This folder provides the code for rendering your own data. You do not need this if you use our rendered data (available in "Downloads -> Rendered Data" of the project page).
is the core script that renders a given camera-light configuration.
generates parameters that define different
camera-light configurations (arguments to
), for you to distribute
over multiple machines or a render farm to render all
configurations in parallel.
is the script that generated the
JSON files indicating the nearest neighbor for each camera/light in the metadata
Scenes are specified in Blender and rendered with Cycles, Blender's built-in physically-based rendering engine.
You should use the Python bundled inside Blender, rather than that of your system or environment.
Because of the breaking changes in Blender 2.8x, please run our code with Blender 2.7x. More specifically, we used Blender 2.78c, available here.
Clone this repository:
cd "$ROOT" git clone
"Install" Blender-Python (the binaries are pre-built, so just download and unzip):
cd "$WHERE_YOU_WANT_BLENDER_INSTALLED" # Download wget # Unzip the pre-built binaries tar -xvjf blender-2.78c-linux-glibc219-x86_64.tar.bz2
Install the dependencies to this Blender-bundled Python:
cd blender-2.78c-linux-glibc219-x86_64/2.78/python/bin # Install pip for THIS Blender-bundled Python curl | ./python3.5m # Use THIS pip to install other dependencies ./pip install Pillow ./pip install tqdm ./pip install ipython ./pip install numpy ./pip install opencv-python
Make sure this Python can locate
:export PYTHONPATH="$ROOT"/neural-light-transport/third_party/xiuminglib/:$PYTHONPATH
There are header instructions in all the main scripts, but the general workflow is as follows.
UV unwrap the object of interest in the Blender scene. This needs doing only once per scene, and the rendering workers will read this UV unwrapping from the disk.
"$WHERE_YOU_INSTALLED_BLENDER"/blender-2.78c-linux-glibc219-x86_64/blender \ --background \ --python "$ROOT"/neural-light-transport/data_gen/ \ -- \ --scene="$ROOT"/data/scenes-v2/dragon_specular.blend \ --object=object \ --outpath="$ROOT"/data/scenes-v2/dragon_specular_uv.pickle
Make sure that you can render a single camera-light configuration:
"$WHERE_YOU_INSTALLED_BLENDER"/blender-2.78c-linux-glibc219-x86_64/blender \ --background \ --python "$ROOT"/neural-light-transport/data_gen/ \ -- \ --scene="$ROOT"/data/scenes-v2/dragon_specular.blend \ --cached_uv_unwrap="$ROOT"/data/scenes-v2/dragon_specular_uv.pickle \ --cam_json="$ROOT"/data/trainvali_cams/P28R.json \ --light_json="$ROOT"/data/trainvali_lights/L330.json \ --cam_nn_json="$ROOT"/data/neighbors/cams.json \ --light_nn_json="$ROOT"/data/neighbors/lights.json \ --imh='512' \ --uvs='1024' \ --spp='256' \ --outdir="$ROOT"/data/scenes-v2/dragon_specular_imh512_uvs1024_spp256/trainvali_000020852_P28R_L330
Generate all camera-light configurations (rendering jobs) you want to render:
python "$ROOT"/neural-light-transport/data_gen/ \ --mode='trainvali+test' \ --scene="$ROOT"/data/scenes-v2/dragon_specular.blend \ --cached_uv_unwrap="$ROOT"/data/scenes-v2/dragon_specular_uv.pickle \ --trainvali_cams="$ROOT"'/data/trainvali_cams/*.json' \ --test_cams="$ROOT"'/data/test_cams/*.json' \ --trainvali_lights="$ROOT"'/data/trainvali_lights/*.json' \ --test_lights="$ROOT"'/data/test_lights/*.json' \ --cam_nn_json="$ROOT"/data/neighbors/cams.json \ --light_nn_json="$ROOT"/data/neighbors/lights.json \ --imh='512' \ --uvs='1024' \ --spp='256' \ --outroot="$ROOT"/data/scenes-v2/dragon_specular_imh512_uvs1024_spp256/ \ --jobdir="$ROOT"/tmp/specular
Note that any Python can be used for this step, not necessarily the Blender-bundled Python, because there is no Blender-specific operation.
Distribute the rendering jobs to your render farm to render all camera-light configurations, depending on your infrastructure.
Postprocess the rendered data: (1) appoximating the albedo by averaging all camera-light configurations in the UV space, weighing it with different light visibilities to produce "diffuse bases," and finally resampling the resultant bases into different camera views; (2) globbing the data and dumping the file list to disk, such that the training pipeline can just load this tiny file to know immediately which camera-light configuration has missing data (caused by, e.g., failed rendering jobs) and therefore should be skipped (helpful especially when existence checks are slow for your filesystem).
python "$ROOT"/neural-light-transport/data_gen/ \ --data_root="$ROOT"/data/scenes-v2/dragon_specular_imh512_uvs1024_spp256/ \ --out_json="$ROOT"/data/scenes-v2/dragon_specular_imh512_uvs1024_spp256.json