.
- // Example:
- // 1. Filter all the createEntity/updateEntity operations
- // ```
- // {
- // "operation":{
- // "operation": ["createEntity", "updateEntity"]
- // }
- // }
- // ```
- //
- Operation []EntityOperation `json:"operation,omitempty"`
- Payload any `json:"payload,omitempty"`
-func (o *EntityOperationTriggerOperation) GetDiff() *Diff {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.Diff
-func (o *EntityOperationTriggerOperation) GetOperation() []EntityOperation {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.Operation
-func (o *EntityOperationTriggerOperation) GetPayload() any {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.Payload
-type FilterConfig struct {
- Activity *Activity `json:"activity,omitempty"`
- Operation *EntityOperationTriggerOperation `json:"operation,omitempty"`
-func (o *FilterConfig) GetActivity() *Activity {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.Activity
-func (o *FilterConfig) GetOperation() *EntityOperationTriggerOperation {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.Operation
-type EntityOperationTriggerConfiguration struct {
- EcpConfig *EcpConfig `json:"ecp_config,omitempty"`
- ExcludeActivities []string `json:"exclude_activities,omitempty"`
- FilterConfig *FilterConfig `json:"filter_config,omitempty"`
- IncludeActivities []string `json:"include_activities,omitempty"`
- Operations []EntityOperation `json:"operations,omitempty"`
- Schema *string `json:"schema,omitempty"`
-func (o *EntityOperationTriggerConfiguration) GetEcpConfig() *EcpConfig {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.EcpConfig
-func (o *EntityOperationTriggerConfiguration) GetExcludeActivities() []string {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.ExcludeActivities
-func (o *EntityOperationTriggerConfiguration) GetFilterConfig() *FilterConfig {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.FilterConfig
-func (o *EntityOperationTriggerConfiguration) GetIncludeActivities() []string {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.IncludeActivities
-func (o *EntityOperationTriggerConfiguration) GetOperations() []EntityOperation {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.Operations
-func (o *EntityOperationTriggerConfiguration) GetSchema() *string {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.Schema
-type EntityOperationTriggerType string
-const (
- EntityOperationTriggerTypeEntityOperation EntityOperationTriggerType = "entity_operation"
-func (e EntityOperationTriggerType) ToPointer() *EntityOperationTriggerType {
- return &e
-func (e *EntityOperationTriggerType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
- var v string
- if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &v); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- switch v {
- case "entity_operation":
- *e = EntityOperationTriggerType(v)
- return nil
- default:
- return fmt.Errorf("invalid value for EntityOperationTriggerType: %v", v)
- }
-// EntityOperationTrigger - - If provides filter_config, executes an automation based on the filtered configuration when an entity event occurs.
-// - The conditions on a filter follows the event bridge patterns - `https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eb-event-patterns.html`
-// | Comparison | Example | Rule syntax |
-// |------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------|
-// | Null | first_name is null | `"first_name": [ null ]` |
-// | Empty | last_name is empty | `"last_name": [""]` |
-// | Equals | email is "j.doe@email.com" | `"email": [ "j.doe@email.com" ]` |
-// | Equals (ignore case) | first_name is "John" | `"first_name": [ { "equals-ignore-case": "john" } ]` |
-// | And | fist_name is "John" and last_name is "Doe" | `"first_name": [ "John" ], "last_name": ["Doe"]` |
-// | Or | PaymentType is "Invoice" or "SEPA" | `"PaymentType": [ "invoice", "sepa"]` |
-// | Or (multiple fields) | first_name is "John", or last_name is "Doe". | `"$or": [ { "first_name": [ "John" ] }, { "last_name": [ "Doe" ] } ]` |
-// | Not | status is anything but "cancelled" | `"status": [ { "anything-but": [ "cancelled" ] } ]` |
-// | Numeric (equals) | Price is 100 | `"Price": [ { "numeric": [ "=", 100 ] } ]` |
-// | Numeric (range) | Price is more than 10, and less than or equal to 20 | `"Price": [ { "numeric": [ ">", 10, "<=", 20 ] } ]` |
-// | Exists | ProductName exists | `"ProductName": [ { "exists": true } ]` |
-// | Does not exist | ProductName does not exist | `"ProductName": [ { "exists": false } ]` |
