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File metadata and controls

223 lines (148 loc) · 10.5 KB






Written against the glTF 1.0 spec. This extension is no longer needed in glTF 2.0 as glTF 2.0 includes GLB File Format Specification.


glTF provides two delivery options that can also be used together:

  • glTF JSON points to external binary data (geometry, key frames, skins), images, and shaders.
  • glTF JSON embeds base64-encoded binary data, images, and shaders inline using data URIs.

For these resources, glTF requires either separate requests or extra space due to base64-encoding. Base64-encoding requires extra processing to decode and increases the file size (by ~33% for encoded resources). While gzip mitigates the file size increase, decompression and decoding still add significant loading time.

To solve this, this extension introduces a container format, Binary glTF. In Binary glTF, a glTF asset (JSON, .bin, images, and shaders) can be stored in a binary blob accessed in JavaScript as an ArrayBuffer. This binary blob (which can be a file, for example) is divided into three subsequent parts:

  • A 20-byte preamble, entitled the header
  • The structured glTF content, entitled the content
  • The binary body

The content part can refer to external resources as usual, and can also reference resources stored within the binary body.

Binary glTF Layout

Binary glTF is little endian and strings are encoded using UTF-8. Figure 1 shows an overview of the three parts of a Binary glTF asset.

Figure 1: Binary glTF layout.

The following sections describe the structure of the three parts more in detail.


The 20-byte header consists of the following five 4-byte entries:

  • magic is the ASCII string 'glTF', and can be used to identify the arraybuffer as Binary glTF.

  • version is an uint32 that indicates the version of the Binary glTF container format. Currently available versions are shown in Table 1.

  • length is the total length of the Binary glTF, including header, content, and body, in bytes.

  • contentLength is the length, in bytes, of the glTF content. It must be greater than zero.

  • contentFormat specifies the format of the glTF content. A list of all valid values currently available is in Table 2.

Table 1: Valid values for version

Decimal Hex Description
1 0x00000001 Version 1

Table 2: Valid values for contentFormat

Decimal Hex Description
0 0x00000000 JSON


The content part holds the structured glTF content description, as it would be provided within a .gltf file in glTF without this extension. In a JavaScript implementation, the TextDecoder API can be used to extract the glTF content from the arraybuffer, and then the JSON can be parsed with JSON.parse as usual.

By reading the content first, an implementation is able to progressively retrieve resources from the binary body. This way, it is also possible to read only a selected subset of resources from a Binary glTF asset (for instance, the coarsest LOD of a mesh).

Elements of the content can refer to binary data within the body, using a special buffer with an id equal to "binary_glTF". For more details, see glTF Schema Updates below.

Binary glTF still supports external resources. For example, an application that wants to download textures on demand may embed everything except images in the Binary glTF. Embedded base64-encoded resources are also still supported, but it would be inefficient to use them. An advantage of Binary glTF over glTF is that resources can be embedded without paying the size and client-side decoding costs of base64-encoding.


The binary body is the binary payload for geometry, animation key frames, skins, images, and shaders.

The start of body is 4-byte aligned to ease its use with JavaScript Typed Arrays. This implies that trailing spaces may be added to the JSON in the content part such that (20 + contentLength) is divisible by 4.

The buffer with id equal to "binary_glTF" is used to address the content of the binary body. An offset of zero addresses the first byte of the binary body.

glTF Schema Updates

As mentioned above, Binary glTF introduces a buffer with id equal to "binary_glTF". This buffer is an implicit reference to the binary body of the Binary glTF asset. Its type property is "arraybuffer", and a runtime can ignore the uri property since the buffer refers to the Binary glTF body section, not an external resource. When a runtime encounters this buffer, it should use the Binary glTF body as the buffer. bufferViews that reference this buffer work as usual.

To support embedded shaders and images, shader and image glTF properties have new KHR_binary_glTF extension properties that should be used instead of the uri property. See Listings 2 and 3.

Listing 2: A shader referencing a bufferView to access an embedded shader source.

"extensionsUsed" : [
// ...
"a_shader" : {
    "extensions" : {
        "KHR_binary_glTF" : {
            "bufferView" : // ...

Listing 3: An image referencing a bufferView and with metadata useful for loading the image from the arraybuffer. In JavaScript, Blob can be used as the source for an Image to extract an image from the arraybuffer (see Cesium's loadImageFromTypedArray helper function).

"extensionsUsed" : [
// ...
"an_image" : {
    "extensions" : {
        "KHR_binary_glTF" : {
            "bufferView" : // ...,
            "mimeType" : "image/png",
            "height" : 256,
            "width" : 512

JSON Schema

For full details on the KHR_binary_glTF extension properties, see the schema:

  • image KHR_binary_glTF extensions object
  • shader KHR_binary_glTF extensions object

File Extension

The file extension to be used with Binary glTF is .glb.


Use model/gltf.binary.

Known Implementations



  • Cesium COLLADA-to-glTF Converter (app)
  • colladaToBglTFConverter (code)
  • SRC writer (code)


Performance Results

This section is non-normative.

Based on experimentation (below & [1]) using CESIUM_binary_glTF (only trivial differences to KHR_binary_glTF) and the glTF loader in Cesium 1.10, different configurations are recommended for different scenarios.

  • To minimize file size and number of files, use Binary glTF (gzipped), and external compressed image files (PNG, JPEG, etc.) to avoid significant decompression overhead.
  • If a single file is desired, use Binary glTF (gzipped) with all files embedded.
  • For files with very little non-texture data, the difference in loading time is minimal, but Binary glTF can reduce the number of requests without overhead.

The following observations are made from file size and benchmark data:

  • JSON, mesh data, and animation data are highly compressible.
  • Already-compressed textures (PNG, JPEG) are not very compressible. Adding compression (e.g. by embedding them into a Binary glTF file which will be gzipped) adds significant CPU overhead with little size benefit.

Using the Cesium aircraft model, which contains 5,984 triangles with two texture atlases and a simple animation without skinning, statistics and results for the common glTF setups are:

Cesium Air # files size size (gzip*) load time
COLLADA 3 922 KiB 591 KiB
glTF 8 608 KiB 538 KiB 0.32 s
glTF, base64-encoded bin/jpg/png/glsl 1 808 KiB 540 KiB 0.41 s
Binary glTF, embedded textures 1 609 KiB 513 KiB 0.29 s
Binary glTF, separate textures 3 609 KiB 538 KiB 0.30 s

Using the 1200 12th Ave model (thanks to Cube Cities), which contains 30,235 triangles with 21 textures and no animations, statistics and results for the common glTF setups are:

1200 12th Ave # files size size (gzip*) load time
COLLADA 22 5.93 MiB 1.36 MiB
glTF 31 2.99 MiB 1.25 MiB 0.85 s
glTF, base64-encoded bin/jpg/png/glsl 1 3.64 MiB 1.30 MiB 1.25 s
Binary glTF, embedded textures 1 2.99 MiB 1.23 MiB 1.03 s
Binary glTF, separate textures 22 2.99 MiB 1.25 MiB 0.84 s

* All files gzipped except for stand-alone images.

* [1] Raw data for benchmarks using compression available in [BenchData](BenchData/ supplemental.