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Synthtax - a small music programming language

Synthtax is a small, typed, imperative music programming language designed for creating and manipulating sound. This minimal language is able to supports some programming constructs such as loops, conditionals, and function calls. Synthtax provides a mechanism to generate and modify sound, specifically, oscillators and ADSR.

At first the language is implemented as a C++ transpiler using the C++ programming language and ANTLR. The newer version can generate LLVM IR rather than C++ code.

I initially developed Synthtax as my final project in Synthesizer course in university. It helped me put into practice some digital signal processing concepts that I learned in the course, and also learn more about compilers, even though more on compilers :) Now, by extending the compiler to generate LLVM IR, I am able to deepen my understanding of IR and backend code generation.

Table of Contents



Grammar and Syntax

Synthtax has a relatively simple grammar and syntax. Here are some of the key features of the language:


Type Description
void C++ equivalent: void
int C++ equivalent: int
float C++ equivalent: float
char C++ equivalent: char
Rule: '\'' [a-zA-Z_.] '\''
string C++ equivalent: std::string
Rule: '"' [a-zA-Z_0-9.]* '"'
osc Oscillator object
env ADSR object


Declaring a variable is similar to C++

Identifier rule: [a-zA-Z_]+


int a = 2;
float b = 3.5;
string c = "hello";
osc d = Osc("sine", 440.0, 1.0, 1.0);


Print an expression with print and println


print "hello";
print (2 + 3);
println 'a';


Functions are defined with return type, followed by the function name, and parameters if any.


int add(a: int, b: int) {
  return a + b;


There are if and else only.


if (2 < 3) {
  print "yes";
} else {
  print "no";


Loop with while


int i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
  i = i + 1;
println i;


Create an oscillator

Create an oscillator with type osc and the Osc() function.


osc Osc(type: string, frequency: float, amplitude: float)
osc Osc(type: string, frequency: float, amplitude: float, duration: float)
osc Osc(type: string, frequency: float, amplitude: float, duration: float, sound: std::vector<float>)

An Osc() function accepts one of the 3 types: sine, triangle, sawtooth


 osc a = Osc("sine", 440.0, 1.0, 1.0);

Write an oscillator to a .wav file

Use write() function to write an oscillator to a .wav file.


write(oscillator: osc, outfile: string, duration: float); // write an oscillator with a duration
write(oscillator: osc, outfile: string); // write an oscillator without a duration, default 1s


osc s = Osc("sine", 440.0, 1.0);
write(s, "sine440.wav", 2.0);


Add, subtract, and multiply 2 oscillators. Return a new oscillator with a duration that equals to the longer one.


osc a = Osc("sine", 440.0, 1.0, 1.0);
osc b = Osc("sine", 220.0, 0.8, 1.5);
osc c = a + b; // additive synth
osc d = a - b; // subtractive synth
osc e = a * b; // multiplicative synth


Create an ADSR

Create an ADSR with type env and the ADSR() function.


env ADSR(); // default
env ADSR(decay_time: float, sustain_time: float, release_time: float, sustain_level=0.8: float); // attack always starts at 0s


env envDefault = ADSR();

attack starts at 0s
decay starts at 1.0s
sustain starts at 2.5s at default amplitude
release starts at 5.0s
env envParams = ADSR(1.0, 2.5, 5.0);

attack starts at 0s
decay starts at 3.0s
sustain starts at 5.5s at 0.7 amplitude
release starts at 6.0s
env envLevel = ADSR(3.0, 5.5, 6.0, 0.7);

Apply an ADSR to an oscillator

Apply an ADSR to an oscillator with the apply() function. Return a new oscillator.


osc apply(envelop: env, oscillator: osc)


osc a = Osc("sine", 440.0, 1.0, 7.5);
env envDefault = ADSR();
osc oscDefault = apply(envDefault, a);


Write the block between the 2 keywords @header and @end_header verbatim at the beginning of the transpilled file. This allows the user to use some functions in their header files, define some data types or macros.


#include <math.h>
#include "myadd.h"
using namespace std;

int main() {
  int a = myadd_func(2, 3); // from myadd.h
  int b = max(a, 6); // from std library
  println b;


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NOTE:: If you want to compile LLVM from source, then follow this documentation

How to build and run

  1. ./ : generate lexer, parser, visitor classes
  2. cmake -S ./ -B build : create build
  3. cd build; make : compile and link
  4. ./synthtax -h : run help menu
-i: input file path
-o: output file path
-m: (optional) mode "cpp" for transpiling to C++ or "ll" for generating LLVM IR. Default is "cpp"


./synthtax -i ../test/ -o ../out.cpp -m cpp

Compile outfile.cpp with your favourite C++ compiler. If you have write_to_file() function in output.cpp (i.e., if you want to write to a .wav file), you need to add -lsndfile flag to link with the libsndfile library. I will figure out how to link libsndfile in CMake in the future (probably include this cmake folder)


g++ output.cpp -lsndfile

How Synthtax works

At first I attempted to write a lexer and a parser from scratch. Then I quit after spending several days debugging, and switched to ANTLR instead. ANTLR is a great tool to create a parse tree without too much effort, even though I had lots of ups and downs with it.

ANTLR is made up of two main parts: the tool and the runtime. The tool consists of Java and an ANTLR .jar file, which is included in the project. There is a different runtime for every target language. Since the target language is C++, C++ runtime library is needed to generate the lexer and parser code. To use the newly generated clases, they need to be compiled and linked against the C++ runtime library. Building a C++ project on different platforms can be quite complicated. Thankfully, the official ANTLR repository provides an Antlr4Cpp external project, which aids the integration process.

To use ANTLR, I need to input my grammar for the Synthtax language (i.e., SynthtaxLexer.g4 and SynthtaxParser.g4). Then ANTLR will produce a parser class and a standard base visitor class. To do code generation, I just need to implement the Visitor class (i.e., Visitor.h).

For now, an audio is written to a .wav file using libsndfile library. Implementation for Synthtax built-in functions such as Oscillator and ADSR can be found in the include folder. These objects are transpilled as smart pointer objects because their memory can be deallocated automatically, and I don't have to keep track of which objects are created and add some delete statements.

What was learned

  • How to design a programming language
  • How hard it is to write a lexer and parser from scratch
  • How to write a proper ANTLR grammar
  • How to intergrate the C++ runtime
  • How to generate C++ code with the parse tree
  • How to properly link libraries and header files in CMake
  • How static typed and dynamic typed language can be transpiled
  • A bit of RTAudio and libsndfile
  • LLVM library
  • Project structure, documentation, a better software engineer

Future Development

Synthtax is a small language and it does not support many programming constructs. In the future, I will expand its capabilities such as adding arrays, and some digital processing concepts such as frequency modulation, filters, and getting MIDI input.


  1. build files for many platforms


  1. Antlr4 for C++ blog
  3. Getting Started with ANTLR in C++
  4. Demo application for the ANTLR4 C++ target
  5. ANTLR Based Transpiler