-// | Begins with | OpportunityNumber starts with OPP- | `"opportunity_number": [ { "prefix": "OPP-" } ]` |
-// | Ends with | FileName ends with a .png extension | `"filename": [ { "suffix": ".png" } ]` |
-// | Wildcard | search a string using a wildcard | `"email": [ { "wildcard": "*@doe.com" } ]` |
-// - To run the execution on all update events
-// ```
-// {
-// "type": "filter_entity_event",
-// "configuration": {
-// "operation": {
-// "operation": ["updateEntity"]
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// ```
-// - To run the execution only when the updates are from a portal user
-// ```
-// {
-// "type": "filter_entity_event",
-// "configuration": {
-// "operation": {
-// "operation": ["updateEntity"]
-// },
-// "activity": {
-// "type": "EntityUpdatedFromPortal"
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// ```
-// - To run the execution only when there is an update on a specific attribute
-// ```
-// Only starts the automation when the email on a contact is changed
-// {
-// "type": "filter_entity_event",
-// "configuration": {
-// "operation": {
-// "operation": ["updateEntity"],
-// "payload": {
-// "_schema": ["contact"]
-// },
-// "diff": {
-// "updated": {
-// "email": [{ "exists": true }]
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// ```
-// - To run the execution only when a specific attribute is altered(created/updated/deleted)
-// ```
-// Only starts the automation when a price is altered on a contract
-// {
-// "type": "filter_entity_event",
-// "configuration": {
-// "operation": {
-// "payload": {
-// "_schema": ["contract"]
-// },
-// "diff": {
-// // Whether he first_name has been added, updated, or removed
-// $or: [
-// {
-// 'added.first_name': [{ exists: true }]
-// },
-// {
-// 'updated.first_name': [{ exists: true }]
-// },
-// {
-// 'deleted.first_name': [{ exists: true }]
-// }
-// ]
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// ```
-// - To run the execution if an attribute is changed from one state to another
-// ```
-// Only starts the automation when the order status changes from `open_for_acceptance` to `placed`
-// {
-// "type": "filter_entity_event",
-// "configuration": {
-// "operation": {
-// "operation": ["updateEntity"],
-// "payload": {
-// "_schema": ["order"],
-// "status": ["placed"]
-// },
-// "diff": {
-// "updated": {
-// "status": ["open_for_acceptance"]
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// ```
-type EntityOperationTrigger struct {
- Configuration EntityOperationTriggerConfiguration `json:"configuration"`
- ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
- Type EntityOperationTriggerType `json:"type"`
-func (o *EntityOperationTrigger) GetConfiguration() EntityOperationTriggerConfiguration {
- if o == nil {
- return EntityOperationTriggerConfiguration{}
- }
- return o.Configuration
-func (o *EntityOperationTrigger) GetID() *string {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.ID
-func (o *EntityOperationTrigger) GetType() EntityOperationTriggerType {
- if o == nil {
- return EntityOperationTriggerType("")
- }
- return o.Type
diff --git a/internal/sdk/models/shared/equalsignorecasecondition.go b/internal/sdk/models/shared/equalsignorecasecondition.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 140c6ff..0000000
--- a/internal/sdk/models/shared/equalsignorecasecondition.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package shared
-type EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition struct {
- EqualsIgnoreCase *string `json:"equals-ignore-case,omitempty"`
-func (o *EqualsIgnoreCaseCondition) GetEqualsIgnoreCase() *string {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.EqualsIgnoreCase
diff --git a/internal/sdk/models/shared/existscondition.go b/internal/sdk/models/shared/existscondition.go
deleted file mode 100644
index d7dc706..0000000
--- a/internal/sdk/models/shared/existscondition.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package shared
-type ExistsCondition struct {
- Exists *bool `json:"exists,omitempty"`
-func (o *ExistsCondition) GetExists() *bool {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.Exists
diff --git a/internal/sdk/models/shared/frontendsubmittrigger.go b/internal/sdk/models/shared/frontendsubmittrigger.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 37e7ce6..0000000
--- a/internal/sdk/models/shared/frontendsubmittrigger.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package shared
-import (
- "encoding/json"
- "fmt"
-type FrontendSubmitTriggerConfiguration struct {
- SourceID *string `json:"source_id,omitempty"`
