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Using Your Model/2 bis – Revisited, Part 2

by Joshua Bell

"A simple computer program could use this information to produce Aslan words..." – Alien Module 1: Aslan

Welcome back! This is Part 2 of a series of articles intended to (re)introduce players to the pleasure of creating and sharing useful software tools, much as the creators of Traveller did while inventing the game. We’ve replaced floppy disks and BASIC with the Internet and JavaScript, but the fun is still there. It’s never been easier, let’s dive in.

Last time, I promised to revisit the basic Traveller Sector Generator from Challenge #25. I remember dutifully entering that listing into my Apple... and then spending hours trying to track down the inevitable typos! This time around we’ll skip most of the typing, thanks to the wonders of the Internet. The sample code for this article can be downloaded from:

The focus of this article will be how to understand, adapt, modify, and combine existing scripts to do new things.

Word Generation

The creators of Traveller were enthusiastic about creating algorithms for many tasks. A prime example of this was the word generation rules that were printed in the Classic Traveller Alien Modules. The algorithm for each language followed this pattern:

  • Determine the number of syllables in a word (1D)
  • For each syllable, determine the type - Vowel (V), Consonant-Vowel (CV), Vowel-Consonant (VC) or Consonant-Vowel-Consonant (CVC). Make two 1D rolls to look up the type from a 6x6 table. The table to use depends on the previous syllable.
  • For each consonant or vowel, roll 1D to pick from one of six tables, then roll 1D twice more to pick the phoneme from the resulting 6x6 table.

Each language also had one or two specific rules to filter these choices, such as "a single letter vowel can never be followed directly by the same single letter vowel." The straightforward nature of the algorithm meant that it was easily implemented on personal computers of the day using built-in languages like BASIC - GDW even sold WordGen for the Apple II as a play aid. But is also an excellent candidate for beginning programmers to implement today, using a Web browser, HTML and JavaScript.

In the previous article, all of the program logic and display were present in one file. This time, the reusable logic is stored in a JavaScript file (wordgen.js) and the page-specific display code is stored in the HTML file (wordgen.html). Let’s look at the JavaScript file first.

To keep things tidy, all of the program data is held inside a Languages object. An object, or collection of named values, can be created and populated using the notation var myobject = { key1: member1, key2: member2, ... }; or by creating an empty object var myobject = {}; and then adding to it: myobject.key = member; Keys are strings, and members can be of any data type – numbers, strings, true or false, arrays (like lists) or even other objects. You can get data out of an object by writing myobject["key"] or myobject.key – the latter form is typically used if you know the key name when writing the code.

The syllable and letter frequencies for each language are stored in objects as well, added to the Languages object. Each language object has members named basicSyllables, alternateSyllables, initialConsonants, vowels, and finalConsonants. The value for each of these members is an array of pairs of symbol and frequency. A special member called nextSyllable is an object which "maps" from the name of the last syllable type to the name of the next syllable table to use. Since each language has slightly different rules, some languages have additional members. For example, a member called reductionRules allows sequences such as "SHSH" to be reduced to "SH" in Vilani and the unpronounceable "NCHCHT" to "NCH" in Zhodani.

The rest of the sample is the code to operate on these functions. It starts off with a basic roll1D() utility function, then a generic selectByFreq() function that takes an array of pairs and selects a random member. The last utility function pickAndFilter() handles special rules found in languages that forbid certain syllables or phonemes from following each other – it "re-rolls" selectByFreq() until it gets an acceptable answer. The function must be given a filter function to use, which comes from the language definition itself.

The final function is generateWord() which implements the overall algorithm. It takes a language object, rolls 1D to get the syllables, determines each syllable, and picks the phonemes, implementing filtering where required by each language. One common JavaScript pattern that you will see here is if( lang.someFunction && lang.someFunction(…) ) { ... } – this does nothing if a given language doesn’t have someFunction defined, and allows language definitions to be as compact as possible.

The HTML file includes the JavaScript file with the line:

 <script src="wordgen.js"></script>

This is followed by the script which generates five random words in each language and adds them to the page. Press the "Refresh" button in your Web browser to keep making new words.

Sector Generation

Another frequently printed and updated algorithm was world generation, originally described in Classic Traveller Book 3: Worlds and Adventures, updated in Book 6: Scouts, and tweaked and modified by practically every Traveller edition since. Marc Miller wrote a basic sector generator printed in Challenge #25, and a much more advanced and interactive generator was published in the next issue that handled varying stellar density and allegiances across a sector, and even Zhodani relay station placement. We’ll stick to adapting the simpler sector generator for this article. Once again, the reusable logic is stored in a JavaScript file (sectorgen.js) and the page-specific display code is stored in the HTML file (sectorgen.html).

Basic world generation is much more straightforward than word generation. Each world starts off as an empty object. Then each digit of the UWP is determined through a combination of die rolls and modifiers based on previous results, and assigned to the world object. Finally, trade codes are determined. This is done in the generateWorld() function, which closely follows the Applesoft BASIC code presented in Challenge #25, with a few bug fixes introduced to and changes to conform to Book 6.

A makeUWP() function is used to convert a world object into a UWP row that might be found printed in a sector data listing, using Traveller's special form of "hexadecimal". This is unfortunately just as inelegant in JavaScript as in BASIC; unlike practically every other programming language developed in the last 30 years, neither JavaScript nor BASIC has good string formatting utilities built in!

Finally, the generateSector() function is used to fill a whole sector’s worth of parsecs with worlds. The HTML page simply includes the JavaScript file, calls this function, and adds the results to the page – a new sector each time the page is loaded!

Using Your Model/2 Blender

Now that we have a way to generate both words and worlds, let’s put them together.

First, modify the source to the sector generator HTML page to include the word generator script – add the first script tag above the second near the top of the file:

 <script src="wordgen.js"></script>
 <script src="sectorgen.js"></script>

Then, modify the sector generator script to call into the word generator script to create a name for each world. Near the top of the file, add a function to capitalize the names:

function capitalize(word) {
 return word.replace(/^\w/,
   function(a) { return a.toUpperCase();

Just after the world object is created in generateWorld(), generate the name:

 var world = {}; = capitalize(generateWord(Languages.Vilani)); // Add this line

Finally, change the UWP generation script to include the name:

 var uwp = "";
 uwp += ljust(, 22, " "); // Add this line

Now, refresh the page and make sure it works. (The sectorgen2.js and sectorgen2.html files are the "after" versions, if you want to verify your changes.) Since it is only the basic sector generator, all worlds are generated with Imperial allegiance and therefore Vilani names are used. A more advanced generator would allow interactive specifications of allegiances, implement allegiance-specific world generation rules, include use a map from allegiances to languages, and use appropriate languages to generate the names for each world.