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File metadata and controls

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Contributing Guide

##Quick start

Get the code

git clone
cd Paranormal
git submodule update --init --recursive

Make changes, (with tests when appropriate).

Ensure the tests pass via


Submit a pull request and we will merge it in!

Looking for something to work on? Check out our issues.

##Architecture Paranormal has been developed to specifically enable additions and modifications. Bellow is a summary of aspects of our codebase.

###Graphical User Interface Paranormal uses Interface Builder for all GUI based elements. The main application window can can be found in Application.xib. It is controlled by WindowController.swift. Subviews are then inserted into this view inside the controller.

When adding a new interface, create a xib, create a ViewController subclass for it, and then insert it into a parent view from the parent view's ViewController. See PannelsViewController.swift for an example.

###Document Paranormal uses CoreData as well as AppKit's NSPersistedDocument to manage open files. See Document.swift for Paranormals document subclass.

Unlike traditional Document based applications, Paranormal is only able to have one window open at a time due to limitations of Cocos2D. Paranormal uses a DocumentController subclass to manage this.

###Layers Internally, all of paranormals tools and operations are implemented as layer combinations. The Layer class is the CoreData model that manages one layer. A layer contains other layers, thus forming a tree. The root node for the document can be found on the current instance of Document.

Layer's have a few key properties, bellow is a summary:

  • Layer.imageData : NSData? which contains the TIFFRepresentation of an NSImage
  • Layer.parent : Layer? Layer's parent
  • Layer.children : [Layer?] Layer's children
  • Layer.blendMode : BlendMode Enum value that indicates how the layer will be combined with other layers.

###BlendModes Blend modes determine how layers are combined. They act similarly to Photoshop's blend modes but are more general. Paranormal supports a number of blend modes. The complete list can be found in the BlendFilters folder.

These modes can be thought of functions that takes in two input images, and outputs a result image. For speed, they are implemented as GLSL shaders that are run on the gpu via GPUImage. The shaders can be found in the GPUImageShaders folder.

###Tools Tools in our application are the main way to interact with areas of a normal map. All tools share a similar interface defined by the EditorActiveTool protocol. BrushTool's Implement this protocol.

BrushTool's are tools that would be most similar to brushes in applications such as Photoshop. On mouse down, BrushTool's create a new layer and start laying down paint on that layer. On mouse up, the layer gets collapsed on to the previous layer via a blend mode. How the layers are combined are the heart of individual tools behavior.

As an example, the FlattenTool sets the temporary edit layer's blend mode to Flatten as its entire implementation. When these layers get rendered and combined, a BlendFilter which is created for the given blend mode in Layer.filterForBlendMode(blend: BlendMode) -> BlendFilter function. For the flatten tool, this filter is called BlendFlattenFilter. This filter tells GPUImage that the fragment shader to be used is BlendFlatten.fsh. This shader is where the actual flattening logic exists.

##Tests Paranormal strives to have an extensive test base. To make testing easier and more descriptive, we use Quick, a swift testing framework. When adding new features or fixing bugs, it is encouraged to include tests. The test suite can be run from within the as well as through

Before submitting a pull request, run as it does extra checks to ensure consistent code style.

##Questions? TODO link to some form to ask and answer questions.