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"twitter_username": "antfu7",
"github_username": "antfu",
"location": "undefined"
+ },
+ "joshuakgoldberg": {
+ "username": "joshuakgoldberg",
+ "name": "Josh Goldberg",
+ "title": "Committer Team Member",
+ "website": "https://joshuakgoldberg.com",
+ "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/3335181?v=4",
+ "bio": "An open source maintainer in the TypeScript ecosystem.",
+ "github_username": "JoshuaKGoldberg",
+ "mastodon_url": "https://fosstodon.org/@JoshuaKGoldberg",
+ "twitter_username": "JoshuaKGoldberg2",
+ "location": "undefined"
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+I'm involved with projects in the TypeScript ecosystem such as typescript-eslint, and wrote *Learning TypeScript* (O'Reilly).
diff --git a/src/content/blog/2024-12-04-differences-between-linting-and-type-checking.md b/src/content/blog/2024-12-04-differences-between-linting-and-type-checking.md
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+layout: post
+title: "Differences between linting and type checking"
+teaser: "Linters such as ESLint and type checkers such as TypeScript catch different areas of code defects — and are best used in conjunction with each other."
+ - joshuakgoldberg
+ - Storytime
+ - Linting
+If you're a JavaScript developer today, there's a good chance you're using ESLint and/or TypeScript to assist development.
+Those two tools are common examples of their kind of tooling: ESLint is a common *linter*, whereas TypeScript is a common *type checker*.
+Linters and type checkers are two kinds of tools that both analyze code and report on detected issues.
+They may seem similar at first.
+They both fall under the category of *static analysis*.
+However, the two kinds of tools detect very different issues and are useful in different ways.
+## What is static analysis?
+Static analysis is the inspection of source code without executing it.
+This differs from *dynamic analysis*, in which source code is inspected while it is executed.
+As such, dynamic analysis brings with it the inherent danger of executing malicious code or creating side effects while static analysis is safe to execute regardless of the source code.
+Static analysis can be immensely helpful for improving code readability, reliability, and overall quality.
+Many developers rely on static analysis to enforce consistent code formatting and style, to ensure code is well-documented, and to catch likely bugs.
+Because static analysis runs on source code, it can suggest improvements in editors as code is written.
+We'll focus in this blog post on ESLint and TypeScript:
+* **ESLint**: executes individually configurable checks known as "lint rules"
+* **TypeScript**: collects all files into a full understanding of the project
+ESLint and TypeScript use some of the same forms of analysis to detect defects in code.
+They both analyze how scopes and variables are created and used in code, and can catch issues such as referencing a variable that doesn't exist.
+We'll explore the different ways the two use information from analyzing your code.
+## Digging deeper into linting vs. type checking
+Type checkers make sure the *intent* behind values in code matches the *usage* of those values.
+They check that code is "type-safe": values are used according to how their types are described as being allowed.
+For example, TypeScript would report a type error on the following `logUppercase(9001)` call, because `logUppercase` is declared as receiving a `string` rather than a `number`:
+function logUppercase(text: string) {
+ console.log(text.toUpperCase());
+// ~~~~
+// Argument of type 'number' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.
+Compiled languages such as Java and Rust perform type checking as part of their compilation step.
+Because JavaScript is an interpreted language, TypeScript is run separately.
+TypeScript generally does not attempt to look for defects that are only likely to occur.
+It generally only looks for uses of code that are certainly wrong.
+Nor does the type checking in TypeScript enforce subjective opinions that might change between projects.
+Linters, on the other hand, primarily target likely defects and can also be used to enforce subjective opinions.
+ESLint and other linters catch issues that may or may not be type-safe but are potential sources of bugs.
+Many developers rely on linters to make sure their code follows framework and language best practices.
+For example, developers sometimes leave out the `break` or `return` at the end of a `switch` statement's `case`.
+Doing so is type-safe and permitted by JavaScript and TypeScript.
+In practice, this is almost always a mistake that allows the next `case` statement to run accidentally.
+ESLint's [`no-fallthrough`](https://eslint.org/docs/latest/rules/no-fallthrough) can catch that likely mistake:
+function logFruit(value: "apple" | "banana" | "cherry") {
+ switch (value) {
+ case "apple":
+ console.log("🍏");
+ break;
+ case "banana":
+ console.log("🍌");
+ // eslint(no-fallthrough):
+ // Expected a 'break' statement before 'case'.
