- Added new feature - collecting resource deposit
- Added "maxAllowedAvailableResourcesInPercentage" for farming feature
- Added scheduler for automatic resources transfer between villages
- Added automatic resources transfer between villages, with predefined resource availability both for source and for target villages
- Currently, only "BALANCED" priority order is available
- Added global auth point for every executor
- Removed closing of socket connection upon action termination
- Implemented in-memory session by auth
- Implemented session reusing between multiple different config executions, which in turn reduces the number of login requests and restarts while using browser/mobile app
- Fixed bug with units relocation
- Added provision amount per unit type into units relocation calculation
- Fixed a bug with failed units recruitment
- Added maximum upgrade level per building name
- Added new feature - automatic units relocation
- Added some default schema values
- Documentation updated, endpoints refactored, missing endpoints added
- Patched farming API: added new param for maximum attacks per farming village
- Updated (almost) all dependencies
- Added background color for google sheets
- Added setup documentation
- Automatic mechanism for recruit and building upgrades improved
- GraphQL schema updated, documentation added
- Init update of schema
- Migration to "type: module" done
- Transformed all exports