Error in user YAML: (<unknown>): found character that cannot start any token while scanning for the next token at line 1 column 9
author: @leebyron
question: "What is a _GraphQL Query_?"
term: graphql query
draft: true
A GraphQL Query is a request for specific data provided by a GraphQL Service written in the GraphQL language.
Here's a simple example which asks for my name, and the names of 3 of my friends:
me {
friends(first: 3) {
Once sent to a GraphQL Service, this might return the result:
"data": {
"me": {
"name": "Lee Byron",
"friends": [
{ "name": "Ash Huang" },
{ "name": "Nick Schrock" },
{ "name": "Dan Schafer" },
Some important properties of GraphQL Queries this example helps illustrate: