We all have different personalities. We’ve all been shaped by profoundly different life experiences. We all communicate differently. But many times when we come into work, we’re expected to interact with each other in a templated, “one-size-fits-all” way.
A culture of trust and transparency within a team can only be built with intention and self-awareness. Taking the time to reflect on what makes you most productive at work will almost certainly help drive your own success. Putting your weaknesses on the table sets the tone that you’re going to be vulnerable. Show that you’re not perfect, and you make mistakes. Your team will feel more empowered to do the same. This exercise will help ensure your colleagues (and you) understand not just who you are, but how to engage with you on a deeper level and collaborate with you most productively. Transparency about your work style – your preferences, values, quirks and all – shortens the learning curve for others by making explicit things that might otherwise take months, or even years, to uncover.
This document is adapted from Datadog's wonderful internal "How to work with me" references, with some editing. Here you will find a template if you wish to use this for yourself.
What are your general work hours? When do you feel most productive during the workday?
Do you keep your calendar up-to-date?
How should we contact you? Do you acknowledge every message or do you only respond when necessary?
In what order do you prefer: meetings, emails, slacks, texts, calls, and/or video chats
How do you handle conflict?
What are the things that frustrate you?
What motivates you?
What helps you get work done? What helps you be at your best?
What gaps are present in your mindset, attitudes, beliefs and competencies that are likely to become barriers to your success? What skills or behaviors are you actively working to improve?
What do you need from your manager? How do you want to be managed?
How do you coach people to do their best work and develop their talents?
What do you need from your peers?