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ADC Continuous mode, ringbuffer time out continuously after 1 buffer read on ESP P4. (AEGHB-825) #106

3 tasks done
brookMD opened this issue Sep 24, 2024 · 1 comment


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brookMD commented Sep 24, 2024

Answers checklist.

  • I have read the documentation ESP-IDF Programming Guide and the issue is not addressed there.
  • I have updated my IDF branch (master or release) to the latest version and checked that the issue is present there.
  • I have searched the issue tracker for a similar issue and not found a similar issue.

IDF version.


Espressif SoC revision.

ESP32-P4 (revision v0.1)

Operating System used.


How did you build your project?


If you are using Windows, please specify command line type.


Development Kit.

ESP32-P4 Function EV Board

Power Supply used.


What is the expected behavior?

I tried to run the adc continuous mode example from esp-idf examples making necessary GPIO changes to suit P4. It should continuously read adc samples using the API function adc_continuous_read().

What is the actual behavior?

The function adc_continuous_read() returns values for exactly 1 buffer length (whatever the frame size is. I'm using frame size = 256, so it reads 256 values) and then continuously returns ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT after that. Also, the adc raw values are not accurate. I expect the data to be '0' when the adc input pin is grounded. But it reads values around '280' - '290'.

Steps to reproduce.

This is the code I'm using:

/* Initializtion Function */
void adc_init(adc_continuous_handle_t *out_handle)
    adc_unit_t adc_unit_num;
    adc_channel_t adc_channel;
    adc_continuous_handle_t adc_handle = NULL;

    adc_continuous_handle_cfg_t handle_config = {
        .max_store_buf_size = ADC_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, // size = 2048
        .conv_frame_size = ADC_FRAME_SIZE, // 256

    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(adc_continuous_new_handle(&handle_config, &adc_handle));

    adc_continuous_io_to_channel(ADC_GPIO_NUM, &adc_unit_num, &adc_channel);

/* Need to configure pattern struct as per below for each channel being used
Currently using only 1 channel */

    adc_digi_pattern_config_t adc_pattern_config = {
        .atten = ADC_ATTEN, // 0dB
        .bit_width = ADC_RESOLUTION, // 12 bits
        .channel = adc_channel,
        .unit = adc_unit_num,

    adc_continuous_config_t adc_config = {
        .pattern_num = NUM_OF_ADC_CHANNELS,
        .adc_pattern = &adc_pattern_config,
        .sample_freq_hz = ADC_SAMPLE_FREQ, // 48kHz
        .conv_mode = ADC_CONVERSION_MODE, // Only ADC 1
        .format = ADC_CONVERSION_FORMAT, // Type 2

    adc_continuous_config(adc_handle, &adc_config);
    *out_handle = adc_handle;
uint32_t ret_num = 0;
static TaskHandle_t s_task_handle;
uint8_t adc_buf[ADC_FRAME_SIZE];  // Frame size = 256

static bool IRAM_ATTR s_conv_done_cb(adc_continuous_handle_t handle, const adc_continuous_evt_data_t *edata, void *user_data)
    BaseType_t mustYield = pdFALSE;
    //Notify that ADC continuous driver has done enough number of conversions
    vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR(s_task_handle, &mustYield);

    return (mustYield == pdTRUE);

void capture_task(void * parameter){
s_task_handle = xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle();
adc_continuous_evt_cbs_t cbs = {
        .on_conv_done = s_conv_done_cb,

ESP_ERROR_CHECK(adc_continuous_register_event_callbacks(adc_handle, &cbs, NULL));


  ulTaskNotifyTake(pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY);
  while(1) {
          esp_err_t ret = adc_continuous_read(adc_handle, adc_buf, ADC_FRAME_SIZE, &ret_num, 0UL);
          if(ret == ESP_OK) {
              for (i = 0; i < ret_num; i += SOC_ADC_DIGI_RESULT_BYTES) {
                  adc_digi_output_data_t *p = (adc_digi_output_data_t*) &audio_adc_buf[i];
                  ESP_LOGI(TAG, "ADC_Value: %d, Channel:%d, i%d:", p->, p->, i);
          else if (ret == ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT) {

