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Custom Resource CoreMediaContentClouds

The Custom Resource CoreMediaContentClouds (cmcc for short) defines all aspects of a CoreMedia Content Cloud installation to be deployed. This document explains all properties and their use.

Custom Resource Properties Status

The status property of the custom resource has these fields:

Property Type Description
milestone enum Which milestone has been reached in configuring all components
error String A one-line error message, or empty string
errorMessage String A longer error message (if any)
job String The name of the job component currently executing, or an empty string.
ownedResources String Used internally by the operator to keep track of created resources.

The milestone status column shows the creation status of the installation:

  1. Created: The initial databases are being created (if requested by with.databases)
  2. DatabasesReady: The databases are running, all schemas have been created. The core management components are being started (CMS, MLS).
  3. ContentserverInitialized: The Content Management Server and the Master Live Server have started for the first time. An initial job can be run to import users or do other basic housekeeping for a fresh instance. Once this milestone has completed all jobs, the CMS and the MLS will be restarted.
  4. ContentserverReady: The Content Management Server and the Master Live Server are running.
  5. ManagementReady: The core management components are running. All remaining component are being started, including the content import.
  6. Ready: The content import has completed, all components are up and running.
  7. Never: Special state that will never be reached, can be used on components to define them, but have the operator never create the resources for them. See below Running Additional Jobs.

Custom Resource Properties Specification

The spec field defines these properties to allow you to deploy a CoreMedia installation. Whenever possible, these properties have suitable defaults.

Property Type Default Description
comment String "" Arbitrary comment, can be used to force an update to the resource
components array [] List of CoreMedia components to be created. See below for available components and their parameters
clientSecretRefs map of map of object Pre-existing secrets to use, see below
defaults object Default values for components
defaults.curlImage String A Docker image with curl available. Used in init containers to wait for Content Server components to become available.
defaults.image object Defaults for the image specification
defaults.image.registry String "" Docker Image Registry to pull images from
defaults.image.tag String latest Docker Image Tag to pull images from
defaults.image.pullPolicy String IfNotPresent default imagePullPolicy
defaults.ingressDomain String "" Fully qualified domain name to append to ingress host names
defaults.insecureDatabasePassword String "" DO NOT SET. See below for more information.
defaults.namePrefix String "" Prefix resources with this name plus '-'.
defaults.previewHostname String preview Hostname of the preview CAE. Unless it is a fully-qualified domain name, the namePrefix and the ingressDomain will be pre- and appended.
defaults.resources resources Default resources to apply to component pods
defaults.studioHostname String studio Hostname of the Studio. Unless it is a fully-qualified domain name, the namePrefix and the ingressDomain will be pre- and appended.
defaultIngressTls object Defaults for the site mapping TLS settings, see below
job String "" name of a component to run as a job, see below
licenseSecrets object Names of the secrets containing the license
licenseSecrets.CMSLicense String license-cms Name of the secret containing a entry with the appropriate file contents
licenseSecrets.MLSLicense String license-mls Name of the secret containing a entry with the appropriate file contents
licenseSecrets.RLSLicense String license-rls Name of the secret containing a entry with the appropriate file contents
siteMappings array Mappings between DNS names and site segments, see below
with object Optional special components and configurations
with.databases boolean false Create both a MariaDB and MongoDB server, and schemas and secrets for all components that require them object Create all components required for a CoreMedia delivery stage int 0 Number of Replication Live Servers to create int 0 Minimum number of CAEs per RLS int 0 Maximum number of CAEs per RLS boolean true Create all components required for a CoreMedia management stage

Enabling Convenience Options with

Local database servers with.databases

When with.databases is enabled, the operator will add a MariaDB and a MongoDB server to the components, and create appropriate database schemas and users, including the secrets needed for the components to access them.

The schema/database name as well as the username is automatically determined by the component, see below. The password for each of these accounts is generated randomly on creation.

If you would like to connect to the databases with a constant password, you can set defaults.insecureDatabasePassword . DANGER You should only set this property if you are certain that the database server is only accessible over the network to authorized users.

Delivery Components

The operator can create Replication Live Servers and Live CAEs and configure a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler for the CAEs. and determine how many Live CAEs should be created per RLS. The defaults are both 0, which disables the creation of Live CAEs. When is set to a value equal or larger than, a fixed number of Live CAEs will be configured.

Future functionality: When is set to a value smaller than, a horizontal pod autoscaler will be configured that will scale the number of CAEs from the minimum to the maximum amount based on the CPU load of the CAEs.

Future functionality: determines the number of Replication Live Servers the operator should create. The default of 0 means that all CAEs will be connected to the Master Live Server, and no RLS will be created. Note that while it is possible to increase the number of RLS after the CoreMedia installation has been created, the operator currently cannot create additional database schemas for any new RLS, and can not clone database contents from the Master Live Server to any new RLS. If you want to increase the number of RLS after initial setup, you would need to take care of that manually.

Example: development setup with one Live CAE,, will create exactly one CAE which will be connected to the Master Live Server.

Example: two RLS with auto scaling,, will create two RLS and one CAE each. A HPA will be set up that will scale the number of CAEs to up to 10 per RLS.

Management Components

When is enabled, the operator automatically adds all required components to the list of components. This is equivalent to configuring:

  - type: cae
    kind: preview
  - type: cae-feeder
    kind: live
  - type: cae-feeder
    kind: preview
  - type: content-feeder
  - type: content-server
    kind: cms
  - type: content-server
    kind: mls
  - type: elastic-worker
  - type: overview
  - type: solr
    kind: leader
  - type: studio-client
  - type: studio-server
  - type: user-changes
  - type: workflow-server

You can override settings for individual components, for example the image specification, by declaring that component explicitly.

Using Pre-Existing Secrets

Unless with.databases is enabled, you will need to provide secrets for all components for all connections: JDBC databases, MongoDB databases, and UAPI servers. You reference existing secrets in the custom resource by providing clientSecretRef entries. Each of the three entries contains a map of secret references, one entry per client or schema. Each entry can have these fields:

Key Default Key in the secret
secretName name of the secret containing the details
driverKey driver database driver class name (JDBC)
hostnameKey hostname hostname of the server
passwordKey password password to log in to the server
schemaKey schema schema or client or service
urlKey url connection URL
usernameKey username username to log in to the server

Components receive secrets as environment variables. See the CoreMedia documentation (Deployment Manual) for the properties that the components take for database configuration.

Overview of Secrets for Components

This tables shows the component types and the client secrets they use.

Component type/kind jdbc mongodb solr uapi Description
content-server/cms management publisher To the MLS
content-server/mls master
content-server/rls replication publisher To the MLS
cae/live blueprint live webserver
cae/preview blueprint preview webserver
cae-feeder/live caefeeder blueprint live webserver
cae-feeder/preview mcaefeeder blueprint preview webserver
content-feeder blueprint studio feeder
elastic-worker blueprint studio webserver
studio-server studio blueprint studio studio
user-changes blueprint ` studio
workflow-server management blueprint workflow

You can override the schema/user names for each component by adding an entry to the components schemas map, for example:

   - type: cae-feeder
     kind: live
       jdbc: live-cae-feeder


Depending on the component, different environment variables are set. All keys are used and must be specified for the database connection to work correctly.

With the default set of components ( and, you will need to provide these secret refs:

  • caefeeder
  • management
  • master
  • mcaefeeder
  • studio

For example, to configure a secret for the Content Management Server which uses the management name:

      secretName: mysql-management

This using all the default keys for the secret (see above).

For example, you can create a suitable secret on the command line, entering the appropriate details for your database server as needed:

kubectl create secret generic mysql-management \
  --from-literal=username=cm_management \
  --from-literal=password='s3cr3t' \
  --from-literal=driver=com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver \


The components only use the urlKey to configure the MongoDB client. You must provide the authentication in the URL, if the MongoDB server requires it.


While Solr does not use authentication (unless explicitly enabled through a plugin), the operator uses the secrets to configure the Solr Core/collection name and server URL. For each collection, two secrets are used: schemaname-leader and schemaname-follower. The leader can be used to connect to the Solr leader (used for indexing and quick turnaround querying in the Studio and preview); the follower secret connects to the follower instances that replicate the cores from the leader, for example in the Live CAE.

By default, the following secrets are required:

  • solr-live-follower
  • solr-live-leader
  • solr-preview-leader
  • solr-studio-leader


Unless specified explicitly here, the operator will create random passwords for the UAPI connection and will initialize both the Content Management Server and the Master Live Server with these secrets. This includes the admin user. If you would like to set a well-known admin password, create a secret:

kubectl create secret generic coremedia-admin \
  --from-literal=username=admin \

Then reference it in the custom resource:

      secretName: coremedia-admin
      usernameKey: username
      passwordKey: password

Running Additional Jobs

You can add jobs to the components to be run. By default, there is one job type management-tools that runs the global/management-tools image to import content, themes, and users, and publish imported content. See Running the Tools in the Deployment Manual for details.

Jobs can take additional configuration options. See Component management-tools for the configuration of that job type.

