The following prerequisites apply to all migrations:
ISO images and CD-ROMs are unmounted.
Each NIC contains either an IPv4 address or an IPv6 address, although a NIC may use both.
The operating system of each VM is certified and supported as a guest operating system for conversions.
You can check that the operating system is supported by referring to the table in Converting virtual machines from other hypervisors to KVM with virt-v2v. See the columns of the table that refer to RHEL 8 hosts and RHEL 9 hosts. |
VMs that you want to migrate with MTV 2.6.z run on RHEL 8.
VMs that you want to migrate with MTV 2.7.z run on RHEL 9.
The name of a VM must not contain a period (
). {project-first} changes any period in a VM name to a dash (-
). -
The name of a VM must not be the same as any other VM in the {virt} environment.
Note{project-full} automatically assigns a new name to a VM that does not comply with the rules.
{project-full} makes the following changes when it automatically generates a new VM name:
Excluded characters are removed.
Uppercase letters are switched to lowercase letters.
Any underscore (
) is changed to a dash (-
This feature allows a migration to proceed smoothly even if someone enters a VM name that does not follow the rules.