- Files Description
- Classes
- Classes Documentation
|__ index.html
|__ Draw.js
|__ BlockDraw.js
|__ MonsterDraw.js
- /index.html: a display example of the
. - /lib/Draw.js: draw the course into an HTML Canvas element.
- /lib/BlockDraw.js: draw the block objects.
- /lib/MonsterDraw.js: draw the monster objects.
- Draw: main class.
- BlockDraw: draw the block objects.
- MonsterDraw: draw the monster objects.
This class draw the course into an HTML Canvas element.
@arg {String} _element HTML element
@arg {Integer} _course Course data
@arg {Integer} _objects Course objects
@arg {Integer} _sizeBase Objects size
@method Draw::_init()
// Init the (HTML) Canvas Element
@access private
@return {null}
@method Draw::_drawBackground(_X, _Y)
// Draw the background
@arg {Integer} _x Width block counting
@arg {Integer} _Y Height block counting
@access private
@return {null}
@method Draw::_drawObjects(_objects)
// Draw the objects
@arg {Array[Object]} _objects Course objects
@access private
@return {null}
@method Draw::_drawText(_x, _y, text)
// Draw a text
@arg {Integer} _x X-axis position
@arg {Integer} _y Y-axis position
@arg {Integer} text Text
@access private
@return {null}
@method Draw::_drawObjectFromTheme(_theme, courseObject)
// Draw a object from a theme
@arg {Object} _theme BlockDraw, or MonsterDraw
@arg {Object} courseObject CourseObject
@access private
@return {null}
@method Draw::_drawObjectFromTheme(_objectPaint)
// Draw a object from a theme
@arg {Object} _objectPaint Object characteristics
@access private
@return {null}
This class draw the blocks from /layout/draw/titleset/.
@var {String} _gameMode Game mode
@var {String} _gameTheme Game theme
@var {Object} _defitions Block draw definitions
@method BlockDraw::getTheme()
// Return the theme image
@access public
@return {HTML Element}
@method BlockDraw::getThemeSize()
// Return the theme size
@access public
@return {Integer}
@method BlockDraw::getDef(_type)
// Return the block definitions
@arg {Integer} _type Object type
@access public
@return {Object}
@method BlockDraw::hasDraw(_type)
// Check if this type has a draw
@arg {Integer} _type Object type
@access public
@return {Object}
@method BlockDraw::_autoComplete3x4(tt, limit)
// Complete tt for extend objects
@arg {Object} tt Templates position
@arg {Integer} limit How many positions?
@access private
@return {Object}
@method BlockDraw::_extend3x4objects(x, y, width, height, ttInit)
// Auxiliar function to extend objects
@arg {Integer} x X-axis position
@arg {Integer} y Y-axis position
@arg {Integer} width Object width
@arg {Integer} height Object height
@arg {Object} ttInit Templates position
@access private
@return {Array[Object]}
This class draw the monsters from /layout/draw/monster/.
@var {String} _gameMode Game mode
@var {String} _gameTheme Game theme
@var {Object} _defitions Monster draw definitions
@method MonsterDraw::getTheme()
// Return the theme image
@access public
@return {HTML Element}
@method MonsterDraw::getThemeSize()
// Return the theme size
@access public
@return {Integer}
@method MonsterDraw::getDef(_type)
// Return the monster definitions
@arg {Integer} _type Object type
@access public
@return {Object}
@method MonsterDraw::hasDraw(_type)
// Check if this type has a draw
@arg {Integer} _type Object type
@access public
@return {Object}
@method MonsterDraw::_extendForObjects(extend, weight, height, xT, yT, x, y)
// Auxiliar function to extend objects
@arg {Object} extend Object extend
@arg {Integer} width Object width
@arg {Integer} height Object height
@arg {Integer} xT Theme x-axis position
@arg {Integer} yT Theme y-axis position
@arg {Integer} x X-axis position addition
@arg {Integer} y Y-axis position addition
@access private
@return {Array[Object]}
- Create by Leonardo Mauro ~ leomaurodesenv
- GitHub: smm-course-viewer