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UbxLogger Software Manual

Hans van der Marel, TU Delft, September, 2024.

What is UbxLogger?

UbxLogger is a suite of shell scripts and executables for logging data from a U-blox ZED-F9P low cost GNSS receiver on OpenWrt routers and Single Board Computers such as the Raspberry Pi.

Some of the things you can do with UbxLogger are

  • Log data from one or more U-blox ZED-F9P receivers to a micro SD card, USB stick and/or disk partition
  • Compress the data and save to an archive directory
  • Optionally push the compressed data to a remote server over the Internet (requires LAN, WAN or 4-G connectivity)
  • Optionally convert the data to RINEX version 3 files, at a selectable sample rate and interval, compress using Hatanaka compression and gzip, archive and/or push to a remote server.
  • Start on (re)boot, monitoring and restart

You have have the choice to create compressed RINEX files on OpenWrt or SBC and push the RINEX to the remote server, and/or push ubx rawdata files to the remote server and convert to RINEX on the remote server. To transfer the compressed RINEX files, especially at a lower sample rate, requires only a fraction of the bandwith compared to ubx. A single receiver can produce up to 4 GB/Month of compressed raw ubx data if only raw measurements are stored (UBX-RXM-RAWX records). If also navigation data is stored (UBX-RXM-RAWX + UBX-RXM-SFRBX records) the number increases to 6 GB/Month. The RINEX data, at 10 sec sample rate, only takes less than 200 MB/month.

UbxLogger scripts

UbxLogger is written entirely as shell scripts. No Python, Perl, or other tools are required, except for a few RTKLIB (4,5,6) and optionally RNXCMP (3) binaries. This is to reduce memory usage so that it will run on OpenWrt routers with limited flash, ROM and RAM memory, while simultaneously be able to run it on more powerfull single board computers (SBC) like the Raspberry Pi.

The scripts have been written with BusyBox in mind. BusyBox is a software suite that provides several Unix utilities in a single executable file. It runs in a variety of POSIX environments such as Linux, Android,and FreeBSD, compatible to theash shell. It was specifically created for embedded operating systems with very limited resources and is used also OpenWrt. The scripts also run on the more powerful bash shell used by for instance the Raspberry Pi and many other Linuxes.

In the background str2str from RTKLIB (4,5) is used to capture data from the receiver. This can be imported as extension package in OpenWrt (6). If not available for your system, it can be cross-compiled on a Linux desktop using the OpenWrt developer suite and RTKLIB source code. On the Raspberry Pi you can natively compile str2str with gcc from the RTKLIB source code.

For the optional conversion to RINEX the convbin console app from RTKLIB (4,5) and rnx2crx from Yuki Hatanaka (3) are needed. These can be compiled natively on the Raspberry Pi, or cross-compiled using the OpenWrt developer package. It is also possible to convert the data to RINEX on an upstream server, desktop or laptop using the same tools.

Main scripts

Start, stop, check, restart and status of the ubxlogd (str2str) deamon. The syntax is:

./ [start|stop|check|restart|status] 'identifier'
./ status
./ubxlogd -h

This can be used from the command line and/or crontab to start or stop the logging, to restart logging (stop followed by start) or check if the deamon is logging and if necessary start the deamon again to resume logging. All these commands, except check, provide output to the console and a log file called 'identifier'.log in the log/ directory. check only enters an entry in the log file when a restart was necessary.

The command ./ status 'identifier' only writes to the console. It does not put anything in the log file. It is intended to be used from the command line to inspect the status of the deamon. It can be used with and without optional 'identifier'.

The 'identifier' is the name of the stream. It is usually the same as the 9 character RINEX-3 station name SITEMRCCC, with SITE a four letter sitename, followed by two digits MR for the monument and receiver number, and country code CCC. Other naming conventions are also possible, as long as the total length does not exceed 9 characters, and you don't use _ or - in the name, as _ is reserved for separating fields in the RINEX name, nor can we use - as this is very awkward for shell scripting.

The raw ubx data is written to hourly files in the run/ directory following the RINEX3 naming convention, with ubx as file extension (instead of rnx) and 'identifier' as station name. The starttime in the file name is usually the round hour, except after a start or restart of the deamon (the starttime then reflects the actual startime).

Push compressed hourly ubx files to the data archive and upload to an upstream server. The syntax is:

./ 'identifier'
./ -h

This command looks in the run/ directory for any files starting with 'identifier' that are not actively written to (e.g. from the previous hours and days), then uses gzip to compress the data, optionally upload it to an upstream server, and on success move the files to the archive directory data/ where the data is stored in daily subdirectories data/YYYY/DDD/ with 'YYYY' the year and 'DDD' the day of the year.

