Catppuccin-themed Hyprland configuration with a lot more time spent on it since it's my current daily driver. There are basic dotfiles and then some aconfmgr config thrown in for deploying a system. (WIP and not tested thoroughly)
Create system links from ~/.local files to their /usr/local paths
sudo ln -s ~/.local/bin/ /usr/local/bin/ sudo ln -s ~/.local/bin/ /usr/local/bin sudo ln -s ~/.local/bin/hyprland_cleanup_after_startup.s /usr/local/bin sudo ln -s ~/.local/bin/ /usr/local/bin
Install application dependencies
# core
yay -Sy --needed hyprland-nvidia-git waybar-hyprland-git xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland-git swaync-git wlogout rofi-lbonn-wayland-git swayidle swaylock-effects-git hyprpaper-git blueman network-manager-applet polkit-kde-agent gnome-keyring
# theme
yay -Sy --needed kvantum qt5ct qt6ct
# convenience
yay -Sy --needed find-the-command cliphist firefox-developer-edition
# media
yay -Sy --needed thunar spotify playerctl wireplumber swayimg hyprpicker-git wf-recorder grim