-func (o *FrontendSubmitTriggerConfiguration) GetSourceID() *string {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.SourceID
-type FrontendSubmitTriggerType string
-const (
- FrontendSubmitTriggerTypeFrontendSubmission FrontendSubmitTriggerType = "frontend_submission"
-func (e FrontendSubmitTriggerType) ToPointer() *FrontendSubmitTriggerType {
- return &e
-func (e *FrontendSubmitTriggerType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
- var v string
- if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &v); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- switch v {
- case "frontend_submission":
- *e = FrontendSubmitTriggerType(v)
- return nil
- default:
- return fmt.Errorf("invalid value for FrontendSubmitTriggerType: %v", v)
- }
-type FrontendSubmitTrigger struct {
- Configuration FrontendSubmitTriggerConfiguration `json:"configuration"`
- ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
- Type FrontendSubmitTriggerType `json:"type"`
-func (o *FrontendSubmitTrigger) GetConfiguration() FrontendSubmitTriggerConfiguration {
- if o == nil {
- return FrontendSubmitTriggerConfiguration{}
- }
- return o.Configuration
-func (o *FrontendSubmitTrigger) GetID() *string {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.ID
-func (o *FrontendSubmitTrigger) GetType() FrontendSubmitTriggerType {
- if o == nil {
- return FrontendSubmitTriggerType("")
- }
- return o.Type
diff --git a/internal/sdk/models/shared/journeysubmittrigger.go b/internal/sdk/models/shared/journeysubmittrigger.go
deleted file mode 100644
index e601ca9..0000000
--- a/internal/sdk/models/shared/journeysubmittrigger.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package shared
-import (
- "encoding/json"
- "fmt"
-type JourneySubmitTriggerConfiguration struct {
- SourceID string `json:"source_id"`
-func (o *JourneySubmitTriggerConfiguration) GetSourceID() string {
- if o == nil {
- return ""
- }
- return o.SourceID
-type JourneySubmitTriggerType string
-const (
- JourneySubmitTriggerTypeJourneySubmission JourneySubmitTriggerType = "journey_submission"
-func (e JourneySubmitTriggerType) ToPointer() *JourneySubmitTriggerType {
- return &e
-func (e *JourneySubmitTriggerType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
- var v string
- if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &v); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- switch v {
- case "journey_submission":
- *e = JourneySubmitTriggerType(v)
- return nil
- default:
- return fmt.Errorf("invalid value for JourneySubmitTriggerType: %v", v)
- }
-type JourneySubmitTrigger struct {
- Configuration JourneySubmitTriggerConfiguration `json:"configuration"`
- ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
- Type JourneySubmitTriggerType `json:"type"`
-func (o *JourneySubmitTrigger) GetConfiguration() JourneySubmitTriggerConfiguration {
- if o == nil {
- return JourneySubmitTriggerConfiguration{}
- }
- return o.Configuration
-func (o *JourneySubmitTrigger) GetID() *string {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.ID
-func (o *JourneySubmitTrigger) GetType() JourneySubmitTriggerType {
- if o == nil {
- return JourneySubmitTriggerType("")
- }
- return o.Type
diff --git a/internal/sdk/models/shared/mapentityconfig.go b/internal/sdk/models/shared/mapentityconfig.go
index 32d20a1..4dedcce 100644
--- a/internal/sdk/models/shared/mapentityconfig.go
+++ b/internal/sdk/models/shared/mapentityconfig.go
@@ -43,14 +43,14 @@ func CreateMapEntityConfigMappingAttributesMappingAttribute(mappingAttribute Map
func (u *MapEntityConfigMappingAttributes) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
var mappingAttributeV2 MappingAttributeV2 = MappingAttributeV2{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &mappingAttributeV2, "", true, true); err == nil {
+ if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &mappingAttributeV2, "", true, false); err == nil {
u.MappingAttributeV2 = &mappingAttributeV2
u.Type = MapEntityConfigMappingAttributesTypeMappingAttributeV2
return nil
var mappingAttribute MappingAttribute = MappingAttribute{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &mappingAttribute, "", true, true); err == nil {
+ if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &mappingAttribute, "", true, false); err == nil {
u.MappingAttribute = &mappingAttribute
u.Type = MapEntityConfigMappingAttributesTypeMappingAttribute
return nil
diff --git a/internal/sdk/models/shared/mappingattribute.go b/internal/sdk/models/shared/mappingattribute.go
index 00187e9..a89944c 100644