Running a Job During Deployment

To run a job during deployment, simply add it to the list of components, like so:

  - name: import
    type: management-tools
    milestone: ManagementReady
      - use-remote-content-archive
      - import-themes
      - import-content
      - publish-content
      config: |
        contentUsersUrl: ""
        themesUrl: ""

The milestone defines when to run this job.

Running a Job After Deployment

If you'd like to run a job after the initial deployment has succeeded, and the milestone Ready has been reached, you can define the job template for the job using the milestone Never when adding it to the list of components.

  - name: reimport
    type: management-tools
    milestone: Never
      - use-remote-content-archive
      - import-themes
      - import-content
      - publish-content
      config: |
        contentUsersUrl: ""
        themesUrl: ""

To trigger running the job, set the job property to the name of the job you'd like to run. You can use kubectl patch to set this property.

kubectl patch cmcc example --type merge --patch "{\"spec\":{\"job\":\"reimport\"}}"

While the job is running, the milestone will be RunJob. Once the job completes, the milestone will return to Ready.

Automatic Generation of Ingresses and Site Mappings siteMappings

The operator automatically creates ingresses for all components that need to be exposed: the Studio (combined for studio-client and studio-server), the preview CAE and the live CAE.

For the CAEs, the website domains and the site root channel's URI segments need to be mapped to each other: the ingress controller needs to rewrite URLs so the CAE can interpret them, and the CAE needs to generate URLs so they map back to the CAE in the right way. The array of objects siteMappings defines the mapping, and the operator creates both the ingress objects and the mapping properties for the live CAE from them.

The operator can only generate Ingress resources compatible with the kubernetes/ingress-nginx.

Site Mappings

Each entry defines one DNS name and all the site segments that will be served under this name.

Property Type Default Description
hostname String Short name of the mapping; also used as the key for this entry.
fqdn String DNS name, either a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN, Defaults to the hostname with the default ingress domain appended.
primarySegment String Primary site segment; this is the site for the / URI.
additionalSegments array of String Segments of additional sites served from this host.
tls object TLS settings for this host
tls.enabled boolean true Should TLS be enabled for this ingress
tls.secretName object Name of the secret that store the certificate and key for this hostname. Some Ingress controllers allow this to be empty, they will then use a default certificate.

If you have a single certificate for your setup (for example, a certificate with SNI for all hosts, or a wildcard certificate), you can simply configure defaultIngressTls.secretName with the name of that secret, and leave out the tls settings on the individual site mapping entries.


    - hostname:
      primarySegment: corporate
        - corporate-de-de
        - corporate-en-ca
        - corporate-en-gb

This makes the Chef Corp. example site available under these URLs:

  • (redirects to /corporate)

Configuring the Ingress Builder

The operator supports two different schemes for mapping live URLs to CAE URIs: the default blueprint scheme (the default Link Building Scheme in the CAE, see above), and onlylang. You configure the ingress builder by setting the application property cmcc.ingressbuilder, for example by adding the CMCC_INGRESSBUILDER environment variable to the deployment resource of the operator.

The onlylang ingress builder maps hostnames of the form countrysite/lang to URIs of the form sitesegment-lang -locale. Consider these siteMappings:

  - hostname:
    primarySegment: corporate-de-de
  - hostname:
    primarySegment: corporate-en-ca
      - corporate-fr-ca

This will create ingresses for:

  • redirects to /de/
  • maps to corporate-de-de
  • redirects to /en
  • maps to corporate-en-ca
  • maps to corporate-en-fr

Note You will need to your own code in the CAE to have it generate links in this form.


components specifies a list of CoreMedia components and their parameters. The only required parameter is type, which specifies the type of component, and for some component types, kind as a sub-type.

Property Type Default Description
type String Required type of the component
kind String Sub-type, required for some component types
name String type The name of the component and the resources created for it. Defaults to a type-specific name, typically the type itself
image object Specification of the Docker Image to use for the main container of the main pod of the component
image.registry String coremedia Docker Image Registry to pull images from
image.repository String see description Docker Image Repository to pull images from. Default is type-specific based on the standard blueprint image names.
image.tag String latest Docker Image Tag to pull images from
image.pullPolicy String IfNotPresent default imagePullPolicy
milestone enum DatabaseReady Milestone that has to be reached before this component gets created.
env list of EnvVar Additional environment variables to be made available to the containers
args list of String Args for the main container of the main pod. Defaults to unset, using the default from the image.
schemas map The name of the JDBC, MongoDB, and/or UAPI schemas that should be used for this component. Overrides the built-in default for the component.

You can set the milestone Never to define but disable a component.

