Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ocrParseTypes | String | OCR: Parse types - TEXT, FORMS, TABLES | [optional] |
ocrEngine | OcrEngine | [optional] | |
ocrOutputType | OcrOutputType | [optional] | |
ocrNumberOfPages | String | Number of pages to OCR (from start) (-1 all) | [optional] |
addPdfDetectedCharactersAsText | String | OCR: For the rewriting of the PDF document, converting any image text to searchable text | [optional] |
url | String | Webhook: Callback URL | [optional] |
characterMax | String | Fulltext: Maximum number of characters (-1 unlimited, Typesense defaults to 2048 characters) | [optional] |
engine | EngineEnum | DocumentTagging: Engine to use for document tagging generation | [optional] |
notificationType | NotificationTypeEnum | Notification Type | [optional] |
notificationToCc | String | Who to carbon copy on the notification to (comma-delimited list) | [optional] |
notificationToBcc | String | Who to blind carbon copy on the notification to (comma-delimited list) | [optional] |
notificationSubject | String | Subject of the notification | [optional] |
notificationText | String | Text of the notification | [optional] |
notificationHtml | String | Html of the notification | [optional] |
tags | String | DocumentTagging: Comma-deliminted list of keywords to generate tags for | [optional] |
mappingId | String | Id of Mapping | [optional] |
eventBusName | String | The name or ARN of the event bus to receive the event | [optional] |
Name | Value |
CHATGPT | "chatgpt" |
Name | Value |
"email" |