Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) are best when they are specific, measurable, actionable, relevant, timely (SMART).
This page has OKR examples that are good in our experience. Use these as you like.
If you have ideas for more, or constructive advice, or want to share your firsthand experience, then please send feedback.
Growth examples:
Improve {topic} by {x%} during {timeframe}. Measure by {metric}.
Increase {value} from {x} to {y} by {date}. Measure by {metric}.
Grow {amount} by {n} steps by {deadline}. Measure by {metric}.
Scoreboard examples:
Boost {topic} score by {x%} during {timeframe}. Score by {metric}.
Raise rating of {topic} from {x} to {y} by {date}. Score by {metric}.
Achieve {n} points by {deadline}. Score by {metric}.
Capability examples:
Run {process} for {purpose} during {timeframe}. Track by {metric}.
Launch {feature} for {benefit} on {date}. Track by {metric}.
Complete {task} for {initative} by {deadline}. Track by {metric}.
Singular examples:
Evaluate {choices} for {purpose} during {timeframe} and choose the result. Confirm by {metric}.
Present {topic} to {stakeholders} on {date} with the goal of {outcome}. Confirm by {metric}.
Get {item} for {reason} by {deadline}. Confirm by {metric}.
People examples:
Interview {n} customers about {purpose} during {timeframe} and report results. Quantify by {metric}.
Ensure {n} partners are coming to {event} on {date}. Quantify by {metric}.
Manage {n} employees to accomplish {task} by {deadline}. Quantify by {metric}.
Process examples:
Achieve lead time of {duration} during {timeframe}. Time by {metric}.
Firedrill time to restore {n} times on {date}. Time by {metric}.
Accelerate service rate from {x} to {y} by {deadline}. Time by {metric}.
Objective: Increase customer satisfaction by +10% during this quarter; measure by Net Promoter Score.
Key results:
Send email survey of Net Promoter Score (NPS) to selected customers, at the start of the quarter, and at the end of the quarter. Report results to stakeholders, using an abstract, highlights, and data.
Interview 3 customers who recently joined, 3 customers who are longstanding, and 3 customers who recently churned. Get NPS scores. Report results as above.
Create an action plan of potential improvements, and present the plan to stakeholders. Choose improvements to do, do them, and track progress with the organization's project management tools. Report results as above.
Objective: Validate product-market fit for our B2B SaaS solution; validate by checklist of key results.
Key results:
Analyze Prospect Interviews: 70% of interviews confirm significant problem.
Measure Solution Interest: 60% of prospects express strong interest in solution.
Validate Differentiation: 50% of prospects prefer our solution over alternatives.
Assess Pricing Acceptance: 40% of prospects indicate willingness to pay target price.
Secure Interest: 3+ prospects commit to beta testing.
Secure Intents: 3+ prospects commit to buying, by providing card or PO or LOI for credibility.
Note: For B2B, consider 10 prospects. For B2C, 10x the number of participants, and -20% all the rates.