You can use either podman-compose or docker-compose for this step
NOTE: Podman might not work on Mac's
pip3 install docker-compose
To get latest podman-compose features we need, use this installation command
pip3 install
Scenario Types:
- pod-scenarios
- node-scenarios
- zone-outages
- time-scenarios
- cerberus
- cluster-shutdown
- container-scenarios
- node-cpu-hog
- node-io-hog
- node-memory-hog
- application-outages
Create folder with scenario name
Create generic scenario template with enviornment variables
a. See scenario.yaml for example
b. Almost all parameters should be set using a variable (these will be set in the file or through the command line environment variables)
Add defaults for any environment variables in an "" file
a. See for example
Create script to chaos scenario a. See for example
b. edit line 16 with your scenario yaml template
c. edit line 17 and 23 with your yaml config location
Create Dockerfile template
a. See dockerfile for example
b. Lines to edit
i. 15: replace "application-outages" with your folder name ii. 17: replace "application-outages" with your folder name iii. 19: replace "application-outages" with your folder name and config file name
Add service/scenario to docker-compose.yaml file following syntax of other services
Point the dockerfile parameter in your docker-compose to the Dockerfile file in your new folder
Update this doc and main README with new scenario type
Add CI test for new scenario
a. See for example
b. Lines to change
i. 14 and 31: Give a new function name ii. 19: Give it a meaningful container name iii. Edit line 20 to give scenario type defined in docker-compose file
c. Add test name to all_tests file
- If you added any variables or new sections be sure to update config.yaml.template
- Similar to above, also add the default parameter values to
- Run to get Dockerfiles for each scenario
- Edit the docker-compose.yaml file to point to your repository (optional)
- Build your image(s) from base kraken-hub directory
Builds all images in docker-compose file
docker-compose build
Builds single image defined by service/scenario name
docker-compose build <scenario_type>
Builds all images in podman-compose file
podman-compose build
Builds single image defined by service/scenario name
podman-compose build <scenario_type>
All Images
docker image push --all-tags<username>/kraken-hub
Single image
docker image push<username>/kraken-hub:<scenario_type>
Single Image (have to go one by one to push images through podman)
podman image push<username>/kraken-hub:<scenario_type>
docker run -d -v <kube_config_path>:/root/.kube/config:Z<username>/kraken-hub:<scenario_type>
podman run -d -v <kube_config_path>:/root/.kube/config:Z<username>/kraken-hub:<scenario_type>
Once all you're happy with your changes, follow the contribution guide on how to create your own branch and squash your commits