A curated list of awesome things related to Vite.js
This awesome list is for Vite 1.x which is discontinued. We no longer accept new entries to this list. See Vite 2.0's list instead.
- How to get started with Vue.js 3 Vite - Video tutorial by Erik (May 2020).
- Writing a Vite plugin - Article by Andrew Walker (Jul 2020).
- Vite with TypeScript + Preact - Article by Stefan Baumgartner (Jul 2020).
- vite-tailwind-starter - Starter template with Tailwind CSS for fast prototyping.
- vite-component-test-starter - Starter template with Vue Test Utils.
- vite-typescript-starter - Starter template with TypeScript.
- vite-vue-i18n-starter - Starter template with
. - vite-vueuse-starter - Starter template with VueUse and TypeScript.
- Vitesse - Opinionated Vite starter template.
- Tailwind CSS Preset - A preset adding Tailwind CSS to a Vite application.
- V-Dashboard - Dashboard starter template built with Vue 3 and Tailwind CSS.
- VueCrudX - Sample CRUD, ECharts & Leaflet example application using web components.
- kirby-vue3-starterkit - SPA starterkit with Vue 3 and Kirby.
- vite-electron-quick - Starter template with Vue 3, TypeScript and Electron.
- vite-ts-tailwind-starter - Starter template with Vue 3, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and Cypress.io e2e tests.
- vue-vben-admin-2.0 - Starter template with Vue 3, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Ant Design Vue2.
- electron-vue-next - Starter template using Vue 3 in Vite and latest Electron with fluent VS Code debug and GitHub release process out-of-box.
- vite-components-playground - A common Vue 3 components playground.
- vite-electron-builder - Template for Electron apps using Vite for both back and front-end, with automatic releases and updates.
- vite-react-tailwind-starter - Starter template with React and Tailwind CSS.
- vite-plugin-voie - File system-based routing plugin.
- vite-plugin-svg - Use SVG files as Vue components.
- vite-plugin-vuedoc - A markdown & vue preview plugin.
- vite-plugin-rust - Load rust-compiled WebAssembly packages.
- vite-plugin-md - Markdown as Vue components / Vue components in Markdown.
- vite-plugin-toml - Load toml files.
- zipe - Server-side renderer.
- vite-ssr - Small library to handle SSR in Vite.
- vitedge - Edge-side renderer with fullstack utilities.
- vite-plugin-mock - A mock plugin for vite.
- vite-plugin-mockit - A simple mock plugin for Vite, with Koa's style.
- vite-test - Use vite to test your vue app in real browser and/or puppeteer.
- vite-plugin-faker - Use TypeScript compiler to generate mock data.
- vite-plugin-vue-i18n -
custom block integration. - vite-plugin-purge-icons - Bundles icons on demand by PurgeIcons.
- vite-plugin-pwa - Zero-config PWA for Vite.
- vite-tsconfig-paths - Support for TypeScript's path mapping.
- vite-transform-globby-import - Simple globby-import transform.
- vite-plugin-html - A plugin for vite to Minimize index.html and use lodash.template template syntax in
- vite-plugin-components - On-demand components auto-importing.
- @baleada/vite-serve-as-vue - Dev server plugin to serve any files as hot-reloadable Vue components.
- @baleada/vite-serve-virtual - Dev server plugin to serve virtual files of any type.
- vite-plugin-legacy - Generate an identical bundle for legacy browsers.
- vite-plugin-vue2 - Vue2 integration.
- vite-plugin-react - (official) React fast-refresh plugin for.
- vite-plugin-react-page - (official) React application framework powered by Vite.
- vite-plugin-mdx - MDX fast-refresh support.
- svite - Svelte integration.
- vite-plugin-svelte - Svelte integration.
- Icônes - Icon explorer with instant search.
- Awesome CN Café - Web application for Awesome CN Café.
- Todo Example - Todo app with routing and state management.
- Tailwind Pre-Processor - An implementation of Tailwind CSS using Less / Stylus / Sass / SCSS.
- npmview - A web application to view npm package files.
- Layoutit Grid - Interactive CSS Grid layout generator.
- TypGame - Test your typing performance.