To save time on future installs, you can backup HMA's config and restore it after a clean ROM flash or post factory reset
- From the main HMA screen scroll down if need be (due to ad placement) and tap Backup.
- Locate where you want to save the HMA_Config.json (prenamed) file and then tap Save.
- Copy HMA_Config.json off device for safe keeping.
Copy HMA_Config.json onto device if needed.
Run through the setup as above until you reach the main HMA window at the Configure HMA stage.
From the main HMA screen scroll down if need be (due to ad placement) and tap Restore.
Locate where you stored the HMA_Config.json (prenamed) file and then tap Restore.
If using Blacklist mode:
- If you rename (hide) the Magisk Manager app (and you should), you will need to add the (new) renamed Magisk Manager's app to the root blacklist template after restoring the HMA config.
- From the main HMA screen, tap Manage Template.
- Tap root template.
- Tap Edit List (the first one) to the right of X Apps Invisible.
- Scroll to find your renamed Magisk Managers app and select it.
Tap the back navigation key, swipe back or tap the back arrow in top left to return to main HMA screen.
Close out from HMA.
Reboot your device to activate HMA and the configuration you just restored.
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Install LSPosed - Install HMA - Compare HMA Blacklist vs Whitelist Modes - Configure Blacklist Mode - Configure Whitelist Mode - Hide from Store - Testing HMA