If the ubxfile upload does not succeed, the compressed files remain in the run/ directory, and the script will attempt to upload them the next time it is invoked.

If RINEX file conversion is selected in the configuration file, then the uncompressed ubx files are also copied into the spool/ directory to be converted to RINEX later using the script.

Create compressed daily RINEX version 3 files hourly and upload to an upstream server. The syntax is:

./ 'identifier'
./ -h

This command looks in the spool/ directory for all ubx files, starting with 'identifier', from previous days, converts the hourly ubx files from the same day to a single daily RINEX version 3 observation file (and navigation file when broadcast message data is stored in the ubx), compress using Hatanaka compression and gzip, and then upload it to an upstream server. On success, the RINEX files are moved to the archive directory data/ where the data is stored in daily subdirectories data/YYYY/DDD/ with 'YYYY' the year and 'DDD' the day of the year.

If the RINEX file upload does not succeed, the RINEX files remain in the spool/ directory, and the script will attempt to upload them the next time it is invoked.

Purge archived ubx data files whenever the current disk usage exceeds a selectable percentage and if necessary rotate the log files. The syntax is

./ -h

The script does two things.

First, if the current diks usage exceeds a selectable percentate max_disk_usage=95, data in the data/ directory is purged by deleting some of the oldest data. The amount of data that is deleted depends several parameters. The number of days that are deleted deleted is between min_days_to_delete=3 and max_days_to_delete=7, but always making sure to keep at least min_days_to_keep=30 of the most recent data. Also, the scripts stops deleting data, within the above parameters, as soon as the disk usage drops below max_disk_usage=95.

Secondly, if the size on any log file exceeds max_logfile_size=512k, the file is renamed inserting the current date and then compressed, while a new log file is started.

The values given in the parameters are hardwired at the beginning of the script. They can be changed using an editor.

Show the values of the configuration file, tty device and port numbers. The syntax is

./ ['identifier']

The script shows the directory locations and remote upload server(s) that have been set in the configuration file.

The device name (ttyACM0, ttyACM1, ..) is assigned more or less randomly by the OS to each receiver. When the optional 'identifier' parameter is given, this script - like ubxlogd does - resolves the randomly assigned device name for the receiver with 'identifier' from the USB port number.

The USB port number is set in the configuration file. Make sure that - in case of multiple receivers - each receiver is connected to the port given in the configuration file.

Configuration file

All setting are done in the configuration file ubxlogger.config that can be found in the same directory as the scripts.

The configuration file consists of several parts

  1. Program paths and os dependent commands
  2. Directory paths
  3. USB port number (device path) assigned to each receiver
  4. Remote upload base url and authorization for curl
  5. Function to return tty device name (e.g. /dev/ttyACM0) for USB port number

Most things are already preset correctly for the default installation. The bits that most certainly need tweaking are the USB port number assignment and the parameters for the remote upload server.

The USB port number assignment is covered in a separate section.

The remote upload locations are given in the $remoteubx and $remoternx variables for respectively ubx and RINEX files. These variables can contain other variables, like \$year and \$doy, to specify a dynamic path. If $remoteubx= is empty, no ubx data will pushed to a remote server, but will be archived in the archive directory data/. If $remoternx= is empty, no RINEX conversion will be done, and no RINEX data will be pushed to a remote server.

RINEX conversion scripts (local and server side)

Create hourly RINEX3 file(s) from ubx file(s). The syntax is

ubx2hourlyrnx [-c 'identifier'.cfg] [-z] ubxfile(s)
ubx2hourlyrnx -h

For the script to work the file(s) with ubx data must adhere to the RINEX3 standard [path/]site9char_?_yeardoyhhmm_##D_##S_MO.ubx[.gz].

Hourly RINEX3 file(s) are created in the current directory for each of the input file(s). With the option -z the output files will be Hatanaka and gzip compressed. Any files in the current directory will be overwritten.

If more than one input file is given (wildcards are allowed) then the script calls itself recursively to complete the task. For every input file, one output rinex file is created. The output filename is not changed, except for the extension ubx, which will be changes into rnx or crx.

The script trims each output RINEX file to start exactly at xx:00:00 (if possible) and stop at xx:59:59 (if possible), ignoring ubx data before and after the hour. This is done because ubx files created by str2str use a 30 second overlap to accommodate for errors in system time.

The marker name and number in the RINEX files are the same as the station name in the filename. The receiver and antenna type, serial numbers, receiver version, operator and agency name can be set in a configuration file with the -c 'identifier'.cfg option. The configuration file contains command line options which will be passed to convbin.