--- a/internal/sdk/models/shared/mappingattribute.go
+++ b/internal/sdk/models/shared/mappingattribute.go
@@ -54,21 +54,21 @@ func CreateMappingAttributeAppendValueMapper(appendValueMapper AppendValueMapper
func (u *MappingAttribute) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
var setValueMapper SetValueMapper = SetValueMapper{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &setValueMapper, "", true, true); err == nil {
+ if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &setValueMapper, "", true, false); err == nil {
u.SetValueMapper = &setValueMapper
u.Type = MappingAttributeTypeSetValueMapper
return nil
var copyValueMapper CopyValueMapper = CopyValueMapper{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, ©ValueMapper, "", true, true); err == nil {
+ if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, ©ValueMapper, "", true, false); err == nil {
u.CopyValueMapper = ©ValueMapper
u.Type = MappingAttributeTypeCopyValueMapper
return nil
var appendValueMapper AppendValueMapper = AppendValueMapper{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &appendValueMapper, "", true, true); err == nil {
+ if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &appendValueMapper, "", true, false); err == nil {
u.AppendValueMapper = &appendValueMapper
u.Type = MappingAttributeTypeAppendValueMapper
return nil
diff --git a/internal/sdk/models/shared/operationnode.go b/internal/sdk/models/shared/operationnode.go
index 87e48b0..21d6796 100644
--- a/internal/sdk/models/shared/operationnode.go
+++ b/internal/sdk/models/shared/operationnode.go
@@ -44,14 +44,14 @@ func CreateOperationNodeAny(any any) OperationNode {
func (u *OperationNode) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
var operationObjectNode OperationObjectNode = OperationObjectNode{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &operationObjectNode, "", true, true); err == nil {
+ if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &operationObjectNode, "", true, false); err == nil {
u.OperationObjectNode = &operationObjectNode
u.Type = OperationNodeTypeOperationObjectNode
return nil
var any any = nil
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &any, "", true, true); err == nil {
+ if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &any, "", true, false); err == nil {
u.Any = any
u.Type = OperationNodeTypeAny
return nil
diff --git a/internal/sdk/models/shared/operationobjectnode.go b/internal/sdk/models/shared/operationobjectnode.go
index b82fbd8..9660200 100644
--- a/internal/sdk/models/shared/operationobjectnode.go
+++ b/internal/sdk/models/shared/operationobjectnode.go
@@ -44,14 +44,14 @@ func CreateUniqArrayOfStr(arrayOfStr []string) Uniq {
func (u *Uniq) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
var boolean bool = false
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &boolean, "", true, true); err == nil {
+ if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &boolean, "", true, false); err == nil {
u.Boolean = &boolean
u.Type = UniqTypeBoolean
return nil
var arrayOfStr []string = []string{}
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &arrayOfStr, "", true, true); err == nil {
+ if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &arrayOfStr, "", true, false); err == nil {
u.ArrayOfStr = arrayOfStr
u.Type = UniqTypeArrayOfStr
return nil
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ func (o OperationObjectNode) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
func (o *OperationObjectNode) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
- if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &o, "", false, true); err != nil {
+ if err := utils.UnmarshalJSON(data, &o, "", false, false); err != nil {
return err
return nil
diff --git a/internal/sdk/models/shared/prefixcondition.go b/internal/sdk/models/shared/prefixcondition.go
deleted file mode 100644
index c63151b..0000000
--- a/internal/sdk/models/shared/prefixcondition.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package shared
-type PrefixCondition struct {
- Prefix *string `json:"prefix,omitempty"`
-func (o *PrefixCondition) GetPrefix() *string {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.Prefix
diff --git a/internal/sdk/models/shared/receivedemailtrigger.go b/internal/sdk/models/shared/receivedemailtrigger.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 15f6af9..0000000
--- a/internal/sdk/models/shared/receivedemailtrigger.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package shared
-import (
- "encoding/json"
- "fmt"
