Common used DB's are (install to your needs):
- SQLite: sqlite3 (mostly included in modern python versions)
- MySQL (MariaDB): pymysql
- Postgres: psycopg2
# common
python3 -m pip install cython
# example for MySQL/MariaDB usage
python3 -m pip install PyMySQL
# example for Postgres (may not succeed -> read docs/
python3 -m pip install psycopg2
# common
python3 -m pip install peewee
If using a Linux standard directory structure, you may consider creating the directory /var/lib/wireguard/. And set the database to this directory. The connect Parameters specify the pragmas.
You need to create the database and access rights, the tables will be created automatically.
/* MariaDB Example - ATT: Use your own names here! */
CREATE USER wguser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'yourpassword';
GRANT ALL privileges ON wgdb.* TO wguser@localhost;
If this is your default database, the corresponding /etc/wireguard/wireguard.yaml section should look like (changes only):
adapter: mysql
database: wgdb
user: wguser
password: yourpassword
If mysql is not set within 'defaults' section, you have to pass the parameter to DBconfig().read():
from wireguard_db.models.config import DBConfig
# set config
setup = DBConfig().read(config_adapter='mysql')
# set dbconfig and connect
NOTE: It's not recommended expanding the base table with fields not defined within the tables model.
Better you create your own table and set a foreign key for the id field to add what you need to your table. If you insist on adding fields, do not start the field name with 'wg_', these are used for configuration and can be disruptive. Also, either set a default value or allow NULL otherwise things will break.
To use psycopg2 you should have postgresql installed:
apt install postgresql
If you trust your local computer and users:
- Change within: /etc/postgresql/12/main/pg_hba.conf
# Database administrative login by Unix domain socket
local all postgres trust
- Run as postgres user:
sudo -iu postgres
createuser wgdb with encrypted password '***'
create database wgdb;
grant all privileges on database wgdb to wgdb;
- Install the required python module for postgresql within your project:
apt install python3-dev libpq-dev
pip3 install psycopg2