Debug Logs.

rst:0x1 (POWERON),boot:0x30f (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
SPI mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x4ff2abda
I (25) boot: ESP-IDF v5.3-dirty 2nd stage bootloader
I (26) boot: compile time Sep 23 2024 16:08:11
I (26) boot: Multicore bootloader
I (30) boot: chip revision: v0.1
I (33) qio_mode: Enabling default flash chip QIO
I (38) boot.esp32p4: SPI Speed      : 80MHz
I (43) boot.esp32p4: SPI Mode       : QIO
I (48) boot.esp32p4: SPI Flash Size : 16MB
I (52) boot: Enabling RNG early entropy source...
I (58) boot: Partition Table:
I (61) boot: ## Label            Usage          Type ST Offset   Length
I (69) boot:  0 nvs              WiFi data        01 02 00009000 00006000
I (76) boot:  1 phy_init         RF data          01 01 0000f000 00001000
I (84) boot:  2 factory          factory app      00 00 00010000 00800000
I (91) boot:  3 storage          Unknown data     01 82 00810000 00700000
I (100) boot: End of partition table
I (103) esp_image: segment 0: paddr=00010020 vaddr=40020020 size=0bd58h ( 48472) map
I (121) esp_image: segment 1: paddr=0001bd80 vaddr=30100000 size=00020h (    32) load
I (123) esp_image: segment 2: paddr=0001bda8 vaddr=30100020 size=0003ch (    60) load
I (130) esp_image: segment 3: paddr=0001bdec vaddr=4ff00000 size=0422ch ( 16940) load
I (141) esp_image: segment 4: paddr=00020020 vaddr=40000020 size=1b1e8h (111080) map
I (166) esp_image: segment 5: paddr=0003b210 vaddr=4ff0422c size=0c388h ( 50056) load
I (178) esp_image: segment 6: paddr=000475a0 vaddr=4ff10600 size=02408h (  9224) load
I (185) boot: Loaded app from partition at offset 0x10000
I (185) boot: Disabling RNG early entropy source...
I (198) hex_psram: vendor id    : 0x0d (AP)
I (199) hex_psram: Latency      : 0x01 (Fixed)
I (199) hex_psram: DriveStr.    : 0x00 (25 Ohm)
I (202) hex_psram: dev id       : 0x03 (generation 4)
I (208) hex_psram: density      : 0x07 (256 Mbit)
I (213) hex_psram: good-die     : 0x06 (Pass)
I (218) hex_psram: SRF          : 0x02 (Slow Refresh)
I (224) hex_psram: BurstType    : 0x00 ( Wrap)
I (229) hex_psram: BurstLen     : 0x03 (2048 Byte)
I (235) hex_psram: BitMode      : 0x01 (X16 Mode)
I (240) hex_psram: Readlatency  : 0x04 (14 cycles@Fixed)
I (246) hex_psram: DriveStrength: 0x00 (1/1)
I (251) MSPI DQS: tuning success, best phase id is 2
I (434) MSPI DQS: tuning success, best delayline id is 9
I (435) esp_psram: Found 32MB PSRAM device
I (435) esp_psram: Speed: 200MHz
I (438) hex_psram: psram CS IO is dedicated
I (443) cpu_start: Multicore app
I (918) esp_psram: SPI SRAM memory test OK
W (928) clk: esp_perip_clk_init() has not been implemented yet
I (935) cpu_start: Pro cpu start user code
I (935) cpu_start: cpu freq: 360000000 Hz
I (935) app_init: Application information:
I (938) app_init: Project name:     adc_test
I (943) app_init: App version:      1
I (947) app_init: Compile time:     Sep 23 2024 16:08:11
I (953) app_init: ELF file SHA256:  c1cab9c70...
I (959) app_init: ESP-IDF:          v5.3-dirty
I (964) efuse_init: Min chip rev:     v0.0
I (969) efuse_init: Max chip rev:     v0.99 
I (973) efuse_init: Chip rev:         v0.1
I (978) heap_init: Initializing. RAM available for dynamic allocation:
I (986) heap_init: At 4FF14430 len 00026B90 (154 KiB): RAM
I (992) heap_init: At 4FF3AFC0 len 00004BF0 (18 KiB): RAM
I (998) heap_init: At 4FF40000 len 00040000 (256 KiB): RAM
I (1004) heap_init: At 50108080 len 00007F80 (31 KiB): RTCRAM
I (1010) heap_init: At 3010005C len 00001FA4 (7 KiB): TCM
I (1017) esp_psram: Adding pool of 32768K of PSRAM memory to heap allocator
I (1025) spi_flash: detected chip: generic
I (1029) spi_flash: flash io: qio
I (1033) main_task: Started on CPU0
I (1067) esp_psram: Reserving pool of 32K of internal memory for DMA/internal allocations
I (1068) main_task: Calling app_main()
I (1069) adc_Test: Configuring ADC Interface...
I (1075) gpio: GPIO[21]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 0| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0 
I (1084) adc_Test: Configuring LCD and LVGL Graphics...
I (1090) adc_Test: LCD Display and LVGL Configuraion success!
I (1096) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 291, Channel:5, i0:
I (1102) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 291, Channel:5, i4:
I (1107) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 291, Channel:5, i8:
I (1112) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 296, Channel:5, i12:
I (1118) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 296, Channel:5, i16:
I (1123) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 294, Channel:5, i20:
I (1129) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 294, Channel:5, i24:
I (1134) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 289, Channel:5, i28:
I (1140) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i32:
I (1145) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i36:
I (1151) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i40:
I (1156) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i44:
I (1162) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 287, Channel:5, i48:
I (1167) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 288, Channel:5, i52:
I (1172) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 288, Channel:5, i56:
I (1178) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 289, Channel:5, i60:
I (1183) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 289, Channel:5, i64:
I (1189) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 291, Channel:5, i68:
I (1194) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i72:
I (1200) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i76:
I (1205) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 289, Channel:5, i80:
I (1211) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 289, Channel:5, i84:
I (1216) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 294, Channel:5, i88:
I (1222) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 294, Channel:5, i92:
I (1227) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 294, Channel:5, i96:
I (1233) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i100:
