Abfallentsorgung Kreis Kassel is supported by the generic ICS source. For all available configuration options, please refer to the source description.
- Go to https://www.abfall-kreis-kassel.de/abfallkalender and select your location.
- Click on
Dateien und App
expand. - Click on
ICS - Kalender importieren
- Click once on the
Datei herunterladen
button you do not need to save the file, but the link of the button changes after the click. - Right click on
Datei herunterladen
and copy the link address. - Replace the
in the example configuration with this link.
- name: ics
url: https://webapp.abfall-kreis-kassel.de/abfallkalender?no_cache=1&tx_abfallkalender_pi2%5Baction%5D=ical&tx_abfallkalender_pi2%5Bcontroller%5D=Export&cHash=b75e567196581fb1832c0a09b943f2bc&tx_abfallkalender_pi2%5Bcalendar%5D=585&tx_abfallkalender_pi2%5Bfractions%5D=2,6,4,1,7,3,5&tx_abfallkalender_pi2%5Breminder%5D=undefined