Thank you for considering contributing to All-Url-Uploader! We appreciate any help that you can provide, whether it's reporting a bug, proposing a feature, or submitting code changes.
If you encounter a problem while using All-Url-Uploader, please create a new issue in our GitHub repository. Please be as descriptive as possible when reporting the issue, including steps to reproduce the problem, screenshots if applicable, and any error messages that you received.
If you have an idea for a new feature that you would like to see added to All-Url-Uploader, please create a new issue in our GitHub repository. Please describe the feature in as much detail as possible, including any relevant use cases or examples.
We welcome contributions of code to All-Url-Uploader! If you would like to submit a code change, please follow these steps:
Fork the repository on GitHub
Clone your fork to your local machine
Create a new branch for your changes
Make your changes and commit them
Push your changes to your fork on GitHub
Create a pull request in our repository
Please ensure that your code follows our code style guidelines and that you have added appropriate tests for any new functionality.
All contributors to All-Url-Uploader are expected to follow our code of conduct. Please review it before contributing.
We hope that you find contributing to All-Url-Uploader to be a positive experience! If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.