Create a single daily RINEX3 file from multiple ubx files. The syntax is:

ubx2dailyrnx [-c 'identifier'.cfg] [-i ] [-z] ubxfiles
ubx2dailyrnx -h

For the script to work the file(s) with ubx data must adhere to the RINEX3 standard [path/]site9char_?_yeardoyhhmm_##D_##S_MO.ubx[.gz].

The input ubx files must all be for the same station, the same day and have the same compression state. If these conditions are not met, the script will raise an error and stop.

Daily RINEX3 files are created in the current directory. The default interval is 10 sec, this can be changed with the -i option. If the option -z is given the output files will be Hatanaka and gzip compressed. Any files in the current directory will be overwritten.

The script trims each output RINEX file to start exactly at 00:00:00 (if possible) and stop before or at 23:59:59 (if possible), ignoring ubx data before and after the day. Also, overlapping data between hours, is removed. This is done because hourly ubx files created by str2str use a 30 second overlap to accommodate for errors in system time.

The marker name and number in the RINEX files are the same as the station name in the filename. The receiver and antenna type, serial numbers, receiver version, operator and agency name can be set in a configuration file with the -c 'identifier'.cfg option. The configuration file contains command line options which will be passed to convbin.

Directory structure

The default directory stucture for UbxLogger is

   |- bin
   +- data
   |   |- year
   |   |    |- doy
   |   |    v
   |   v
   |- docs
   |- log
   |- run
   |- scripts
   +- spool
   |   |- yeardoy
   |   v
   +- sys
       |- openwrt-mips
       +- raspberry-pi

The scripts and configuration file can be found in scripts/.

The directories bin/, log/, run/, spool/ and data/ are initially empty. The run/ directory will hold only data files that are actively written to, or are waiting to be pushed to the data archive data/ and/or upstream remote server. The directory log/ will hold the log files, data/ is where the compressed data goes after a succesful upload and spool/ is the directory that will hold ubx data that will be converted to RINEX at the end of the day. The spool/ directory has subdirectories yeardoy that contain the year and day of year number. These subdirectories are purged after a succesful conversion to RINEX. The data/ directory has two levels of subdirectories, one for the year, the second for the day number of the year. The data in data/ is stored indefinitely until it is purged by the script.

The bin/ directory is only populated upon install with symbolic links to the scripts and the proper executables (if needed), copied from sys/'os'/.

The directory sys/ contains all the system related stuff, organized in subdirectories for the different computer architectures and platforms.

The default directory structure can be changed in the configuration file.

File naming convention

All data files follow the RINEX3 file naming convention


All elements are fixed length and are separated by an underscore "_" except for the file type (ubx, rnx or crx) and optional compression field (.gz) that use a period "." as a separator. The individual elements are:

Station/project name SITE9CHAR : This is a 9 character station or project name. The IGS convention is to use XXXXMRCCC with XXXX 4 characters for the site/station, two digits MR to indicate the monument respectively receiver number, and the ISO country code CCC, but this is not mandatory for other projects. This element is also used as UbxLogger stream/receiver identifier 'identifier'.

Data source R : This is R if the data is collected at the receiver, as is the case in ours. Can also be S when the data is captured from a stream.

Start time YYYYDDDHHMM : The start time is the file start time. This should coincide with the first observation in the file. The start time consists of the 4 decimal year YYYY, day of year number DDD, hour HH and minute MM.

File period FFU : Is used to specify the data collection period of the file, with FF two decimals and U the unit ([S|M|H|D] for resp. second, minute, hour and day). Typical values are 01H for hourly files and 01D for daily files.

Data interval/frequency DDU : Used for files with observation data to specify the data interval, with DD two decimals and U the unit (see also above). Typical values are 01S, 10S and 30S for respectively 1, 10 and 30 second intervals.

Data type and format {MO|MN}.{ubx|rnx|crx}[.gz] : Data type is either MO mixed observation or MN mixed navigation. The format is either raw U-blox data ubx, RINEX rnx, or Hatanaka compressed RINEX observation files crx. The optionally .gz indicates that the files are compressed using gzip. Note that for ubx data files the type is always MO for observation data, also when it contains navigation data besides observation data.

It is standard to archive the files in a layered directory structure ./YYYY/DDD/ with YYYY the year and DDD the day number of the year.

USB port number assignment

The device name (ttyACM0, ttyACM1, ..), which is needed by ubxlogd, is assigned more or less randomly for each receiver. This is becomes a problem in case two or more U-blox receivers are used, which is the device used for each receiver? We have to find out.

A particular problem for the U-blox receivers is that the 'idVendor' and 'idProduct' for all ZED-F9P is the same (idVendor=0x1546, idProduct=0x01a9), and that there is no serial id that otherwise can be used to distinquish between receivers.

The only option we have, is to always use the same USB port for a receiver, and distinquish between receivers using the USB device path.

