[mocha] = mocha_build_profiles(month,xcoords,ycoords)
[mocha] = mocha_build_profiles(month,xcoords,ycoords,zgrid)
[mocha] = mocha_build_profiles(month,xcoords,ycoords)
builds a unform struct, mocha
of profiles from the MOCHA Mid-Atlantic Bight climatology, pulling profiles nearest to coordinates specified by xcoords
and ycoords
. The calendar month is specified by month
[mocha] = mocha_build_profiles(month,xcoords,ycoords,zgrid)
depth-interpolates the profiles to a vertical grid of zgrid
, in meters. zgrid=2
would produce profiles interpolated to 2 meter vertical grid.
and ycoords
are vectors of coordinates. Rows or columns are fine, and both -180/180 or 0/360 notation are fine.
is an integer between 1 (January) and 12 (December).
% Setup nctoolbox:
% Plot surface temperature:
month = 10; % Month (1 through 12).
depth = 0;
variable = 'temperature'; % 'temperature' 'salinity'
region = [34 42 -80 -70]; % [30 48 -80 -58]
% Click stations on the plot to create a coordinate list:
[xcoords,ycoords] = transect_select('densify',10); % click desired transect on the figure, densify selection by 10x
% Build a uniform struct of profiles:
zgrid = 1; % vertical grid for linear interpolation in meters
[mocha] = mocha_build_profiles(month,xcoords,ycoords,zgrid); % zgrid optional, no interpolation if unspecified
% Make plots:
bathymetry_dir = '/Users/lnferris/Documents/data/bathymetry/topo_20.1.nc';