I (1238) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i104:
I (1244) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 293, Channel:5, i108:
I (1249) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i112:
I (1255) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i116:
I (1260) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 283, Channel:5, i120:
I (1266) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 283, Channel:5, i124:
I (1271) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i128:
I (1277) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i132:
I (1283) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i136:
I (1288) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 286, Channel:5, i140:
I (1294) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 286, Channel:5, i144:
I (1299) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 294, Channel:5, i148:
I (1305) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 295, Channel:5, i152:
I (1310) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 295, Channel:5, i156:
I (1316) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i160:
I (1321) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i164:
I (1327) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i168:
I (1333) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 295, Channel:5, i172:
I (1338) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 295, Channel:5, i176:
I (1344) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 297, Channel:5, i180:
I (1349) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 297, Channel:5, i184:
I (1355) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 289, Channel:5, i188:
I (1360) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 288, Channel:5, i192:
I (1366) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 288, Channel:5, i196:
I (1371) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 296, Channel:5, i200:
I (1377) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 296, Channel:5, i204:
I (1383) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 288, Channel:5, i208:
I (1388) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 289, Channel:5, i212:
I (1394) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 289, Channel:5, i216:
I (1399) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 291, Channel:5, i220:
I (1405) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 291, Channel:5, i224:
I (1410) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 288, Channel:5, i228:
I (1416) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 284, Channel:5, i232:
I (1421) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 284, Channel:5, i236:
I (1427) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 288, Channel:5, i240:
I (1433) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 288, Channel:5, i244:
I (1438) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i248:
I (1444) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 291, Channel:5, i252:
I (1449) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 291, Channel:5, i0:
I (1455) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i4:
I (1460) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i8:
I (1465) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i12:
I (1471) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 291, Channel:5, i16:
I (1476) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 291, Channel:5, i20:
I (1482) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i24:
I (1487) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i28:
I (1493) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 293, Channel:5, i32:
I (1498) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 285, Channel:5, i36:
I (1504) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 285, Channel:5, i40:
I (1509) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i44:
I (1515) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i48:
I (1520) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 288, Channel:5, i52:
I (1526) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i56:
I (1531) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i60:
I (1536) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 293, Channel:5, i64:
I (1542) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 293, Channel:5, i68:
I (1547) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i72:
I (1553) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 291, Channel:5, i76:
I (1558) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 291, Channel:5, i80:
I (1564) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 288, Channel:5, i84:
I (1569) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 288, Channel:5, i88:
I (1575) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 295, Channel:5, i92:
I (1580) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 296, Channel:5, i96:
I (1586) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 296, Channel:5, i100:
I (1591) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 289, Channel:5, i104:
I (1597) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 289, Channel:5, i108:
I (1602) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 297, Channel:5, i112:
I (1608) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 297, Channel:5, i116:
I (1613) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 297, Channel:5, i120:
I (1619) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i124:
I (1625) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i128:
I (1630) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 294, Channel:5, i132:
I (1636) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i136:
I (1641) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i140:
I (1647) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i144:
I (1652) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i148:
I (1658) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 294, Channel:5, i152:
I (1663) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 291, Channel:5, i156:
I (1669) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 291, Channel:5, i160:
I (1675) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i164:
