- Records TTL
- CNAME vs Alias
- Routing Policies
- Configuring Amazon Route 53 to route traffic to an S3 Bucket
- Domain Name System which translates the human friendly hostnames into the machine IP addresses.
- www.google.com =>
- TTL - Time to live
- High TTL - e.g. 24 hr
- less traffic on Route 53
- Possibly outdated records
- Low TTL - e.g. 60s
- More traffic on Route 53 ($$)
- Records are outdated for less time
- Easy to change records
- Except for Alias records, TTL is mandatory for each DNS record
- AWS resources (Load Balancer, CLoudFront..) expose an AWS hostname:
- lb l-1234.us-east-2.elb.amazonaws.com and you want myapp.mydomain.com
- Points a hostname to any other hostname (app.domain.com => blabla.anything.com)
- ONLY FOR NON ROOT DOMAIN (aka, something.mydomain.com)
- Alias:
- Points a hostname to an AWS Resource (app.mydomain.com => blabla.amazonaws.com)
- WORKS for ROOT DOMAIN and NON ROOT DOMAIN (aka, mydomain.com)
- Free of charge
- Native health check
- Control the % of the requests that go to each specific resource.
- Assign each record a relative weight
- $ \text traffic {(%)} = {\displaystyle \text {weight for a specific record } \over \displaystyle \text {sum of all the weights for all records }} $
- weights don't need to be sum upto 100
- DNS records must have the same name and type
- Can be associated with Health Checks
- Use cases: load balancing between regions, testing new application versions
- Redirect to the resource that has the least latency close to us
- Super helpful when latency for users is a priority
- Latency is based on traffic between users and AWS Regions
- Germany users may be directed to the US (if that's the lowest latency)
- Can be associated with Health Checks (has a failover capability)
Route traffic to your resources based on the location of users and resources
Ability to shift more traffic to resources based on the defined bias
To change the size of the geographic region, specify bias values:
- To expand (1 to 99)- more traffic to the resource
- To shrink (-1 to 99)- less traffic to the resource
Resources can be:
- AWS resources (specify AWS region)
- Non-AWS resources (specify Latitude and Longitude)
You must use Route 53 Traffic Flow to use this feature
- An S3 bucket that is configured to host a static website
- You can route traffic for a domain and its subdomains, such as example.com and www.example.com to a single bucket.
- Choose the bucket that has the same name that you specified for Record name
- The name of the bucket is the same as the name of the record that you are creating
- The bucket is configured as a website endpoint