How to run the app on local:
- Download XAMPP, make sure the mySQL setting is on the way. (Turn on mysql and apache)
- import database on mySQL. Its name is "essks" (it is in this folder, in unzip first). The quickest way to open a database is to click "Admin" on the mysql section of XAMPP.
- open Visual Studio Code, then import this folder by "open folder" (not open file).
- Then later appears the entire file in the left side corner (all assets will appear).
- In VSC, shift + ctrl + p, then type "Powershell Integrated Console". Make sure the Integrated Console, if not yet can be downloaded in the extension Visual Studio Code.
- Download virtual environment on terminal
- Enter "python -m virtualenv venv" to create a virtual environment named venv
- Go to its virtual environment by typing "venv\Scripts\activate"
- After entering venv, install all requirements by typing "pip install -r requirements.txt"
- then click "python" on the terminal to run its server.
- If you are connected, open it in the web browser (Chrome) and click localhost or its IP name.