The device path must then be specified in the configuration file for each receiver. An example for setting the device paths in the configuration file is given below:


The identifier (e.g. ZVTS00NLD) must preceeded by devpath_, the value is the USB device part (think of this a kind of port number) with variable name ${devpath}.

These settings are used by a function 'get_dev', also defined in the configuration file, which uses the instrument identifier ${identifier} variable (e.g. "ZVTS00NLD") to find the corresponding device path, set ${devpath} (e.g. "1.3.1"), and then resolve the device name (e.g. ttyACM0) and return this in the variable ${dev}.

The logic is to look for the USB device path ${devpath} in the system directory /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-${devpath}:1.0/tty), which points to the tty device ${dev} (e.g. ttyACM0) that is used for the USB serial device.

The value of ${devpath} must be set in devpath_${instrument}=${devpath}, e.g. devpath_ZVTS00NLD=1.3.1. The actual value, in our case '1.3.1', depends on the USB port that we are using. In this case it is the second port on a USB hub which itself has device path '1.3'. The actual numbers are different for each system.

There are several ways to find out the device number used by a USB port.

  1. Use the command lssub -t and make note of the sequence of port numbers, or,
  2. Use the command dmesg and look for newly added usb devices. Make note of the string usb 1-#.#[.#[.#]]:. The #.#[.#[.#]] part is the device path.

Execute these commands before and after connecting each device, seeing the changes helps to identify the device.

Typical data storage and transmission volume

gzip compressed ubx data

Under normal (full-sky) tracking conditions the typical amount ubx data that is collected, after compression with gzip, is

Hour 4.2 MB 5.7 MB
Day 100 MB 138 MB
Month 3.0 GB 4.1 GB
Year 36 GB 49 GB

This is the amount of data that needs to be transmitted and stored.

Storing only UBX-RXM-RAWX data for a single receiver will fill up a 128 GB micro SD card in about 3 years, and requires a 4-5 GB data subscription with your telecom provider.

As the navigation data (broadcast data messages send by the satellites) is the same for all stations it does not make sense to store this for every station. It is also possible to retrieve this data from the Internet. The only downside of not storing navigation data is that upon conversion to RINEX the approximate coordinates of the station cannot be computed by convbin, thus the approximate position must be set in the configuration file or else the approximate position in the RINEX file will consist of zeros.

It is not recommended to reduce the data volume by reducing the data rate (currently 1 Hz) at the receiver. If the data rate is lowered at the receiver, e.g. to 10 seconds, the data is samples every 10 seconds using an arbitray start time. There is no guarantee that this then includes the whole minute, and when processing data from multiple receivers, there is no guarantee anymore that each samples the data at the same time.

Hatanaka and gzipped RINEX version 3 files

Hatanaka compressed and gzipped RINEX version3 files tend to be smaller than u-blox raw data files. When the sample rate is further reduced to e.g. 10 seconds, the file sizes are only a fraction of the raw ubx data.

intv crx.gz
Hour 1 sec 2 MB
Day 10 sec 4.5 MB
Month 10 sec 140 MB
Year 10 sec 1.6 GB

Compressed navigation files are typically 300 KB per day.

Storing and transmitting compressed RINEX 3 data at 10 second sample rate takes only 1/20 - 1/30 of the data volume of raw ubx data.

RINEX file generation on OpenWrt

Router in general are not designed for heavy computational processing. It is therefore no surprise that the conversion of ubx to RINEX on OpenWrt router is not very fast. Some timing results, on a GL-iNet X750 OpenWrt router, for creating and transfering daily 10 sec RINEX file are

convbin 3 min 9 min
rnx2crx 25 sec 25 sec
gzip 64 sec 69 sec
transfer 8 sec 9 sec

The data transfer (for which the router is build) is the fastest. The conversion itself takes 3 minutes and also gzip is not very fast. If also SFRBX data (navigation message data) is stored the conversion time is tripled. This is another reason not to store navigation data, which is the same for every receiver, and obtain this data from another source.

Further reading

1. H. van der Marel (2024), UbxLogger Hardware Manual, TU Delft, September 2024.
2. H. van der Marel (2024), UbxLogger GL-iNet Installation Guide, TU Delft, September 2024.


3 Hatanaka, Y. (2008), A Compression Format and Tools for GNSS Observation Data, Bulletin of the Geospatioal Information Authority of Japan, 55, 21-30. (available at
4 T.Takasu (2020), RTKLIB: An Open Source Program Package for GNSS Positioning,
5 rtklibexplorer (2024), RTKLIB Demo 5 (b34k), GitHub repository. (available at
6 Nuno Goncalves (2022), RTKLIB 2.4.3_b34 OpenWrt package,