2.1.0 (2023-08-02)
- add ES2023 support (80d81a4)
2.0.3 (2023-02-02)
- point to new feature name for nullish coalescing assignments in mdn compat data (af2b4ca)
2.0.2 (2023-01-23)
- add type modifiers to relevant exports (909050a)
- run tests on Node v16.14.0 and up (75ebb7e)
- run tests on Node v16.14.0 and up (f65d487)
- run tests on v16.15.1 instead (ba406d5)
- handle Android browsers even better (f28918f)
2.0.1 (2023-01-20)
1.0.66 (2022-04-12)
1.0.65 (2021-11-17)
- use TypeScript 4.4.3 for now (73c529c)
- add support for ES2021 and ES2022 Ecma versions (81eecb8)
1.0.64 (2021-09-24)
1.0.63 (2021-09-23)
1.0.62 (2021-09-21)
1.0.61 (2021-09-15)
- removed a console.log that had slipped into the published package (6a73d26)
1.0.60 (2021-08-31)
1.0.59 (2021-06-02)
- fix regression where iOS Safari can't always be parsed correctly (35da2f7)
1.0.58 (2021-05-21)
- ua: add support for Samsung Internet through its CrossApp feature (3018c9b)
- ua: catch iPad on iPhone OS 3 (cd628fe)
- ua: catch more bots (7ec729c)
- ua: detect Instagram browser on iOS as ios_saf (45c9918)
- ua: treat Nokia WAP browsers as IE 8 as that there are no equivalent browsers in Caniuse (4aa42be)
1.0.57 (2021-05-20)
- ua: fall back to the unknown Caniuse browser less often to catch more bad UAs (1c1db15)
1.0.56 (2021-05-20)
- ua: add handling for WebKit-based browsers that do not support a Safari version and attempt to map back into an equivalent Safari version (1700ca4)
- ua: detect even more bots (1bb27f4)
- ua: detect more bots (9cd9f80)
- ua: add handling with fallbacks for unparseable user agents (33ff06a)
- ua: add handling with more bots (75e891a)
- ua: detect the Facebook browser on iOS more often (a1dd77a)
1.0.55 (2021-05-19)
- ua: fall back to latest known iOS Safari version (7359201)
1.0.54 (2021-05-19)
- ua: add better Pale Moon handling (74b1d74)
1.0.53 (2021-05-19)
- ua: add better support for MIUIBrowser on Android and catch more instances of Googlebot (3836da3)
- ua: add better support for MIUIBrowser on Android and catch more instances of Googlebot (1c3d1a8)
- ua: add handling or Sogou Explorer, Chromium on Smart TVs, Dalvik VMs, and others (52f9af7)
1.0.52 (2021-05-19)
- ua: add support for detecing Iceweasel as Firefox (158eb70)
- ua: add support for detecing Iceweasel as Firefox (cf57061)
- ua: add support for detecting browsers based on Gecko/Firefox like Iceweasel and IceDragon (065c696)
1.0.51 (2021-05-19)
- ua: add support for Google AdsBot (06fd644)
1.0.50 (2021-05-19)
- ua: add detection for more bots (bbffdbb)
- ua: handle special case with the old stock Android browser (2f2847e)
1.0.49 (2021-05-19)
- ua: fix detection of the Facebook browser on iOS and Edge Mobile on Android (0a4562d)
1.0.48 (2021-05-19)
1.0.47 (2021-04-10)
- edge: work around UAParser change where EdgeHTML versions weren't being used anymore (bba685f)
1.0.46 (2021-03-25)
1.0.44 (2021-03-16)
1.0.42 (2020-11-06)
1.0.41 (2020-10-27)
- fix classList detection on Edge 15 and IE 10 (a66875b)
1.0.40 (2020-10-21)
1.0.39 (2020-10-13)
1.0.38 (2020-09-30)
1.0.37 (2020-06-22)
- mdn: update mdn data structure (b83d160)
1.0.36 (2020-05-04)
- correctly detect QQ browser and MiuiBrowser. (04f5f73)
1.0.35 (2020-03-30)
- Android on Firefox: stop treating and_ff as firefox (fb645f4)
1.0.34 (2020-03-04)
- add support for FBAN (Facebook in-app browser) on iOS and Android (0be9eea)
1.0.33 (2020-02-13)
- remove temporary workaround now that an external issue in the Browserslist repository has been fixed (7573be5)
1.0.32 (2020-01-29)
- add a workaround for a Browserslist regression (c8531ab)
1.0.31 (2020-01-28)
1.0.30 (2019-11-09)
1.0.29 (2019-10-15)
1.0.28 (2019-10-15)
1.0.27 (2019-10-01)
- bug: mark Safari as not supporting Web Animations by default (9c77715)
1.0.26 (2019-09-25)
- safari: fix an issue where ResizeObserver is detected as supported by Safari (it is an experimental opt-in feature) (6492c07)
1.0.25 (2019-09-25)
- safari: fix an issue where ResizeObserver is detected as supported by Safari (it is an experimental opt-in feature) (b6d571c)
1.0.24 (2019-09-09)
- caniuse: fix caniuse data that were broken for some time (f8babd7)
1.0.23 (2019-06-20)
- bug: rollback on Caniuse version to 4.6.2 which doesn't include a dependency on the bad version of caniuse-lite (3f61c38)
1.0.22 (2019-06-20)
- bug: fixes bug where Android version 'all' could lead to crashes (009f868)
- bug: fixes bug where Android version 'all' could lead to crashes (886569b)
- bug: rollback of update to broken version of caniuse-lite (f64533a)
1.0.21 (2019-05-29)
1.0.20 (2019-05-29)
- es2020: adds support for EcmaScript 2020 features and generating a browserslist for it (b6e598e)
1.0.19 (2019-05-08)
- safari 12.1: fixes issue that would make Safari 12.1 appear as Safari TP (ed9dbe3)
1.0.18 (2019-04-11)
- Facebook Crawler: adds support for detecting The Facebook Crawler (facebookexternalhit) (3df1142)
1.0.17 (2019-04-11)
- browser support: adds support for detecting user agents from Chrome WebView (f5fed56)
1.0.16 (2019-04-07)
- api.Window: adds data corrections for the MDN feature api.Window (de30bec)
1.0.15 (2019-03-30)
- bug: fixes an issue with detecting ES2019 features (2f55451)
1.0.14 (2019-03-30)
- EcmaVersion: adds support for generating browserslists for browsers with support for ES2019 (55e3354)
1.0.13 (2019-03-12)
1.0.12 (2019-02-28)
- browsers: adds support for parsing SamsungBrowser 8.2 (a6b3217)
1.0.11 (2019-02-16)
- tests: fixes a test that would crash (9584632)
1.0.10 (2019-02-07)
1.0.9 (2019-01-28)
- edge: fixes an issue where some minor versions of Edge 16 would report as Edge 18 (a0623f6)
1.0.8 (2019-01-24)
- build: updates build scripts (a047643)
- package.json: updated prettier configuration (ea31ab8)
- project: ran prettier (406b371)
- safari: fixes an issue where patch versions of safari 12 would incorrectly translate to safari TP (8398d13)
1.0.7 (2019-01-24)
- build: updates build scripts (06f8e32)
1.0.6 (2019-01-24)
- bug: fixes some issues with detecting safari vs safari TP (25c1b17)
- build: adds Rollup to the build pipeline to produce simple, flat output (4218de0)
- build: updates build scripts (dd9f8ab)
1.0.5 (2019-01-21)
1.0.4 (2019-01-21)
- documentation: adds a logo (8fd5091)
- format: adds Prettier to the project including commit hooks (4954096)
- format: adds Prettier to the project including commit hooks (5433f98)
- package.json: adds files array rather than .npmignore to package.json (1faeb6d)
1.0.3 (2019-01-11)
1.0.2 (2019-01-07)
1.0.1 (2019-01-07)
1.0.0 (2019-01-07)
0.0.57 (2019-01-04)
0.0.56 (2018-12-22)
0.0.55 (2018-12-22)
0.0.54 (2018-12-06)
0.0.53 (2018-12-06)
0.0.52 (2018-10-31)
0.0.51 (2018-10-30)
0.0.50 (2018-10-24)
0.0.49 (2018-10-24)
0.0.48 (2018-10-10)
- Added a few new functions: 'getAppropriateEcmaVersionForBrowserslist', 'browserslistSupportsEcmaVersion', and 'browsersWithSupportForEcmaVersion' (8173687)