-type MessageType string
-const (
- MessageTypeReceived MessageType = "RECEIVED"
-func (e MessageType) ToPointer() *MessageType {
- return &e
-func (e *MessageType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
- var v string
- if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &v); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- switch v {
- case "RECEIVED":
- *e = MessageType(v)
- return nil
- default:
- return fmt.Errorf("invalid value for MessageType: %v", v)
- }
-type ReceivedEmailTriggerConfiguration struct {
- MessageType *MessageType `json:"message_type,omitempty"`
-func (o *ReceivedEmailTriggerConfiguration) GetMessageType() *MessageType {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.MessageType
-type ReceivedEmailTriggerType string
-const (
- ReceivedEmailTriggerTypeReceivedEmail ReceivedEmailTriggerType = "received_email"
-func (e ReceivedEmailTriggerType) ToPointer() *ReceivedEmailTriggerType {
- return &e
-func (e *ReceivedEmailTriggerType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
- var v string
- if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &v); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- switch v {
- case "received_email":
- *e = ReceivedEmailTriggerType(v)
- return nil
- default:
- return fmt.Errorf("invalid value for ReceivedEmailTriggerType: %v", v)
- }
-type ReceivedEmailTrigger struct {
- Configuration ReceivedEmailTriggerConfiguration `json:"configuration"`
- ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
- Type ReceivedEmailTriggerType `json:"type"`
-func (o *ReceivedEmailTrigger) GetConfiguration() ReceivedEmailTriggerConfiguration {
- if o == nil {
- return ReceivedEmailTriggerConfiguration{}
- }
- return o.Configuration
-func (o *ReceivedEmailTrigger) GetID() *string {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.ID
-func (o *ReceivedEmailTrigger) GetType() ReceivedEmailTriggerType {
- if o == nil {
- return ReceivedEmailTriggerType("")
- }
- return o.Type
diff --git a/internal/sdk/models/shared/suffixcondition.go b/internal/sdk/models/shared/suffixcondition.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 84615d9..0000000
--- a/internal/sdk/models/shared/suffixcondition.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package shared
-type SuffixCondition struct {
- Suffix *string `json:"suffix,omitempty"`
-func (o *SuffixCondition) GetSuffix() *string {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.Suffix
diff --git a/internal/sdk/models/shared/wildcardcondition.go b/internal/sdk/models/shared/wildcardcondition.go
deleted file mode 100644
index bc643a9..0000000
--- a/internal/sdk/models/shared/wildcardcondition.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.dev). DO NOT EDIT.
-package shared
-type WildcardCondition struct {
- Wildcard *string `json:"wildcard,omitempty"`
-func (o *WildcardCondition) GetWildcard() *string {
- if o == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return o.Wildcard
diff --git a/internal/sdk/sdk.go b/internal/sdk/sdk.go
index dcf6f80..6cd72db 100644
--- a/internal/sdk/sdk.go
+++ b/internal/sdk/sdk.go
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ func New(opts ...SDKOption) *SDK {
Language: "go",
OpenAPIDocVersion: "1.0.0",
SDKVersion: "0.0.1",
- GenVersion: "2.339.1",
- UserAgent: "speakeasy-sdk/go 0.0.1 2.339.1 1.0.0 github.com/epilot-dev/terraform-provider-epilot-automation/internal/sdk",
+ GenVersion: "2.340.2",
+ UserAgent: "speakeasy-sdk/go 0.0.1 2.340.2 1.0.0 github.com/epilot-dev/terraform-provider-epilot-automation/internal/sdk",
Hooks: hooks.New(),
diff --git a/overlay.yaml b/overlay.yaml
index 6a83a6f..4af2171 100644
--- a/overlay.yaml
+++ b/overlay.yaml
@@ -49,6 +49,10 @@ actions:
remove: true
- target: $["components"]["schemas"]["OrConditionForDiff"]
remove: true
+ - target: $["components"]["schemas"]["ActivityTrigger"]
+ remove: true
+ - target: $["components"]["schemas"]["AnyTrigger"]
+ remove: true
- target: $["components"]["schemas"]
FilterConditionOnEvent: {}
@@ -56,7 +60,8 @@ actions:
TriggerCondition: {}
OrCondition: {}
OrConditionForDiff: {}
- JourneySubmitTrigger: {} # @Todo: switch back to allOfs after speakeasy fixes a way to deal with unknown properties in anyOfs/allOfs
+ ActivityTrigger: {} # @Todo: switch back to allOfs after speakeasy fixes a way to deal with unknown properties in anyOfs/allOfs
+ AnyTrigger: {}
- target: $["components"]["schemas"]["AutomationFlow"]["properties"]["actions"]["readOnly"]
remove: true
- target: $["components"]["schemas"]["AutomationFlow"]["properties"]["actions"]["items"]