- Leo Leonni, Little Blue and Little Yellow (1959)
- Dragging a stylus through charcoal powder
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, A Crack in the Hourglass
- Dragging a paintbrush through piles of paint
- Black and white ink on gray paper
- Demo: Truchet Blobs (p5)
- Demo: Closed Catmull-Rom Curve (p5)
- Demo: Radial Displacement by Looping Noise (p5)
- Demo: Spring Blob Mesh (p5), full lecture notes here
- Demo: Metaball Isoline Contour (p5)
- Resource: Differential Growth
- Video: Viscous Fingering (Hele-Shaw Cells, Saffman-Taylor instability)
- Demo: Point-in-Polygon Rejection Sampling (p5)
- Demo: Axis-Aligned Shape Hatching (p5)
- Demo: Axis-Aligned Shape Hatching (Processing Java)
- Demo: Oriented Shape Hatching (p5)
- Demo: Oriented Shape Hatching (Processing Java)
- Demo: Flood Fill (p5)
- Video: Mike Bostock on Poisson Disc Sampling
- Video: Coding Train's Poisson Disc Sampling
- Demo: Coding Train's Poisson Disc Sampling (p5)
- Demo: Point-in-Polygon Poisson Disc Sampling (p5)