Q. xxx environment does not work on SCOPE-RL. How should we fix it?
A. SCOPE-RL is compatible with OpenAI Gym API, specifically for gym>=0.26.0
, which works as follows.
obs, info = env.reset(), False
while not done:
action = agent.act(obs)
obs, reward, done, truncated, info = env.step(action)
In contrast, your environment may use the following older interface.
obs = env.reset(), False
while not done:
action = agent.act(obs)
obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
To solve this incompatibility, please use NewGymAPIWrapper
provided in scope_rl/utils.py
. It should be used as follows.
from scope_rl.utils import NewGymAPIWrapper
env = NewGymAPIWrapper(env)
Q. xxx environment does not work on d3rlpy, which is used for model training. How should we fix it? (d3rlpy and SCOPE-RL are compatible with different version of OpenAI Gym.)
A. A. Both scope-rl>=0.2.1
and d3rlpy>=2.0.2
supports compatibility with gym>=0.26.0
and gymnasium
environments. The source is available in the main
If you want to use the older interface of d3rlpy
, make sure to use scope-rl==0.1.3
and d3rlpy==1.1.1
. Then, please use OldGymAPIWrapper
provided in scope_rl/utils.py
to enable the use of d3rlpy. The source is available in the depreciated
from scope_rl.utils import OldGymAPIWrapper
env = gym.make("xxx_v0") # compatible with gym>=0.26.2 and scope-rl==0.1.3
env_ = OldGymAPIWrapper(env) # compatible with gym<0.26.2 and d3rlpy==1.1.1