- Dependencies updated.
- Fix the deployment process to publish the extension to the Open VSX Registry and Visual Studio Marketplace.
- Update the web app URL to https://linkedtimer.pages.dev
- Fixed a bug that prevented the web version to run.
- Major update on the dependencies.
- Now, it's possible to rename the timer (change the title) to differentiate it when several timers are opened.
- The timer is now vertically centred on the screen.
- Linked Timers now have a random nickname instead of a random alphanumeric string.
- Minimum required version of VS Code to run this extension is now v1.77.0.
- Improved the connectivity with peers.
- Fixed the tab title showed when the timer is stopped before the time is up.
- A loading overlay is now displayed while waiting for the connection to be established when joining another timer.
- The networking logic has been rewritten. It's easier to link timers now.
- When using the web version, users can share their URL, which allows others to start a timer already-linked timer.
- Timer IDs are shorter now, making them easier to copy and share.
- UI improvements.
- Now, when opening a timer tab, it will try to automatically reconnect to peers in case the timer has been previously closed in the middle of a session.
- Now it's possible to get a fresh new ID, to completely break links with previous peers.
- Improvements to the UI.
- Added Open Graph Meta Tags to the web version.
- Added links to source code and changelog in the menu bar.
- When disconnected, it will retry connecting once a second, to cover mobile browsers which disconnect when user switch apps.
- When a new connection is established, it will focus the Links tab.
- The input in Join tab now is only cleared when the connection succeeds.
- A notification will be displayed in case of connection errors.
- Added descriptions to Invite and Join input fields.
- Links are now removed after 30 seconds timeout, as some browsers/devices won't inform the timer has been closed.
- When possible, it will use the same ID as in the last time the timer was used.
- The user interface has been completely redesigned.
- It now uses a Mesh network topology, allowing users to connect to the network via any node.
- It now informs how many timers are linked.
- Transitions now have smooth animations.
- When running in the browser, a link to install the extension in VS Code is displayed.
- Add an animated hourglass, displayed when the timer is running.
- Disable zooming on the page.
- Improve disconnection handling.
- Small improvements on the application layout.
- Inviting others to connect is now easier in the browser, as there's a direct URL to join. And the link is hidden by default, to avoid stealing focus the timer.
- Timer configuration (hours, minutes, seconds) now persists through sessions if Local Storage is available.
- Change behavior in VS Code, retaining the timer tab context when it loses focus.
- Fix VS Code Browser opening new browser-tabs when changing screens.
- Improve the "Copy Timer ID" button. Now it gives a better feedback when clicked.
- Fix the tab title displayed when the time's up, when using it in the browser.
- Initial release