Component blob-server

CoreMedia can make use of an external storage for blobs (images, videos, etc.), and add only references to those blobs during content import, instead of importing the data itself. Enabling this option will bring up a blob HTTP server, and configure the import job to use the appropriate settings. This is particularly useful for the CoreMedia-provided demo content. The blob server needs to have all blobs already available to it; serverimport will not upload the blobs to the server.

The default image for this component is blob-server. You can override the default image by declaring the component:

    - type: "blob-server"
        repository: coremedia-blobs
        tag: "2201.1"

See for an example on how to create a suitable Docker image.

Component content-feeder

The Content Feeder application.

The Solr collection is studio.

Component cae

The CAE type has two kinds: preview and live. The default image as well as the name are cae-preview and cae-live , respectively.

The Solr collection is preview and live, respectively.

Component cae-feeder

The CAE Feeder type has two kinds: preview and live. The default image as well as the name are cae-feeder-preview and cae-feeder-live, respectively.

The database schema and username defaults to caefeeder and mcaefeeder, respectively.

The Solr collection is preview and live, respectively.

Component content-server

The Content Server type has three kinds: cms, mls, and rls, for the three kinds of Content Servers that can be configured in CoreMedia system.

The default name depends on the kind: content-management-server for a cms, master-live-server for an mls, and replication-live-server for an rls. Note that if you need to configure multiple RLS, you will need to specify names yourself.

The database names are management, master, and replication.

Component overview

A static web page exposed through an ingress as overview. The operator creates an /info.json file and adds a static HTML page that shows an overview of the externally accessible components. This allows users to quickly locate the correct links to the Studio, the preview and the live sites.

The following files are included by default:

File Description
index.html The main overview page. Includes client-side JS to render info.js
info.json See below. Can not be overridden.
handlebars.js The Handlebars template library
overview.css Default styles

The info.json contains these fields:

Field Description
comment The comment from the spec.
name The name of the custom resource.
prefix The defaults.namePrefix from the spec.
previewUrl The URL of the preview as a fully-qualified name.
siteMappings The siteMappings from the spec, with the fqdn filled in.
studioUrl The URL of the Studio as a fully-qualified name.

Customizing the Overview Page

You can customize the overview page by configuring the extra entry on the overview component to override existing files and add additional ones:

  - type: overview
      overview.css: >
        body: { font-family: 'Comic Sans'; }
        .logo { background: url(/logo.svg);
      logo.svg: |

Component elastic-worker

The Elastic Worker application.

Component mongodb

If with.databases is enabled, the operator creates a MongoDB instance and the necessary secrets for the components to access it.

Component mysql

If with.databases is enabled, the operator creates a MySQL instance and the necessary secrets for the components to access it.

Component nginx

Runs an NGINX web server image, for example, to make static files available within the cluster. The server is expected to run on port 80; the environment variable NGINX_PORT is set to enable that.

Component solr

The Solr component creates one or more Solr instances, controlled by the extra.replicas property. With extra.replicas=1, a single Solr leader instance is created. With extra.replicas=2 or higher, one or more follower instances are created that replicate the leader automatically.

The operator will automatically create the cores in the followers, but executing the core admin API request, as documented in the Search Manual.

Component studio-client

The Studio single-page app.

Component studio-server

The Studio server app; includes the ingresses needed to access the Studio.

The database schema and username is edcom.

The Solr collection is studio.

Component management-tools

A Kubernetes Job running the management-tools image. You can configure these properties:

Property Type Default Description
args list of Strings "" List of the entrypoint scripts to be run to import things. Defaults to a list suitable to either local import (when importJob.pvc is set) or a remote download otherwise
env list of EnvVars Additional environment variables to be added to the management-tools container
importJob.blobServer boolean false Configure a blob server component
importJob.contentUsersAuth object Secret reference for authentication for downloading the
importJob.contentUsersAuth.password String password secret key for the password
importJob.contentUsersAuth.secret String "" name of the secret
importJob.contentUsersAuth.username String username secret key for the username
importJob.contentUsersUrl string "" URL of the to be imported, used by use-remote-content-archive
importJob.forceContentImport boolean false force re-import of content and users
importJob.forceThemeImport boolean false force re-import of themes
importJob.pvc string "" Volume containing and, used by unpack-content-users-frontend
importJob.themesAuth object Secret reference for authentication for downloading the
importJob.themesAuth.password String password secret key for the password
importJob.themesAuth.secret String "" name of the secret
importJob.themesAuth.username String username secret key for the username
importJob.themesUrl string "" URL of the to be imported, used by import-themes

The milestone property determines at which milestone a configured job will be started. After the job has completed, the milestone will be advanced.

Component user-changes

The User Changes application.

Component workflow-server

The Workflow Server application.

The Solr collection is studio.