I (1680) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i168:
I (1686) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 284, Channel:5, i172:
I (1691) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 287, Channel:5, i176:
I (1697) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 287, Channel:5, i180:
I (1702) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 291, Channel:5, i184:
I (1708) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 291, Channel:5, i188:
I (1713) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i192:
I (1719) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i196:
I (1725) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i200:
I (1730) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i204:
I (1736) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i208:
I (1741) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 291, Channel:5, i212:
I (1747) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i216:
I (1752) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i220:
I (1758) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 289, Channel:5, i224:
I (1763) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 289, Channel:5, i228:
I (1769) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 294, Channel:5, i232:
I (1775) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 289, Channel:5, i236:
I (1780) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 289, Channel:5, i240:
I (1786) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i244:
I (1791) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i248:
I (1797) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i252:
I (1802) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 287, Channel:5, i0:
I (1808) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 287, Channel:5, i4:
I (1813) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i8:
I (1818) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i12:
I (1824) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 293, Channel:5, i16:
I (1829) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 284, Channel:5, i20:
I (1835) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 284, Channel:5, i24:
I (1840) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 295, Channel:5, i28:
I (1846) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 295, Channel:5, i32:
I (1851) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 288, Channel:5, i36:
I (1857) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 287, Channel:5, i40:
I (1862) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 287, Channel:5, i44:
I (1868) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 285, Channel:5, i48:
I (1873) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 285, Channel:5, i52:
I (1879) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i56:
I (1884) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i60:
I (1890) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i64:
I (1895) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 289, Channel:5, i68:
I (1901) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 289, Channel:5, i72:
I (1906) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i76:
I (1911) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 297, Channel:5, i80:
I (1917) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 297, Channel:5, i84:
I (1922) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 286, Channel:5, i88:
I (1928) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 286, Channel:5, i92:
I (1933) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 288, Channel:5, i96:
I (1939) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i100:
I (1944) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i104:
I (1950) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i108:
I (1955) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i112:
I (1961) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 294, Channel:5, i116:
I (1967) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 295, Channel:5, i120:
I (1972) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 295, Channel:5, i124:
I (1978) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 294, Channel:5, i128:
I (1983) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 294, Channel:5, i132:
I (1989) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 291, Channel:5, i136:
I (1994) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i140:
I (2000) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i144:
I (2005) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 291, Channel:5, i148:
I (2011) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 291, Channel:5, i152:
I (2017) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 289, Channel:5, i156:
I (2022) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 287, Channel:5, i160:
I (2028) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 287, Channel:5, i164:
I (2033) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i168:
I (2039) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i172:
I (2044) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 287, Channel:5, i176:
I (2050) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 291, Channel:5, i180:
I (2055) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 291, Channel:5, i184:
I (2061) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i188:
I (2067) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i192:
I (2072) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i196:
I (2078) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 288, Channel:5, i200:
I (2083) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 288, Channel:5, i204:
I (2089) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i208:
I (2094) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i212:
I (2100) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i216:
I (2105) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i220:
I (2111) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i224:
I (2117) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i228:
I (2122) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i232:
