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redux-slice-factory 🍕🏭

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A light-weight package with generic factory functions for common slice data structures

Install 💾

npm install @gjv/redux-slice-factory

What's the goal? 🏆

This package will

  • reduce boilerplate
  • prevent duplicate code
  • save you time & effort

by providing

  • a familiar API inspired by Redux Toolkit
  • out-of-the-box best-practice interfaces for slice state models (e.g. status enums vs boolean flags)
  • DRY, strongly-typed, generic factory functions for common slice data structures
  • a common set of actions and selectors shared by slices of the same data structure

What's included? 📦

  • createModelSlice() creates a slice for a single model.
    Here's an example with a slice for a user profile.
  • createEntitySlice() creates a slice for a collection of entities.
    Here's an example with a slice for multiple user profiles.

What's a slice? 🍕

Similar to the Ducks and Ducks++ proposals, a slice is a bundle of everything associated to a piece of state (i.e. { name, reducer, actions, selectors })

the name describes the domain the slice is responsible for,

the reducer manages data interactions between state and actions,

the actions surface an api of dispatch-able functions to interact with the reducer, and

the selectors expose memoized functions to read data from global state.

Where are the action types?

Since these factory functions use createSlice() from Redux Toolkit, you can get the action type for any action creator by simply referencing the function without executing it:

const { actions } = createModelSlice('MyModelSliceName', ...)
// -> "MyModelSliceName/update

Show me the code 💻

For a more extensive, real-world use cases check out the examples listed above.

// STEP 1: create the slice
// UserSlice.ts
import { createModelSlice, IModelState, StatusEnum } from '@gjv/redux-slice-factory';
import { IGlobalState } from './configureStore';

interface IUserModel {
    id: string;
    name: string;
    age: string;

const bob: IUserModel = {
    id: '456def',
    name: 'bobby',
    age: '30'

type IUserSliceState = IModelState<IUserModel>

const slice = createModelSlice<IGlobalState, IUserModel>({
    name: 'user',
    selectSliceState: (globalState) => globalState.User,
    initialState: bob

const UserSlice = {
    reducer: slice.reducer,
    actions: slice.actions,
    selectors: slice.selectors

export default UserSlice;
export type { IUserSliceState }

// STEP 2: attach the slice to the global store
// configureStore.ts
import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
import UserSlice, { IUserSliceState } from './UserSlice'

interface IGlobalState {
  user: IUserSliceState;

const reducers = {
    user: UserSlice.reducer

const store = rtkConfigureStore({
  reducer: reducers,
  middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) => getDefaultMiddleware(),

export default store;
export type { IGlobalState };

// STEP 3: use the slice

// initial state of state.user
  "status": "Settled",
  "error": null,
  "lastModified": null,
  "lastHydrated": null,
  "model": {
    "id": "456def",
    "name": "bobby",
    "age": "30"

// update the slice state with a partial model
store.dispatch(userSlice.actions.update({ age: '26' }));
// state.user is now...
  "lastModified": "2020-07-08T19:34:24-04:00",
  "model": {
    "id": "456def",
    "name": "bobby",
    "age": "26"

// set the slice state with a model
    id: '456def',
    name: 'bob',
    age: '30'
// state.user is now...
  "lastModified": "2020-07-08T19:35:23-04:00",
  "model": {
    "id": "456def",
    "name": "bob",
    "age": "30"

// set the slice state status enum
// or
// state.user is now...
  "status": "Requesting",

// hydrate the slice state with a model
    id: '789ghi',
    name: 'carl',
    age: '35'
// state.user is now...
  "lastModified": null,
  "lastHydrated": "2020-07-08T19:37:37-04:00",
  "model": {
    "id": "789ghi",
    "name": "carl",
    "age": "35"

// set the slice state error
// NOTE: the Error is mapped to a serialize-able object by the action creator
store.dispatch(userSlice.actions.setError(new Error('Uh-oh')));
// state.user is now...
  "error": {
    "stack": 'Error: Uh-oh\n ...',
    "message": 'Uh-oh'

// reset the slice state back to its initial state
// state.user is now...
  "status": "Settled",
  "error": null,
  "lastModified": null,
  "lastHydrated": null,
  "model": {
    "id": "456def",
    "name": "bobby",
    "age": "30"