+ case "cherry":
+ console.log("🍒");
+ break;
+ }
+// Logs:
+// 🍌
+// 🍒
+Another way of looking at the differences between ESLint and TypeScript is that TypeScript enforces what you *can* do, whereas ESLint enforces what you *should* do.
+### Granular Extensibility
+Another difference between ESLint and TypeScript is how flexibly their areas of responsibility can be configured.
+TypeScript is configured by a set list of compiler options on a project level.
+Its [`tsconfig.json` ("TSConfig") files](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/tsconfig-json.html) allow for compiler options that change type checking for all files in the project.
+Those compiler options are set by TypeScript and generally change large swathes of type checking behavior.
+ESLint, on the other hand, runs with a configurable set of lint rules.
+Each lint rule can be granularly configured.
+If you don't like a particular lint rule, you can always turn it off for a line, set of files, or your entire project.
+ESLint can also be augmented by **plugins** that add new lint rules.
+Plugin-specific lint rules extend the breadth of code checks that ESLint configurations can pick and choose from.
+For example, this ESLint configuration enables the recommended rules from [`eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y`](https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y), a plugin that adds checks for accessibility in projects using JSX libraries such as Solid.js and React:
+```js title="eslint.config.js"
+import js from "@eslint/js";
+import jsxA11y from "eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y"
+export default [
+ js.configs.recommended,
+ jsxA11y.flatConfigs.recommended,
+ // ...
+A project using the JSX accessibility rules would then be told if their code violates common accessibility guidelines.
+For example, rendering a native `` tag without descriptive text would receive a report from [`jsx-a11y/alt-text`](https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y/blob/main/docs/rules/alt-text.md):
+const MyComponent = () => ;
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// eslint(jsx-a11y/alt-text):
+// img elements must have an alt prop, either with meaningful text, or an empty string for decorative images.
+By adding in rules from plugins, ESLint configurations can be tailored to the specific best practices and common issues to the frameworks a project is built with.
+### Areas of Overlap
+ESLint and TypeScript operate differently and specialize in different areas of code defects.
+Some code defects straddle the line between "best practices" and "type safety", and so can be caught by both linting and type checking.
+Those defects can often be caught by both ESLint and TypeScript.
+To make the most of both tools, we recommend:
+* In your ESLint configuration file, use the [ESLint `js.configs.recommended` config](https://eslint.org/docs/latest/use/getting-started#configuration), at least the [`tseslint.configs.recommended` config from typescript-eslint](https://typescript-eslint.io/getting-started/typed-linting), and any community plugins relevant to your project's libraries and frameworks
+* In your TypeScript configuration file, enable [`strict` mode](https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig/#strict) to catch as many type safety issues as possible
+typescript-eslint's recommended preset configs disable core ESLint rules that are not helpful with TypeScript.
+The configs leave on any core ESLint rules that are useful alongside type checking.
+#### Unused Locals and Parameters
+The only TypeScript compiler options we recommend keeping off when using linting are those that enable checking for unused variables:
+* [`noUnusedLocals`](https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig/#noUnusedLocals): which reports on unused declared local variables
+* [`noUnusedParameters`](https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig/#noUnusedParameters): which reports on unused function parameters
+Those compiler options are useful when not using a linter.
+However, they aren't configurable the way lint rules are, and so can't be configured to higher or lower strictness levels per a project's preferences.
+The compiler options are hardcoded to always ignore any variable whose name begins with `_`.
+As an example, the following `registerCallback` function declares two parameters for its callbacks -`id` and `message`- but the developer using it only needed `message`.
+TypeScript's `noUnusedParameters` compiler option would not flag the unused parameter `_`:
+type Callback = (id: string, message: string) => void;
+declare function registerCallback(callback: Callback): void;
+// We only want to log message, not id
+registerCallback((_, message) => console.log(message));
+Unused variables in JavaScript can also be caught by ESLint's [`no-unused-vars`](https://eslint.org/docs/latest/rules/no-unused-vars) rule; when in TypeScript code, the [`@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars`](https://typescript-eslint.io/rules/no-unused-vars) is preferable instead.
+The lint rules by default also ignore variables whose name begins with `_`.
+They additionally ignore parameters that come before any parameter that is itself used.
+Some projects prefer to never allow unused parameters regardless of name or position.
+These stricter preferences help prevent API designs that lead developers to create many unused parameters.
+A more strict ESLint configuration would be able to report on the `_` parameter:
+/* eslint @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars: ["error", { "args": "all", "argsIgnorePattern": "" }] */
+type Callback = (id: string, message: string) => void;
+declare function registerCallback(callback: Callback): void;
+// We only want to log message, not id
+registerCallback((_, message) => console.log(message));
+// ~
+// eslint(@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars):
+// '_' is declared but never used.
+That extra level of configurability provided by the `no-unused-vars` rules can allow them to act as more granularly configurable versions of their equivalent TypeScript compiler options.
+> 💡 See [`no-unused-binary-expressions`: From code review nit to ecosystem improvements](/blog/2024/10/code-review-nit-to-ecosystem-improvements) for more areas of code checking with partial overlap between linting and type checking.
+## Is a ESLint Still Useful With TypeScript?
+If you are using TypeScript, it is still very useful to use ESLint.
+In fact, ESLint and TypeScript are at their most powerful when used in conjunction with each other.
+### ESLint, With Type Information
+Traditional lint rules run on a single file at a time and have no knowledge of other files in the project.
+They can't make decisions on files based on the contents of other files.
+However, if your project is set up using TypeScript, you can opt into "type checked" lint rules: rules that can pull in type information.
+In doing so, type checked lint rules can make decisions based on other files.
+For example, [`@typescript-eslint/no-for-in-array`](https://typescript-eslint.io/rules/no-for-in-array) is able to detect `for...in` loops over values that are array types, even if the values come from other files.
+TypeScript would not report a type error for a `for...in` loop over an array because doing so is technically type-safe and might be what a developer intended.
+A linter, however, could be configured to notice that the developer probably made a mistake and meant to use a `for...of` loop instead:
+// declare function getArrayOfNames(): string[];
+import { getArrayOfNames } from "./my-names";
+for (const name in getArrayOfNames()) {
+ // eslint(@typescript-eslint/no-for-in-array):
+ // For-in loops over arrays skips holes, returns indices as strings,
+ // and may visit the prototype chain or other enumerable properties.
+ // Use a more robust iteration method such as for-of or array.forEach instead.
+ console.log(name);
+Augmenting ESLint with information from TypeScript makes for a more powerful set of lint rules.
+See [Typed Linting: The Most Powerful TypeScript Linting Ever](https://typescript-eslint.io/blog/typed-linting) for more details on typed linting with typescript-eslint.
+### TypeScript, With Linting
+TypeScript adds extra complexity to JavaScript.
+That complexity is often worth it, but any added complexity brings with it the potential for misuse.
+Linters are useful for stopping developers from making TypeScript-specific blunders in code.
+For example, TypeScript's `{}` ("empty object") type is often misused by developers new to TypeScript.
+It visually looks like it should mean any `object`, but actually means any non-`null`, non-`undefined` value --- including primitives such as `number`s and `string`s.
+[`@typescript-eslint/no-empty-object-type`](https://typescript-eslint.io/rules/no-empty-object-type) catches uses of the `{}` type that likely meant `object` or `unknown` instead:
+export function logObjectEntries(value: {}) {
+ // ~~
+ // eslint(@typescript-eslint/no-empty-object-type):
+ // The `{}` ("empty object") type allows any non-nullish value, including literals like `0` and `""`.
+ // - If that's what you want, disable this lint rule with an inline comment or configure the 'allowObjectTypes' rule option.
+ // - If you want a type meaning "any object", you probably want `object` instead.
+ // - If you want a type meaning "any value", you probably want `unknown` instead.
+ console.log(Object.entries(value));
+logObjectEntries(0); // No type error!
+Enforcing language-specific best practices with ESLint helps developers learn about and correctly use TypeScript.
+## Conclusion
+Linters such as ESLint and type checkers such as TypeScript are both valuable assets for developers.
+The two catch different areas of code defects and come with different philosophies around configurability and extensibility.
+* TypeScripts checks that code is "type-safe": enforcing what you *can* write
+* ESLint checks that code adheres to best practices and is consistent: enforcing what you *should* write
+Put together, the two tools help projects write code with fewer bugs and more consistency.
+We recommend that any project that uses TypeScript additionally uses ESLint.