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File metadata and controls

42 lines (25 loc) · 1.42 KB


ErlEsy is a simple graphing tool for Erlang. It allows for automatic generation of state machine diagrams out of Erlang source files. It works by parsing an .erl source file and building a digraph out of it. The digraph can be then transformed into any format that will allow for its graphical representation.


ErlEsy can be build by rebar, simply invoke

rebar get-deps rebar compile

You can also use the makefile, with these directives: make - fetches deps and compiles erlesy make shell - starts a erlesy shell make http - starts hosting erlesy_vis with python


To run ErlEsy simply start the application by calling


Then you can create any file by using

-spec create_graph(string(), [string()], dot | json) -> ok. otp_parser:create_graph(FileName, IncludeFiles, Mode).

  • FileName should be a path to the .erl file you want to graph
  • IncludeFiles is a list of paths towards include files
  • Mode is either dot or json

Output and graphing

ErlEsy currently supports two forms of output, a DOT formatted file or a JSON file.


DOT file can be used e.g. at


A simple visualization made with d3.js is provided with ErlEsy in erlesy_vis. To use it simply place your json in the root of erlesy_vis (Currently it has to be named example_fsm.json) and launch a web server (e.g. Python SimpleHTTPServer) in that directory.