I (2128) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i236:
I (2133) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i240:
I (2139) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i244:
I (2144) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i248:
I (2150) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i252:
I (2155) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 297, Channel:5, i0:
I (2161) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 288, Channel:5, i4:
I (2166) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 288, Channel:5, i8:
I (2172) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 285, Channel:5, i12:
I (2177) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 285, Channel:5, i16:
I (2183) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i20:
I (2188) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i24:
I (2193) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i28:
I (2199) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 289, Channel:5, i32:
I (2204) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 289, Channel:5, i36:
I (2210) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 296, Channel:5, i40:
I (2215) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 291, Channel:5, i44:
I (2221) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 291, Channel:5, i48:
I (2226) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 287, Channel:5, i52:
I (2232) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 287, Channel:5, i56:
I (2237) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 287, Channel:5, i60:
I (2243) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i64:
I (2248) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i68:
I (2254) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 282, Channel:5, i72:
I (2259) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 282, Channel:5, i76:
I (2265) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 294, Channel:5, i80:
I (2270) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i84:
I (2275) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i88:
I (2281) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 287, Channel:5, i92:
I (2286) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 287, Channel:5, i96:
I (2292) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 294, Channel:5, i100:
I (2297) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 296, Channel:5, i104:
I (2303) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 296, Channel:5, i108:
I (2309) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 291, Channel:5, i112:
I (2314) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 291, Channel:5, i116:
I (2320) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 289, Channel:5, i120:
I (2325) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i124:
I (2331) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i128:
I (2336) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i132:
I (2342) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 292, Channel:5, i136:
I (2347) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 289, Channel:5, i140:
I (2353) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 283, Channel:5, i144:
I (2359) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 283, Channel:5, i148:
I (2364) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 288, Channel:5, i152:
I (2370) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 288, Channel:5, i156:
I (2375) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i160:
I (2381) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 289, Channel:5, i164:
I (2386) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 289, Channel:5, i168:
I (2392) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 289, Channel:5, i172:
I (2397) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 289, Channel:5, i176:
I (2403) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 294, Channel:5, i180:
I (2409) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 296, Channel:5, i184:
I (2414) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 296, Channel:5, i188:
I (2420) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 296, Channel:5, i192:
I (2425) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 296, Channel:5, i196:
I (2431) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 293, Channel:5, i200:
I (2436) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 295, Channel:5, i204:
I (2442) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 295, Channel:5, i208:
I (2447) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 295, Channel:5, i212:
I (2453) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 295, Channel:5, i216:
I (2459) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i220:
I (2464) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i224:
I (2470) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 290, Channel:5, i228:
I (2475) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 295, Channel:5, i232:
I (2481) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 295, Channel:5, i236:
I (2486) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 287, Channel:5, i240:
I (2492) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 287, Channel:5, i244:
I (2497) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 287, Channel:5, i248:
I (2503) adc_Test: ADC_Value: 289, Channel:5, i252:

Returns ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT continuously after reading 256 values.

More Information.

I tried running the same code on ESP32-S3 LCD EV Board with ESP-IDF v5.2.2
The code ran successfully without any issues.

@github-actions github-actions bot changed the title ADC Continuous mode, ringbuffer time out continuously after 1 buffer read on ESP P4. ADC Continuous mode, ringbuffer time out continuously after 1 buffer read on ESP P4. (AEGHB-825) Sep 24, 2024
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YanKE01 commented Jan 6, 2025

Hi, @brookMD . The ADC driver for P4 is not yet fully developed, and we will fix these issues as soon as possible.

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